DAVID MARCUS: The January 6th committee was destroyed by a single cable news segment

Over the course of two years, hundreds of witness interviews, and 10 highly choreographed public hearings, Democrats in Congress sought to create a carefully constructed story of the January 6th Capitol Hill riots.

How fitting that such an extravagant outlay of government resources would be thrown on the trash heap by a single cable news segment.

On Monday night, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson played never-before-seen footage of the Capitol riot. The closed-circuit security tape appears to show the notorious, so-called QAnon Shaman (a.k.a. Jacob Chansley) being led through the halls of Congress by police.

The video has no audio, so we can’t hear what the police told Chansley. But we can see with our own eyes – Chansley didn’t overpower anyone.

In fact, it looks like Capitol Police willingly guided him, shirtless and adorned in horns, into the Senate chamber for his infamous photo-op.

So, for all the effort and expense poured into the January 6th committee, why is America only seeing this footage now?

The answer is obvious. It didn’t fit the Democrats’ narrative, so it was left out.

Democrats, aided by two virulently anti-Trump Republicans, sought to portray January 6th as an insurrection – inspired, led, and directed by Donald Trump.

They recruited a former top news executive to build the drama. Democrat-allied media compelled millions of Americans to watch. And it all cost the U.S. taxpayer more than $3.3 million dollars. 

But it was easily undermined because it was all so obviously, blatantly disingenuous.

Democrats, aided by two virulently anti-Trump Republicans, sought to portray January 6th as an insurrection – inspired, led, and directed by Donald Trump.

The closed-circuit security tape appears to show the notorious, so-called QAnon Shaman (a.k.a. Jacob Chansley) being lead through the halls of Congress by police.

The closed-circuit security tape appears to show the notorious, so-called QAnon Shaman (a.k.a. Jacob Chansley) being lead through the halls of Congress by police.

They couldn’t release video of the QAnon Shaman wandering through the Capitol building, taking selfies and walking past police because it muddies the narrative. And as a result, in all their maneuvering and selective editing and faux outrage, the January 6th committee failed.

Every sane, patriotic Republican looks at the January 6th riots with disgust. Those who committed violence and criminal acts should be prosecuted. And they have been. But conservatives and free-thinking Americans alike also recognize what happened here.

Trump’s detractors in Congress and in the media wanted to point at him, scream bogeyman, excise him from American political life and return to business as usual. That’s convenient for them, but insufficient for the rest of us.

Rage in the United States is not just a Trump problem – it’s an American problem. And it’s about time the partisan media and political establishment recognizes it as such.

This week 23 members of Antifa were arrested and charged with domestic terrorism for a violent attack on a police training facility in Atlanta.

Predictably, the New York Times reported it like this: ‘Protesters Damage Property at Site of Planned Police Center in Atlanta?’

‘Protesters’? ‘Damage property’?

Nearly two dozen people have been charged with domestic terrorism for attacking police with rocks, bricks and Molotov cocktails.

Police called the incident ‘a coordinated attack.’ Atlanta’s mayor called it ‘domestic terrorism.’ And the New York Times calls them ‘protesters.’

This week 23 members of Antifa were arrested and charged with domestic terrorism for a violent attack on a police training facility in Atlanta.

This week 23 members of Antifa were arrested and charged with domestic terrorism for a violent attack on a police training facility in Atlanta.

Nearly two dozen people have been charged with domestic terrorism for attacking police with rocks, bricks and Molotov cocktails.

Nearly two dozen people have been charged with domestic terrorism for attacking police with rocks, bricks and Molotov cocktails. 

How else to explain this glaring media double-standard then to conclude that despite the left’s handwringing over the January 6th riots, they accept some violence.

For years Antifa, which absurdly fancies themselves ‘anti-fascists,’ have burned police stations, attacked journalists, and built squalid, crime-ridden autonomous encampments in our cities. But unlike the Capitol rioters, the media and political class have made excuses for them.

Remember when Chris Cuomo, then of CNN, compared Antifa to the troops that stormed Normandy on D-Day? ‘I argue to you tonight all punches are not equal, morally,’ he said in 2018, as Americans clashed in the streets. ‘When someone comes to call out bigots and it gets hot, even physical, are they equally wrong as the bigot they’re fighting? I argue no.’

Remember when Democratic Congressman Jerry Nadler, no less than the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, dismissed Antifa violence in Portland as a ‘myth’ even after they firebombed federal officers and buildings in 2020?

The American left has a troubling history of looking the other way when there are acts of violence that they deem righteous.

Murderous members of the Weather Underground are celebrated professors today. Cop killers like Mumia Abu Jamal and criminals like Angela Davis are quasi heroes.

In January, one Antifa member was revealed to be the transgender son of Democratic House Whip Katherine Clark. The younger Clark was arrested for graffitiing anti-police slogans on public property. One cop was left bleeding as an Antifa gang tried to stop the arrest.

In fact, it looks like Capitol Police willingly guided him, shirtless and adorned in horns, into to the Senate chamber for his infamous photo-op.

In fact, it looks like Capitol Police willingly guided him, shirtless and adorned in horns, into to the Senate chamber for his infamous photo-op.

In Atlanta, one of the Antifa terrorist agitators arrested was Thomas Webb Jurgens, who is an attorney for the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center. The irony would be delicious if it wasn’t so dangerous. The SPLC claims its primary mission is to fight against domestic terrorism, and here one of its own is allegedly assaulting hard-working police.

The sad fact of the matter is that Antifa on the left and the Proud Boys on the right are cut from the same cloth. Both groups are disaffected, mostly white, young people, disenchanted by America, who are seeking to burn its current iteration down to the ground.

No political committee can heal this gaping wound in the American soul. 

Democrats thought they could tie a pretty bow around the Capitol riots and blame it on their political opponents – but the reality is far more difficult to confront.

I thank Speaker McCarthy and Tucker Carlson for exposing the shallow, self-serving purpose of the January 6th committee.

And I suggest a new starting point in the fight against extremism – treat all political violence the same and address it. But please spare us the Congressional theatrics – you’re not fooling anyone.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk