Dean’s parents made a truly disturbing discovery on his phone after he tragically drowned aged 25. After years of ‘hell’, justice has finally been served

Dean Gray is pictured with his mother, Cherina Gray, in 2013 – the year he started having sex with his teacher

The family of a young dad who was groomed by his high school teacher when he was a teenager before his tragic death aged 25 are finally tasting justice.

Dean Gray, from Narrabri in northern NSW, was 17 and in his final year of high school in 2013 when he started having sex with his teacher, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

Eight years later, in October 2021, Dean had a promising career in mining and was engaged to Taylor Baxter, the mother of his young sons, when he dislocated his shoulder and drowned in the Namoi River on a boys camping trip.

His family have fought for action to be taken against the teacher, but police said the complaint could not progress because the victim was dead. 

More than 10 years after Dean and the teacher’s sexual relationship began, she was finally sacked this week.

She was stood down from her role last year and has now been dismissed by the NSW Department of Education, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. She has also been placed on a not-to-be-employed list.

Dean’s mum Cherina Gray said: ‘I think this is a good outcome – completely appropriate and that she is not to be re-employed. That’s a victory for Dean.’

Dad Rob Gray said it was ‘a bit of justice for Dean’, but added: ‘It’s been hell for the family since 2016. And it’s been extremely hard on the family.

‘It has been a huge rollercoaster ride for us all – we have had our downs. We felt like the police had let us down regarding the evidence we handed to them.’ 

Dean Gray was engaged to Taylor Baxter (pictured together) when he drowned on a camping trip

Dean Gray was engaged to Taylor Baxter (pictured together) when he drowned on a camping trip

It was only after Dean’s death that his parents Rob and Cherina started going through his phone and found up to 6,000 Facebook messages between him and the teacher – sent between April and July 2013.

The texts – obtained by Daily Mail Australia – showed the pair enthusiastically talked about their exploits throughout the course of their three-month relationship, speaking about sexual stamina, performance, and reflecting on their encounters.

However, a disturbing exchange with a close friend showed Dean’s true feelings about the situation – he appeared to struggle with the nature of the relationship, and warned against getting ‘tied up with her’.

It can also be revealed the Grays and Ms Baxter’s family have been at war since the tragedy – trying to slap each other with restraining orders, arguing over his estate, demanding paternity tests, and publicly slamming one another online. 

Dean and a close friend were talking about the teacher in 2015, when he suddenly divulged how he really felt about the situation (pictured)

Dean and a close friend were talking about the teacher in 2015, when he suddenly divulged how he really felt about the situation (pictured)

In a Facebook conversation in 2015, Dean and his friend were talking about the teacher when he suddenly said: ‘She’s an arrogant old w**** who thinks she’s gods gift.’

‘Like, whenever I f***ed her, she always tried to make it all passionate and slow like it was some love-making session.

‘She’s deep, dark and twisted dude, trust me, you do not want to get tied up with her.

‘Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.’

His parents found out about the relationship from another member of the family the following year, in 2016, but Dean didn’t want to make a formal complaint and pulled away from his family when they tried to encourage him to do so.

Since his death, Ms Gray has been pushing for an investigation into the teacher because ‘I don’t want this to happen to anyone else’.

But his fiancée, Ms Baxter, told Daily Mail Australia ‘that’s not what he would want.’

‘He didn’t want this, and I want to respect his wishes,’ she said.

‘He was 25 when he died and he didn’t want to make a complaint then, and that’s old enough to make a decision.’

Dean Gray (pictured) died on a camping trip when he dislocated his shoulder

Dean Gray (pictured) died on a camping trip when he dislocated his shoulder 

The family division appears to have started just after Dean’s death in 2021 after a friend set up a Go Fund Me campaign to raise money to help Ms Baxter with ‘funeral arrangements and other financial issues’.

There were disagreements over who should pay for the funeral, headstone, and over his estate.

Ms Baxter then tried to take out an apprehended violence order against Ms Gray in January this year, but it was dismissed.

In March, Ms Gray tried to take out an apprehended violence order against Ms Baxter’s mother Kelita – but that was dismissed. 

Ms Gray and Kelita Baxter have signed undertakings and agreed not to harass each other. 

Despite the undertaking, Ms Baxter said Ms Gray has continued to name her on Facebook and make complaints about her to other people – and Ms Gray says the same thing about Kelita. 

Earlier this year, family blocked Dean’s mother from his Facebook page – which is still active, despite his death – and started calling Ms Gray ‘crazy’, and falsely accusing her of taking drugs.

Mx Baxter said she blocked Ms Gray from the page because she kept sharing his cover photo, which showed her young son. 

Ms Baxter’s mother Kelita Baxter said she did not want to comment on the matter due to a ‘police investigation’.

The situation left both sides of the family in distress, and communicating through police and lawyers.

Ms Gray said she has not been allowed to see her grandchildren in about a year, and says she wants proof that Dean is the youngest boy’s father.

Ms Baxter firmly rejected the notion that her one-year-old has a different father.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the NSW Department of Education said the investigation into the teacher had been reopened, based on fresh evidence provided in April.

‘The Department’s Professional and Ethical Standards Directorate resumed its investigation into the new evidence in April this year after receiving police clearance to do so,’ they said.

‘A final decision will made shortly.’

The teacher, who had been promoted at another school since Dean’s abuse, was removed from face-to-face contact with children within 48 hours of the evidence being recieved.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted the teacher for comment. 

Dean Gray is pictured on the fatal camping trip, in the clothes he was wearing when he died

Dean Gray is pictured on the fatal camping trip, in the clothes he was wearing when he died
