Debunking 6 myths about blended learningĀ 

The best of both worlds is what blended learning has to offer you. Traditional learning systems had disadvantages like a lack of monitoring progress, tracking reports, analytical features, rigidity, and higher cost.

But it also had fantastic benefits like one-on-one attention, building confidence to speak up, teamwork, interpersonal skills, social interaction, thinking on feet, and much more.

The popularity of eLearning increased during covid-19 since it made distance learning a breeze.

eLearning started gaining prominence later since it offered convenience. It was convenient, efficient, and cheaper. It gave managers tools to monitor and analyze the performance. With eLearning, employees could do the training anywhere and at any time.

They were given access to advanced features like gamification, online community, and instant notification. No matter how fantastic eLearning is, it still has some drawbacks. To name a few, there is a lack of interaction, socialization, one-on-one training, and more.

Blended learning, on the other hand, welcomes any learning method that makes learning easy and effective. It includes traditional classroom sessions, virtual classrooms, online resources, webinars, and simulations.

Blended learning brings all the advantages of traditional learning and eLearning under one roof to give a flawless learning experience.

There are some things that need to be clarified about blended learning. You might have probably heard a few myths about blended learning. These myths are a result of incorrect and incomplete information.

It’s time we understand what blended learning is and isn’t by debunking some popular myths about blended learning.

Myth 1: It Is Way More Expensive Than Traditional Learning

This myth is far from the truth. Here are some expenses you must pay for using traditional classroom learning.

  • Rent of the venue
  • Preparing the venue
  • Fess of the instructor
  • Stationery for the learners
  • Refreshments and water for all attendees
  • Traveling expenses
  • Paying employees’ salaries without getting any work done.

Modern blended learning programs can eliminate most of these expenses except for the instructor’s fees.

Blended learning is relatively cheaper if you use LMSs for eLearning. The cost might rise if you have any special requirements like simulations, but it is still less than classroom-style training.

Myth 2: There Is Only One Way Of Implementing Blended Learning

There are many existing models to implement blended learning in your corporate training program. You can even come up with your own model that suits the needs of your company and employees.

Here are three well-known models you can try using for your corporate training.

Face-to-face driver model – The trainer directs the lesson plan, delivering the majority of the material live in class while enhancing the learning with technological resources.

Flipped model – In order to ensure retention, training is typically conducted in live classes with assignments or tasks related to the material covered. The flipped learning approach turns the entire system on its head.

The topic is introduced to the students at home and then thoroughly explored in class.

Flex model – Most of the course is offered virtually using pre-recorded videos or documents, and instructors are on hand to assist. As a result, employees are not restricted to specific training schedules and can learn whenever they wish.

This is an ideal model for employees with hectic schedules.

Myth 3: Blended Learning Leads To Isolation

Many individuals think that because blended learning incorporates a lot of self-paced online learning, there will be little socialization among the learners, and they will remain isolated.

The reality is that contrary to the belief, the blended learning strategy takes into account students’ various learning styles and behaviors. While some students like engagement, others find it to be a burden.

With the blended learning strategy, both of their demands are met. Additionally, with an LMS, you can conduct a variety of collaborative assignments and build communities that promote interaction and engagement.

Myth 4: You Cannot Personalize Blended Learning

Personalization is one of the things people consider when developing their training courses. Using the latest learning technologies like LMS can easily make your training program entirely personalized for each learner.

As far as the offline or live-class aspect of blended learning, you can have your instructor do one-on-one sessions instead of group sessions. It all comes down to how you design your blended learning course.

Myth 5: You Need Tech-Savvy Learners To Use Blended Learning

Blended learning involves quite a bit of technology. Some people believe that training online would require the employees to have a lot of knowledge and familiarity with technology. The fact is learning technologies are fairly easy to use for kids as well as adults.

Even if you have never used an LMS, you can still comfortably get training from it. Most popular LMSs have a user-friendly interface, making it easier for people to navigate the course, complete it, submit assignments, etc.

Moreover, a good LMS vendor has a strong customer service team which helps managers to understand how to update the course, track progress, monitor performance, etc.

Myth 6: Blended Learning Doesn’t Need Any Instructors

I am trying to figure out where this myth came from. Blended learning is not here to replace the instructors. Instructors are needed even to design completely on-demand training as well.

Blended learning is only partially on-demand. We do need an instructor to take live sessions, assist the learners, assess the assignments, update the course, and many other things.

Bottom Line

I hope bursting these myths gave you a clearer picture of what blended learning is and what it isn’t. There is no fixed rule when it comes to a corporate training program; something that works for you might not work for the other company.

A great way to implement blended learning is by talking to your employees. Get their feedback on whether they want to spend more time in a live class or prefer on-demand. Think about your budget, and plan a blended learning program that is beneficial to you and your employees.