Deja vu! Justin Trudeau meets SECOND female PM at Downing Street

When Justin Trudeau walked up to the famous Downing Street door and was greeted by Theresa May yesterday he could have been forgiven a sense of deja vu.

The Canadian leader had been welcomed to No10 by another female PM more than three decades ago – when he accompanied his father on an official visit to Margaret Thatcher.

The June 1980 encounter between Mrs Thatcher and Mr Trudeau – aged eight at the time – was captured for posterity by cameras.

He was with his father Pierre, who was serving as the PM of Canada, and also met the Queen.

Mr Trudeau, now 46, has been on a charm offensive during his latest visit to the UK for a Commonwealth summit.

Prime Minister Theresa May greets Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as he arrives in Downing Street ahead of bilateral talks during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

The June 1980 encounter between Margaret Thatcher (left) and Justin Trudeau - pictured centre and aged eight at the time - was captured for posterity by photographers

The June 1980 encounter between Margaret Thatcher (left) and Justin Trudeau – pictured centre and aged eight at the time – was captured for posterity by photographers

Mr Trudeau was with his father Pierre (pictured right), who was serving as the PM of Canada, and also met the Queen

Mr Trudeau was with his father Pierre (pictured right), who was serving as the PM of Canada, and also met the Queen

He kicked off the trip yesterday with a visit to City Hall, where he met London Mayor Sadiq Khan and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern for talks.

The trio discussed gender equality and issues facing the younger generation, in an event marking 100 years since British women secured the vote.  

Mr Trudeau told an audience at City Hall that he is raising his daughter to believe she can achieve anything, with no barriers in her way, but added it is also important for his sons to be brought up as feminists as well.

‘If you think about it, we are in a situation where men are unfairly given more opportunities, more power and more weight to what they say and do because we have an imbalance in our society,’ he added.

‘Well, the men have to be encouraged and brought along and use that extra power and weight we give them to be part of making equality happen, to be part of the solution.’ 

Mr Trudeau appeared to strike up a ‘bromance’ with Mr Khan, posing happily for selfies.  

Then he was photographed Mrs May on the steps of No10 and in the garden before holding talks in private that covered tensions with Russia and the potential for a post-Brexit trade deal.

Then he made his way over to Buckingham Palace for a royal meeting with the Queen, where he was seen shaking her hand and bowing graciously. 

During his first visit to the UK after being elected in 2015, the Queen noted their previous encounter decades previously, saying: ‘It’s nice to see you again … but under different circumstances.’

Mr Trudeau, who now towers above the monarch, replied: ‘I will say, you were much taller than me the last time we met.’ 

The Queen received Mr Trudeau during an audience at Buckingham Palace in London yesterday. It was just one of the many stops on the world leader's tour of London

The Queen received Mr Trudeau during an audience at Buckingham Palace in London yesterday. It was just one of the many stops on the world leader’s tour of London

In a packed day, Trudeau also had time to squeeze in a meeting with the British Prime Minister Theresa May during a visit to Downing Street

In a packed day, Trudeau also had time to squeeze in a meeting with the British Prime Minister Theresa May during a visit to Downing Street

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, New Zealand Premier Jacinda Ardern and London Mayor Sadiq Khan are pictured posing for a selfie with schoolchildren at a Commonwealth event in London today

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, New Zealand Premier Jacinda Ardern and London Mayor Sadiq Khan are pictured posing for a selfie with schoolchildren at a Commonwealth event in London today

Mr Khan and Mr Trudeau embraced at the event today

Mr Khan called Mr Trudeau one of the world's 'leading feminists'

Mr Khan embraced Mr Trudeau, pictured left and right, and called him one of the world’s ‘leading feminists’