Dem lawmakers burst into ICE shelter to try and help immigrant families torn apart at the border 

Democratic lawmakers joined hundreds of protesters outside an immigration detention facility in New Jersey on Sunday for a Father’s Day demonstration against the Trump administration’s practice of separating children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.

‘This must not be who we are as a nation,’ said Representative Jerrold Nadler, one of seven members of Congress from New York and New Jersey who met with five detainees inside the facility, including three who said they had young relatives removed from their care after seeking asylum at the border.

The event in the city of Elizabeth came as news stories highlighting the family separations intensified political pressure on the White House, even from some of President Donald Trump’s fellow Republicans.

Democratic lawmakers (including Reps Jerrold Nadler, center, and Carolyn Maloney, second frim right) tried to gain access to an ICE facility in Elizabeth, New Jersey on Sunday where children have been detained

Reps Albio Spires (left) and Bill Pascrell (right) try to gain access to the ICE detention facility

Reps Albio Spires (left) and Bill Pascrell (right) try to gain access to the ICE detention facility

Lawmakers said they had to wait at least 90 minutes before being allowed to speak to detainees 

Lawmakers said they had to wait at least 90 minutes before being allowed to speak to detainees 

Law enforcement officials (left) speak with the members of Congress. From right: Maloney, Nadler, Frank Pallone, Pascrell, and Adriano Espaillat

Law enforcement officials (left) speak with the members of Congress. From right: Maloney, Nadler, Frank Pallone, Pascrell, and Adriano Espaillat

U.S. officials said on Friday that nearly 2,000 children were separated from adults at the border between mid-April and the end of May.

In May, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a ‘zero tolerance’ policy in which all those apprehended entering the United States illegally, including those seeking asylum, would be criminally charged, which generally leads to children being separated from their parents.

The policy has drawn condemnation from medical professionals, religious leaders and immigration activists, who warn that some children could suffer lasting psychological trauma. 

The children are held in government facilities, released to adult sponsors or placed in temporary foster care.

In South Texas on Sunday, several Democratic lawmakers, including Senator Jeff Merkley, were due to tour detention facilities to call attention to the policy, while Representative Beto O’Rourke, who is running for the U.S. Senate in Texas, said he would march with protesters to the border.

‘This is inhumane,’ O’Rourke told CNN. 

‘I’d like to say it’s un-American, but it’s happening right now in America.’

Some moderate Republicans have also called on Trump to stop the separations. 

Senators Susan Collins and Jeff Flake wrote to White House officials on Saturday seeking more information on the policy.

‘It is inconsistent with our American values to separate these children from their parents,’ Collins said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

Administration officials have defended the tactic as necessary to secure the border and suggested it would act as a deterrent to illegal immigration, while Trump has sought to blame Democrats, saying their support for passage of a broader immigration bill would end the separations.

Trump's 'zero tolerance' policy  generally leads to children being separated from their parents. The image above which was released on Sunday shows a child eating at an unaccompanied alien children program shelter in Brownsville, Texas

Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy generally leads to children being separated from their parents. The image above which was released on Sunday shows a child eating at an unaccompanied alien children program shelter in Brownsville, Texas

‘As a mother, as a Catholic, as somebody who has got a conscience. … I will tell you that nobody likes this policy,’ White House adviser Kellyanne Conway said on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday. 

‘You saw the president (say) on camera that he wants this to end.’

Democrats have accused Trump of effectively turning the children into political hostages to secure stricter immigration measures, such as funding for a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

‘Stop lying to the American people. This is your policy,’ Democratic U.S. Representative Hakeem Jeffries said in New Jersey.

A spokeswoman for Melania Trump told CNN on Sunday that the first lady ‘hates to see children separated from their families’ and hopes lawmakers from both parties can agree on immigration reform, in what was a rare public statement on a policy issue from the president’s wife. 

Her ‘Be Best’ platform, unveiled in May, is dedicated to children’s well-being.

The lawmakers in Elizabeth waited about 90 minutes to gain access to the detention facility, which is operated for the U.S. government by a private contractor.

While the legislators stood inside a cramped waiting room filled with relatives of detainees, a television showed an interview with Steve Bannon, the former senior adviser to the president whose hardline views on immigration helped shape Trump’s presidential campaign and first months in office.

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives will introduce legislation this week aimed at stopping separations, mirroring a similar Senate bill sponsored by Democrat Dianne Feinstein. 

But neither bill has much hope of securing enough support in the Republican-controlled Congress, let alone surviving Trump’s veto pen.

Roy Garcia, 43, attended the protest with his wife, Linda, and their sons, 8-year-old Julian and 11-year-old Sebastian.

‘It’s hard for me to enjoy Father’s Day knowing what’s happening to other children and families,’ he said. 

‘It’s heartbreaking.’