Dennis Skinner slammed by Corbynistas for backing EU bill

Dennis Skinner felt the wrath of Corbynistas today after he backed the government’s Brexit legislation.

The veteran firebrand, a hero of the Left, was branded a ‘scab’ for voting with Tory MPs to implement the result of the referendum.

He was among seven Labour backbenchers who supported the EU Withdrawal Bill in a crucial Commons showdown in the early hours of this morning.

Dennis Skinner, pictured in the Commons before the summer break, has been branded a scab for supporting the EU Withdrawal Bill at second reading stage

Remainers and Corbynistas vented their fury at Mr Skinner on Twitter after he supported the government in the crucial votes

Remainers and Corbynistas vented their fury at Mr Skinner on Twitter after he supported the government in the crucial votes

The landmark measures would scrap the legislation that underpins our ties to Brussels, while at the same time copying all current EU law on to the domestic statute book to minimise disruption. 

Mr Corbyn ordered his benches to oppose the Bill at second reading, even though it is a vote on the principle of the legislation.

However, he suffered a rebellion by a group of MPs who either supported Leave in the referendum or whose constituencies backed Brexit. 

Former minister Frank Field said he would be voting for the ‘referendum result to be implemented’, and he was joined by six others including Bolsover MP Mr Skinner. 

Caroline Flint was among those who abstained saying the legislation was ‘necessary’ and she wanted it to continue.

Former coal miner Mr Skinner, 85, has been a vocal supporter of Mr Corbyn and has long been regarded as an icon of the Left.

He is nicknamed the ‘Beast of Bolsover’ reflecting the seat he has represented since 1970 and his regular vicious attacks on the Tories.

But he voted in favour of leaving the EU along with most of his constituents. 

Jeremy Corbyn was in the Commons for the end of the second reading debate last night, where he ordered his MPs to vote against the Bill

Jeremy Corbyn was in the Commons for the end of the second reading debate last night, where he ordered his MPs to vote against the Bill

The crucial legislation was comfortably given its second reading in the Commons last night by a majority of 36

The crucial legislation was comfortably given its second reading in the Commons last night by a majority of 36

The landmark measures voted on by the Commons last night would scrap the legislation that underpins our ties to Brussels, while at the same time copying all current EU law on to the domestic statute book to minimise disruption

The landmark measures voted on by the Commons last night would scrap the legislation that underpins our ties to Brussels, while at the same time copying all current EU law on to the domestic statute book to minimise disruption

In the wake of the Commons clashes last night there was a backlash against him on social media.

A user with the handle @geraldmiles87 wrote: ‘Can we stop calling Dennis Skinner “the beast of Bolsover?” He’s earned the name “scab of Bolsover”‘ 

Another, @boringoldf4rt, said: ‘i never thought i’d say this@ @BolsoverBeastDennis Skinner is the parliamentary equivalent of a scab. get your cards – you’re out.’

Shadow Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer admitted the bill being passed was a ‘deeply disappointing result’.

‘This bill is an affront to parliamentary democracy and a naked power grab by government ministers. It leaves rights unprotected, it silences parliament on key decisions and undermines the devolution settlement,’ he said.

‘It will make the Brexit process more uncertain, and lead to division and chaos when we need unity and clarity.

‘Labour will seek to amend and remove the worst aspects from the bill as it passes through parliament. But the flaws are so fundamental it’s hard to see how this bill could ever be made fit for purpose.’