Desperate search for missing girl who vanished from Melbourne two days ago

Desperate search for missing girl, two, who vanished from Melbourne two days ago and could be with her mother

  • Georgia Collins was last seen in Hampton Park near the Melbourne CBD
  • Police believe she may be with her mother, has not been seen since Wednesday
  • Police and family have concerns for her welfare and want to know where she is 

A desperate search is underway for a two-year-old girl who has been missing for two days.

Georgia Collins was last seen in Hampton Park, near the Melbourne CBD on Wednesday.

Police believe the girl may be with her mother.

Georgia Collins (pictured) was last seen in Hampton Park, near the Melbourne CBD on Wednesday.

‘Georgia is described as having blonde straight shoulder-length hair and blue eyes,’ a Victoria Police spokesperson said in a statement.

‘Police and family have concerns for her welfare and have released an image of her in the hope someone recognises her and can provide information regarding her current whereabouts.’

Victoria Police said the girl may be with her mother in the Hampton Park and Lynbrook areas.

Police have asked for anyone with information on Georgia’s location to contact them. 

Victoria Police said the girl may be with her mother in the Hampton Park and Lynbrook areas (pictured, Jade Dunn)

Victoria Police said the girl may be with her mother in the Hampton Park and Lynbrook areas (pictured, Jade Dunn)