Dewsbury father beat up daughter for being ‘too western’

A father beat up his own daughter after she became ‘too westernised’ and started wearing make up, a court heard.

The 49-year-old man of Asian descent, who cannot be named, grabbed her by the neck and sent her flying into a wardrobe and left the child so distraught she drank bleach, Kirklees Magistrates Court was told.

The father, who was given a suspended sentence, attacked her after she put on some make-up and failed to ask permission before going out.

Police were called to the family’s home in Earlsheaton, Dewsbury, on October 1.

A father beat up his own daughter after she became ‘too westernised’ in her appearance and started wearing make up, Kirklees Magistrates’ Court in Huddersfield (pictured) heard

Prosecutor Vanessa Jones said: ‘An ambulance was already there following a report that a young lady had drunk some bleach following a domestic incident.

‘They were met by the brother of the 17-year-old victim, went upstairs and found her in a distressed state.

‘She was sat on the edge of the bed, gasping for breath and clutching her arms and stomach.’

The frightened girl told police that her father had grabbed her by the shoulder and neck. He then pushed her, causing her to fall over and hit a wardrobe.

Mrs Jones said: ‘The complainant gave a statement and was visited by the [Kirklees Council] safeguarding team.

‘She said she felt that her father didn’t like the fact that she was becoming too westernised and that there had been previous violence.’

The defendant pleaded guilty to an offence of assault by beating.

He admitted that there had been a problem with his daughter at the family home the day before.

He said he confiscated her mobile phone overnight but she then took her mother’s phone.

Mrs Jones said: ‘She was dressed up, wearing make-up and going to the gym.

‘Her father said that she should be asking whether she could go out rather than saying she was going out.’

Magistrates were told that the girl didn’t want criminal proceedings to proceed against her father as she wished for them to mend their relationship.

Paul Blanchard, mitigating, said that his client had a ‘significant amount of frustration’ with his daughter but accepted that he shouldn’t have acted how he did.

Magistrates sentenced him to a nine-month community order with up to 15 days of rehabilitation activities aimed at addressing his offending behaviour.

He will have to pay £85 costs and £85 victim surcharge.