Diane De Zoysa stranded in Sri Lanka fears she’ll ‘die there’

A British woman left stranded in Sri Lanka after marrying a local before he was shot dead says she fears she’ll die there. 

Diane De Zoysa, 60, originally from Edinburgh, says she has been left in thousands of pounds of debt, following the death of husband Priyanjana De Zoysa, 26, last year. 

She says she lent Priyanjana nearly £100,000 in total, before he was tragically shot dead last year by men she believes were trying to extort him for cash, after learning he had come into some money through Diane. 

The former council worker says she now feels like a ‘prisoner’ and is worried she’ll be stuck in Sri Lanka ‘forever’ following her husband’s death, as she doesn’t have enough money to return to the UK.

Diane sold her house in the Scottish capital in order to fly to Sri Lanka and live with her hotel worker husband, who she met while on holiday.

Diane De Zoysa, 60, originally from Edinburgh, says she fears she’ll die in Sri Lanka, after marrying a local man who was shot dead last year

Diane married husband Priyanjana De Zoysa, who was 33 years her junior, after meeting him on holiday 

Diane married husband Priyanjana De Zoysa, who was 33 years her junior, after meeting him on holiday 

Speaking to the Daily Record, Diane said: ‘I feel like I’m stuck here forever and I will die here.  In order for me to leave Sri Lanka, I need to pay to have my ­possessions shipped back home.  

‘Then I need money for a flight and to pay to have my possessions in storage until I can find a flat.

‘Not much has changed since last year except that I am in a lot of debt.’

Diane also explained how she wants to sell the house that she paid £60,000 towards, but her in-laws are refusing to let her.

Diane said she is now in thousands of pounds of debt, and cannot afford to return home

Diane said she is now in thousands of pounds of debt, and cannot afford to return home

Her husband Priyanjana died last May, after being shot by men Diane believes were trying to blackmail him for cash 

Her husband Priyanjana died last May, after being shot by men Diane believes were trying to blackmail him for cash 

She said she had also give her husband £31,000 for a Hyundai minibus, so that he could set himself up as a taxi driver, before his death. 

Diane previously explained how she believes her husband was killed by men trying to extort him for cash. 

Speaking to MailOnline, she said: ‘His friend told me they were jealous because he was rich. They were jealous because he had a nice a house, a minibus and a tuk-tuk.

‘They blackmailed him. He did give them some money but they wanted more. Because they didn’t give him more, they shot him. They must have gone looking for him.’ 

Diane sold her house in Edinburgh in order to live in Sri Lanka with her hotel worker husband Priyanjana, who she met while on holiday (pictured together)

Diane sold her house in Edinburgh in order to live in Sri Lanka with her hotel worker husband Priyanjana, who she met while on holiday (pictured together)

The widow (pictured with her husband on her wedding day) says she lent her husband £60,000 for the house she now lives in

The widow (pictured with her husband on her wedding day) says she lent her husband £60,000 for the house she now lives in


November 2011 – Diane meets hotel worker Priyajana while on holiday in Sri Lanka

June 2012 – She returns to the country to visit Priyajana, and ends up marrying him 

November 2012 – Diane returns to see her new husband again, and they have official wedding pictures taken 

December 2012 – February 2015 – Diane regularly flies between her home in Scotland and Sri Lanka 

February 2015 – The former council worker sells her home in Edinburgh and moves to Sri Lanka 

June 2015 – Diane returns to Scotland briefly, after Priyajana gets a job in a different city in Sri Lanka

September 2015 – She flies back out to Sri Lanka because she didn’t want to be apart from her husband 

May 2017 – Priyajana is shot dead, allegedly by men trying to extort him for money 

June 2018 – Diane says she is still unable to return to the UK because of the debt she is in 

Diane said she has been running up credit bills to support herself and her late husband’s family, adding that she is in desperate need of medical care. 

The widow has previously described how she ‘gave up everything’ to live with her husband in Ahungalla, in the south west of Sri Lanka.

She initially met husband Priyanjana while on holiday in 2011, enjoying a whirlwind romance with the hotel worker.

Diane ended up marrying him after returning to Sri Lanka seven months later, before moving to the country full-time in 2015.

However, she has previously described how she believes that the marriage was all about the money.

Speaking to MailOnline, she said: ‘I should have realised it was just about the money. My friends thought that he was just marrying me for the money. 

‘Once I came out here he wanted money all the time.’

Diane revealed her family and friends were concerned about their relationship – but she wanted to ‘prove them wrong’.

She said: ‘All my friends didn’t think it was a good idea. But I really loved him and I thought he really loved me and I wanted to prove them wrong. 

Diane met Priyanjana while on holiday in 2011, enjoying a whirlwind romance with the hotel worker. The pair got married seven months later 

Diane met Priyanjana while on holiday in 2011, enjoying a whirlwind romance with the hotel worker. The pair got married seven months later 

She moved to Ahungalla to live with him in Ahungalla (pictured), in the south west of the country, in 2015

She moved to Ahungalla to live with him in Ahungalla (pictured), in the south west of the country, in 2015

‘I’ve never loved anybody the way I loved him. He was always affectionate to me. He was desperate for me to move out here.’  

Despite her reservations about their marriage, Diane is clearly still besotted with her late husband.

Sharing a photograph of him and his brother on Facebook, she commented: ‘I love him so much it hurts. 

Priyanjana died after being shot three times in May last year, allegedly by blackmailers who wanted his cash. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk