Did Nessie just poke her head above the water? Monster hunter stunned as black hump emerges from loch

Shocking new footage has shown what a Nessie-hunter believes is the Loch Ness Monster.

For years, Eoin O’Faodhagain, 59, has been racking up supposed sightings of the creature via webcam, but he reckons his latest is the strangest yet. 

He was watching the live cameras on the Visit Inverness website when he saw a black shape breaching the surface of the loch and moving steadily north against the current.

Mr. O’Faodhagain couldn’t believe what he was seeing: ‘I kept zooming in and out of the video clip, and just as well because I got one of the strangest images I have ever got in Loch Ness. 

‘It’s this image of a half-circle hump, light grey in colour with three uniform black spots.

He was watching the live cameras on the Visit Inverness website when he saw a black shape breaching the surface of the loch and moving steadily north against the current

Arguing back against skeptics, he added ‘As nobody to date knows what the Loch Ness Monster is, nobody can say it isn’t’

‘If I was looking up in the sky at it, I would have said it was a UFO, but I was looking at a webcam over part of Loch Ness.

‘I have no idea what this strange moving object is, only to suggest it could be a young Nessie.’

Arguing back against skeptics, he added ‘As nobody to date knows what the Loch Ness Monster is, nobody can say it isn’t.’

The monster hunter believes that whatever it was, most of it’s body was lurking underneath the water. 

He said ‘The size of the object out of the water was not big – only maybe two feet long, but there seemed to be a lot going on underneath the water.

‘As it moved further from the camera, you could see a lot of splashing going on around it, and this was very peculiar as it was not moving fast.’

After doing some research, Mr. O’Faodhagain failed to match the unique spots with any other inhabitant of the loch.

The 59-year-old added ‘The markings of the three black-spot pattern is very unusual.

After doing some research, Mr. O¿Faodhagain failed to match the unique spots with any other inhabitant of the loch

After doing some research, Mr. O’Faodhagain failed to match the unique spots with any other inhabitant of the loch

He said 'The size of the object out of the water was not big ¿ only maybe two feet long, but there seemed to be a lot going on underneath the water'

He said ‘The size of the object out of the water was not big – only maybe two feet long, but there seemed to be a lot going on underneath the water’

‘No seal or otter has markings like that, and – as for an eel – no on that as well.

‘Anyway, it is moving too rigidly for any of these animals, and at a constant slow pace.

‘Snakes might have markings on their skin, but what snake has a two-foot oval hump?’

As a keen Nessie hunter, he often logs on to watch the Scottish waters from his home in County Donegal, Ireland.

He made his most recent sighting using a webcam maintained by Visit Inverness Loch Ness (VILN) at Shoreland Lodges, near Fort Augustus on the loch’s southern shore.

If you fancy trying to spot the monster yourself, VILN webcams can be watched live online.

The spotting comes just after an Inverness local was convinced she spotted the mythical creature after capturing footage of big ripples in the lake.

Huge ripples (circled) in the water were spotted by Siobhan Janaway which she believes may have been from the Loch Ness Monster

Huge ripples (circled) in the water were spotted by Siobhan Janaway which she believes may have been from the Loch Ness Monster

Pictured, a shadowy figure on Loch Ness in a separate incident

Pictured, a shadowy figure on Loch Ness in a separate incident

Siobhan Janaway said she first believed the disturbance on the water’s surface was from a powerboat but has claimed she could not see any vessels nearby. 

She reported the sighting to the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register, where six other sightings have been logged so far this year.

According to the site, Fiona Wade reported that she saw what ‘initially looked like a periscope’.

Adding ‘but then two curved areas followed, it was moving and about half way out in the Loch looking roughly over to mid way between Foyers and Whitebridge. 

‘I have seen deer crossing before but this was like nothing I have seen before and I can only describe it as Nessie.’

Separately, Alastair Gray claimed he saw humps in the loch and father-of-four Steve Valentine also said he spotted a ‘black shape’ with ‘a hump’ on August 17.

What IS the Loch Ness Monster?

Rumours of a strange creature living in the waters of Loch Ness have abounded over the decades, yet scant evidence has been found to back up these claims.

One of the first sightings, believed to have fuelled modern Nessie fever, came in May 2, 1933.  

On this date the Inverness Courier carried a story about a local couple who claim to have seen ‘an enormous animal rolling and plunging on the surface’.

Another famous claimed sighting is a photograph taken in 1934 by Colonel Robert Kenneth Wilson.

It was later exposed as a hoax by one of the participants, Chris Spurling, who, on his deathbed, revealed that the pictures were staged.

Other sightings James Gray’s picture from 2001 when he and friend Peter Levings were out fishing on the Loch, while namesake Hugh Gray’s blurred photo of what appears to be a large sea creature was published in the Daily Express in 1933.

Robert Kenneth Wilson, a London physician, captured arguably the most famous image of the Loch Ness Monster. The surgeon’s photograph was published in the Daily Mail on April 21, 1934 - however it was later proven to be a fake

Robert Kenneth Wilson, a London physician, captured arguably the most famous image of the Loch Ness Monster. The surgeon’s photograph was published in the Daily Mail on April 21, 1934 – however it was later proven to be a fake 

The first reported sighting of the monster is said to have been made in AD565 by the Irish missionary St Columba when he came across a giant beast in the River Ness.

But no one has ever come up with a satisfactory explanation for the sightings – although in 2019, ‘Nessie expert’ Steve Feltham, who has spent 24 years watching the Loch, said he thought it was actually a giant Wels Catfish, native to waters near the Baltic and Caspian seas in Europe.

An online register lists more than 1,000 total Nessie sightings, created by Mr Campbell, the man behind the Official Loch Ness Monster Fan Club and is available at www.lochnesssightings.com. 

So what could explain these mysterious sightings? 

Many Nessie witnesses have mentioned large, crocodile-like scutes sitting atop the spine of the creature, leading some to believe an escaped amphibian may be to blame.

Native fish sturgeons can also weigh several hundred pounds and have ridged backs, which make them look almost reptilian.

Some believe Nessie is a long-necked plesiosaur – like an elasmosaur – that survived somehow when all the other dinosaurs were wiped out.

Others say the sightings are down to Scottish pines dying and flopping into the loch, before quickly becoming water-logged and sinking.

While submerged, botanical chemicals start trapping tiny bubbles of air.

Eventually, enough of these are gathered to propel the log upward as deep pressures begin altering its shape, giving the appearance of an animal coming up for air.

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