Dietitian reveals how she finds the time to exercise

Finding the time to exercise is a challenge for most of us. 

With work, family and social commitments taking up much of our calendar, dedicating a good 30 minutes or more a day to working out often seems impossible.

Yet, Australian dietitian and nutritionist, Susie Burrell, who has twin baby boys, says she still manages to find the time – and reveals how you can too. 

‘I used to exercise a lot – at least an hour a day, probably more but since having the twins I am lucky to fit in a walk most days,’ she said in a blog post.  

Australian dietitian and nutritionist, Susie Burrell, said she used to exercise a lot but now uses five methods to keep her on track

‘But what I have realised over the past few months is that it is finally time to get my fitness back on track now that the twins are almost two-years-old so here are the ways I have managed to take back some time for me so I can again get my body back to its best.’ 


‘Getting to the gym for a workout or to go for an extra run is indeed a luxury and generally depends on a number of factors coming together each day but on most days of the week I can manage to take at least 8000 steps,’ she said.

However, the author revealed she can go beyond this – getting up to 12,000 steps and even 15,000 steps.

‘I really notice the difference in my body at the end of the day,’ she said. 

Susie said it's important for women to take some time out in order to stay healthy and to get their steps up each day

Susie said it’s important for women to take some time out in order to stay healthy and to get their steps up each day


Susie said it’s important for women to take some time out in order to stay healthy.

‘I like most women feel incredibly guilty when I take time away from home and from the twins to exercise,’ Susie explained. 

‘It feels self-absorbed, frivolous and selfish, and generally speaking my partner does not make me feel great about leaving the house but now, at least twice a week I get out.

‘I leave, even when the twins are screaming and its bath time to meet friends, just walk, just do something. 

She said although it may not happen every day, removing yourself from a busy environment to do some formal exercise is great for the body and the mind.  

Susie, who is an author and dietitian, said scheduling in formal exercise is key to staying healthy and fit

Susie, who is an author and dietitian, said scheduling in formal exercise is key to staying healthy and fit


We all know that you are much more likely to stay true to your word if you have made plans with a friend to exercise together. 

‘It is much easier to keep a commitment to exercise when you have others you are meeting with to train,’ Susie said.

‘It makes training more fun, it reminds you there is a big world outside of motherhood and I never feel as good as the nights I have seen my buddies and had a workout.

‘I highly recommend your own little exercise club who is always available for a quick session locally.’  

Exercising with a partner or friend is more likely to keep you committed, said Susie

Exercising with a partner or friend is more likely to keep you committed, said Susie


According to Susie, men rarely think about their partners being stuck at home all day dealing with children.

‘When do they ever say, ”baby I know you’ve been home alone for 10 hours, why don’t you take an hour for yourself?” – do they?

‘On the other hand, they do not think twice about telling you that they will be late because they, have a work meeting, will stop at the pub, need to get their bike fixed, the list goes on. 

‘So now, I do the same and announce that I will be going out (to exercise) rather than ask for permission. Because they never do,’ Susie added.


Goals can help you stay motivated so if you have always wanted to take part in a marathon or charity fun run, now is the time.

‘Training is great, but it is even better when you are preparing for an event that requires a formal training schedule,’ Susie said. 

‘It means you have something to look forward to, a goal to work towards and a commitment that needs to be fulfilled,’ she concluded.