Digital Tutoring Resources for Distance Learners

Much of the country is still operating completely online, including schools in all 50 states. As a result, the way parents and educators respond to concerns with a student’s progress has changed to fit the new dynamic.

Tutoring is an essential function for many children, but it doesn’t always have to fit the typical depiction. Digital tools, reading apps, and AI systems are helping to connect students with educational support in more ways than ever before.

If you want to make the most out of your child’s lessons and academic track, here are some online tutoring resources to boost their distance learning plan.

Virtual One-on-One Tutoring

In some cases, traditional tutoring is the best way to get to the root of an educational hurdle. But, even though you can’t sit across the kitchen table from your tutor, it’s still possible to simulate the in-person experience with video chat and AR/VR solutions.

Digital tutoring solutions provides parents and educators with a convenient medium to provide students with individualized care on-demand and within everyone’s schedules.

Those who need help can simply enter “virtual reading tutor near me” into their search engine and watch the results pour in. Since many educators and professionals were also homebound during the pandemic, virtual tutoring is a highly saturated market. No matter what your student needs help with, there is someone online who can give them the instruction support they need.

Machine Learning and AI-Enabled Programs

Reading and learning programs are turning to the world of machine learning to accurately and efficiently keep up with each individual child’s progress. Instead of building a lesson that shoots to the median of the classroom, AI helps the same app or program to learn each user’s unique behaviors on an individual basis.

Tools like voice recognition and adaptive reasoning allow these digital programs to:

  • Keep up with the individual user’s learning speed
  • Provide feedback and corrections in real-time
  • Create dynamic reports based on user data

Like many other forms of success measurement, up-to-date information is essential for planning future growth. Students, educators, and parents can use the AI-generated user information to accurately create a plan that fits their individual needs.

Machine learning systems have also been proven to improve tutor efficacy, as well as information retention and engagement on part of the students. Integrating machine learning into educational tools and online resources can boost the learner’s test scores by more than 20 percent.

Secure Mobile Tools

Since students and educators are still adapting to social distancing measures, mobile connectivity is essential. Additionally, enabling mobile connectivity for digital curriculums, lessons, assignments, and group projects is paramount in providing students with equal access to educational tools.

Many mobile apps are free or low cost, and the availability of the internet has grown rapidly during the pandemic. Using these inexpensive devices and resources is a fundamental resource for those in rural or otherwise affected communities.

Digital flashcards, quiz applications, practice games, and other tools can package a full lesson into a compact exercise that is accessible via mobile phone, tablet, or desktop computer.

Today, more than 59 percent of the world has access to the internet. That number is consistently growing, and digital solutions are playing a stronger role in the discourse of education innovation.

When students need a bit of extra support, there are a ton of socially distanced resources available to get them back on track. These are just a few ways to facilitate digital tutoring tools and learning support systems during a global pandemic.