Divers discover 17th century anchors from 330-year-old remains of Britain’s richest shipwreck

Divers have unearthed the 330-year-old remains of Britain’s richest shipwreck that was laden with a cargo of precious diamond and pearls from India when it sank in 1684.

Recent storms have shifted sands to reveal the 17th century cannons and anchors off the coast of Cornwall.

The crew of the merchant ship President survived a miraculous battle with pirates and near starvation – but all-but-two died in a storm within sight of land at notorious Loe Bar, near Porthleven, Cornwall.   

Divers have unearthed the 330-year-old remains of Britain’s richest shipwreck that was laden with a cargo of precious diamond and pearls from India when it sank in 1684

Fragments of the ship were first reported by divers 20 years ago, but now underwater explorers from Historic England found never-before-seen cannons and an anchor.

It is believed recent storms has shifted sands, revealing the loot to Cornwall Maritime Archaeology divers David Gibbins and Mark Milburn.

Mr Gibbins said: ‘The site was first reported by divers twenty years ago and was designated under the Protection of Wrecks Act 1973.

‘Mark and I are licensed by Historic England to monitor the wreck, but for many years it has been covered by sand.

‘Loe Bar is usually a dangerous place to dive – the entry and exit are treacherous even with the smallest of waves.

‘The recent period of calm weather has allowed us to get in for the first time in months.

The shipwreck treasures of the merchant ship President near Loe Bar, near Porthleven, Cornwall

The shipwreck treasures of the merchant ship President near Loe Bar, near Porthleven, Cornwall

‘During our dive we were thrilled to discover seven cannons and an anchor at the site, only a few metres from shore in less than seven metres depth.

‘We were exploring an area where artefacts had never previously been recorded, and we realised we were looking at new finds.

‘With every storm the sand can shift to reveal new treasures. It was incredibly exciting to see something that nobody has ever seen before.

Fragments of the ship were first reported by divers 20 years ago, but now underwater explorers from Historic England found never-before-seen cannons and an anchor

Fragments of the ship were first reported by divers 20 years ago, but now underwater explorers from Historic England found never-before-seen cannons and an anchor

‘Cannons are common finds on the wrecks of merchant ships from the age of sail, when most ships were armed.

‘But it’s very unusual to know that guns on a merchantmen were actually used, especially in such a colourful action and on the very voyage on which the ship was wrecked.

‘It gives a special excitement to seeing these guns for the first time underwater.’

The East India Company ship President met her end in February 1684, and only two crew members remained alive to tell the tale.

Recent storms have shifted sands to reveal the 17th century cannons and anchors off the coast of Cornwall

Recent storms have shifted sands to reveal the 17th century cannons and anchors off the coast of Cornwall

Their accounts of the final voyage of the ship is known in remarkable detail because a pamphlet was published a few months after the wrecking.

The title of the pamphlet is ‘A full ACCOUNT Of the late Ship-wreck of the Ship called The PRESIDENT: Which was cast away in Montz-Bay in Cornwal On the 4th of February last, As it was deliver’d to HIS MAJESTY, (both in Writing and Discourse) By William Smith and John Harshfield, the only Persons that escaped in the said Wreck’.

The tale goes that as the President set off for home the crew were involved in a deadly battle with pirates off the Malabar Coast of India.

Six pirate ships set upon the merchant ship, but the battle was won when a shot from one of the President’s cannons penetrated a pirate powder magazine, sinking the ship.

The East India Company ship President met her end in February 1684, and only two crew members remained alive to tell the tale

The East India Company ship President met her end in February 1684, and only two crew members remained alive to tell the tale

But that victory was followed by misery and defeat, as weather prohibited the crew from landing to restock provisions.

For 11 weeks they went without food and water, and in the end resorted to eating the ship’s dog – which was described as ‘a delicate banquet’.

With the crew in a weakened state they were unable to work the ship, and the President was swept into a storm just off the Cornish Coast, in Mount’s Bay.

The ship sank with ‘very rich lading, modestly judged of no less than a hundred thousand pounds * with much treasure of pearl, and diamonds’.

It is believed recent storms has shifted sands, revealing the loot to Cornwall Maritime Archaeology divers David Gibbins and Mark Milburn

It is believed recent storms has shifted sands, revealing the loot to Cornwall Maritime Archaeology divers David Gibbins and Mark Milburn

Her loss was so great that she was even marked on the map of Cornwall produced at this period by the famous Dutch cartographer Van Keulen.

Only two men made it ashore alive, where they clung to nearby cliffs until the sea calmed.

The pamphlet concludes the two men ‘were inhumanely set upon by two Country Fellows, who perceiving that they had been Shipwreck’d, and supposing them to have saved about them something that was of most Value, attempted to knock them on the Head’.  

They were rescued by a ‘local gentleman’ who happened to be riding over the sands at the time.

The pamphlet concludes: ‘SUCH is the Method of humane Affairs, that the greatest Hopes of Advantage are attended with the greatest Hazard and uncertainty.

‘Of this we have a remarkable Instance in the late miserable Wreck of the Ship called the PRESIDENT.’ 

During the latest exploration divers discovered seven cannons and an anchor at the site

During the latest exploration divers discovered seven cannons and an anchor at the site

The tale goes that as the President set off for home the crew were involved in a deadly battle with pirates off the Malabar Coast of India

The tale goes that as the President set off for home the crew were involved in a deadly battle with pirates off the Malabar Coast of India

After the ship sank, only two men made it ashore alive, where they clung to nearby cliffs until the sea calmed

After the ship sank, only two men made it ashore alive, where they clung to nearby cliffs until the sea calmed


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