Doctor removes an inch-long wriggling LEECH from a man’s nose

Stomach-churning video footage shows a doctor in Vietnam removing a live leech from a man’s nose.

Measuring around an inch, the wriggly creature immediately starts thrashing after being delicately pulled out.

The patient, whose identity is unknown, sits calmly as the doctor begins to prod around in his nostrils with tools.

Measuring around an inch, the wriggly creature immediately starts thrashing after being delicately pulled out

Measuring around an inch, the wriggly creature immediately starts thrashing after being delicately pulled out. The patient, whose identity is unknown, sits calmly as the doctor begins to prod around in his nostrils with tools

The footage was filmed in Nghe An, a province in the north of the country, around 186 miles (300km) south of the capital Hanoi.

Dr Manh Le, who extracted the blood-sucking leech, claimed the man had difficulty breathing from his nose because of the parasite.

It is thought he tried to coax the leech out using a laser, shining it into the man’s nose – before eventually pulling it out with a tweezer-like tool.  

The doctor can be seen holding the blood-sucking parasite up with his equipment, and parading it to the camera. 

The footage was filmed in Bình Chuẩn – on the border of a national park, called the Vườn quốc gia Pù Mát.

Local reports state the man, who works in the forest, reportedly drank water from a stream in the wilderness. 

The footage was filmed in Nghe An, a province in the north of the country, around 186 miles (300km) south of the capital Hanoi

Dr Manh Le, who extracted the blood-sucking leech, claimed the man had difficulty breathing from his nose because of the parasite

The footage was filmed in Nghe An, a province in the north of the country, around 186 miles (300km) south of the capital Hanoi. Dr Manh Le, who extracted the blood-sucking leech, claimed the man had difficulty breathing from his nose because of the parasite


An infestation of leeches inside a human’s body is known medically as hirudiniasis.

Leeches can suck up to five times their body weight in blood, but they don’t grow very quickly in size. 

The blood-sucking parasites, which are mostly aquatic, have long been thought to have medicinal properties. 

It is unclear how long the leech had lived in the man’s nose, but they are known to be able to attach themselves to the insides of nostrils.

An infestation of leeches inside a human’s body is known medically as hirudiniasis.

Leeches can suck up to five times their body weight in blood, but they don’t grow very quickly in size. 

It comes after a Scottish backpacker had a three-inch-long leech removed from her nose in 2014 after she suffered from persistent nosebleeds. 

Doctors said the leech may have got into the patient’s nose while she was swimming during a trip in south-east Asia.

It was also suggested that the creature had got into the traveller’s nose through her mouth when she was drinking water.