Doctor reveals: Does the pill really make you gain weight?

It’s the hotly-contested side effect of taking the contraceptive pill which has been debated for decades and the real medical truth has long remained shrouded in mystery.

Now, the answer behind the age old question has been revealed: Does the contraceptive pill actually contribute to weight gain?

When wading through the murky waters of birth control and the complicated, unique effects it can have on a woman’s hormones, it is best the seek the advice of professional doctors.


When wading through the murky waters of birth control and the complicated, unique effects it can have on a woman’s hormones, it is best the seek the advice of professional doctors (Stock image)


Intermenstrual spotting


Breast tenderness

Increased appetite 


Mood changes

Missed periods

Decreased libido

Vaginal discharge

Source: Better Health

Women often blame the pill for fluctuating weight, and it’s a common qualm directed at GPs who are asked the same question time and time again.

And according to Australian doctor Dr Jill Thistlethwaite, the answer is: ‘Probably not’. 

Writing for Body + Soul, Dr Jill said weight gain is not directly linked to usage of oral contraception and finally put to bed the longtime myth.

‘Evidence from clinical studies of over 11,000 women suggests that most women won’t gain weight from taking the pill. For the few women who do experience a change in weight, it’s just as likely to go down, as up,’ Dr Jill said. 

‘If your weight does change while you are using hormonal birth control, consider whether there may be other causes which could be addressed such as a change in your diet or lack of exercise.’

The pill is the number one method of birth control used by Australian women and there are dozens of different brands available on the market, making the right choice all the more difficult to find.

Women often blame the pill for fluctuating weight and it's a common qualm directed at GPs who are asked the same question time and time again (Stock image)

Women often blame the pill for fluctuating weight and it’s a common qualm directed at GPs who are asked the same question time and time again (Stock image)

The pill is the number one method of birth control used by Australian women and there are dozens of different brands available on the market, making the right choice all the more difficult to find (Stock image)

The pill is the number one method of birth control used by Australian women and there are dozens of different brands available on the market, making the right choice all the more difficult to find (Stock image)

Dr Jill said different women have different hormonal reactions to the combined oral contraceptive pill and the progestogen-only pill. 

She added there are plenty of other birth control methods that don’t come with potential side effects, such as diaphragms and condoms.

While weight-gain has been dismissed as a real consequence of taking the oral contraceptive pill, Dr Jill reminded women there is a handful of other side effects which can take place.

‘Although minor side effects such as headaches, irregular bleeding, bloating, and acne are quite common. Some of these side effects can be transient, and settle down after a few cycles, while others may not,’ she said. 

Because of the plethora of pill brands available in Australia, women seeking medical advice for contraception are urged to visit their GP.