Documentary reveals Bubble and Squeak victim’s sibling ‘supports’ murder by pyjama killer

An explosive documentary set to air next week will expose the warring factions of a family torn apart by the gruesome Bubble and Squeak murder.

Pyjama killer Penny Jackson, 66, murdered her husband David, 78, on February 13, 2021, by stabbing him three times before she left him bleeding to death on their kitchen floor.

The gory attack the night before Valentine’s Day – and Jackson’s nonchalant confession as she called 999 and mused on the phone about knifing him again – shocked the sleepy Somerset coastal village of Berrow.

Now the intimate details of her wider family are poised to come out in Crime and Investigation’s Bubble and Squeak Murder: The Killing Of David Jackson on Monday at 9pm.

Although many of the pyjama killer’s relatives have blasted her personality, David Jackson’s brother Alan said his dead sibling ‘deserved’ his brutal murder. 

David Jackson’s brother Alan talking in the new documentary ‘Bubble & Squeak Murder: The Killing Of David Jackson’

Pictured: Pyjama killer Penny Jackson's mugshot after killing fourth husband David Jackson after a row about bubble and squeak

Pictured: Pyjama killer Penny Jackson’s mugshot after killing fourth husband David Jackson after a row about bubble and squeak

David Jackson (pictured at the couple's home in Berrow, Somerset) was stabbed three times by his wife Penny

David Jackson (pictured at the couple’s home in Berrow, Somerset) was stabbed three times by his wife Penny

On the surface, the pair (pictured together) appeared to be the epitome of respectability, but the Jacksons' turbulent marriage was founded on a legacy of infidelity, tragedy and lies

On the surface, the pair (pictured together) appeared to be the epitome of respectability, but the Jacksons’ turbulent marriage was founded on a legacy of infidelity, tragedy and lies

Penny's daughter Isabelle Potterton (centre) on her wedding day with mother Penelope Jackson (left) and stepfather David (right)

Penny’s daughter Isabelle Potterton (centre) on her wedding day with mother Penelope Jackson (left) and stepfather David (right)

Alan Jackson told the documentary: ‘I was watching the telly and all of a sudden, there was Penny being arrested for murdering my brother.

‘I was glad, he deserved it.’

The programme will reveal the dark and disturbing secrets that lay behind this seemingly inexplicable murder. 

It includes interviews with the killer’s family, friends and police experts.

Stewart Warrender was the brother of Penny’s third husband, Alan, who took his own life after finding out she was cheating on him with David Jackson.

He said: ‘She could have coerced him into going down that path, emotionally.

‘I think she was clever enough to wind him up that way, to get rid of him and then carry on with this bloke that she’d already been seeing.’

He last saw the pyjama killer in 1993, at his brother Alan’s funeral.

Stewart said: ‘There was no external sign of any emotion at all.

‘Penny was so blasé. Your husband just killed himself.

‘The father of your child has just killed himself. Are you not really bothered?’

Stewart Warrender (pictured) was the brother of Penny's third husband, Alan, who took his own life after finding out she was cheating on him with David Jackson

Stewart Warrender (pictured) was the brother of Penny’s third husband, Alan, who took his own life after finding out she was cheating on him with David Jackson

Alan and Beverley Warrender were married (pictured) before he was with Penelope Jackson and later took his own life

Alan and Beverley Warrender were married (pictured) before he was with Penelope Jackson and later took his own life 

After Alan's death, MoD worker Penny was posted from Grantham to Andover in Hampshire while David Jackson was sent to nearby Bulford Camp in Wiltshire. They carried on their affair and married in 1996, by which time all traces of Alan had been wiped from Penny's life. Pictured: The Jacksons

After Alan’s death, MoD worker Penny was posted from Grantham to Andover in Hampshire while David Jackson was sent to nearby Bulford Camp in Wiltshire. They carried on their affair and married in 1996, by which time all traces of Alan had been wiped from Penny’s life. Pictured: The Jacksons 

Alan had met Penny while he was married to his first wife, Beverley, who passed away from cancer in 1987.

Five months later, Alan and Penny told the family they would marry in 1988.

Stewart said: ‘What Penny wanted, Penny got. And I had the feeling she was the dominant part of the relationship, which really didn’t suit my brother.’

The documentary also has bodycam footage of Penny Jackson’s arrest and audio of her 999 call.

Veronica and Malcolm Statham were family friends of the Jacksons.

During the pandemic, they spoke to the Jacksons every Saturday over video call. 

At the end of a furious row following a gourmet dinner to celebrate her 66th birthday, Jackson stabbed 78-year-old David three times with a kitchen knife (pictured, Jackson in her pyjamas before being taken away by police)

At the end of a furious row following a gourmet dinner to celebrate her 66th birthday, Jackson stabbed 78-year-old David three times with a kitchen knife (pictured, Jackson in her pyjamas before being taken away by police)

In bodycam footage seen in he documentary, Penny can be heard calmly admitting to the police that she knows what she had done after killing her husband

In bodycam footage seen in he documentary, Penny can be heard calmly admitting to the police that she knows what she had done after killing her husband

Crime scene: The Somerset bungalow owned by Penny and David Jackson, as seen on February 13 with officers outside

Crime scene: The Somerset bungalow owned by Penny and David Jackson, as seen on February 13 with officers outside

Birmingham-born David was Penny's fourth husband. She was the military man's third wife

Birmingham-born David was Penny’s fourth husband. She was the military man’s third wife

The final, fatal blow to David was delivered after he had dialled 999, with the emergency services still on the line. When police arrived, they found Penny Jackson's handwritten confession (pictured)

The final, fatal blow to David was delivered after he had dialled 999, with the emergency services still on the line. When police arrived, they found Penny Jackson’s handwritten confession (pictured)

February 13, 2021, was a Saturday but Veronica said Penny told her she and David wanted to speak with their daughter Isabelle and her husband over video call instead.

David adopted Penny and Alan’s daughter Isabelle and she grew up believing he was her natural father until, years later when she was a teenager, her half-sisters from Alan’s marriage to Beverley got in touch via social media and the truth spilled out.

The family had planned to celebrate Penny’s 66th birthday over the video call.

Isabelle sent them filet steaks and Penny had made a side dish of bubble and squeak.

Veronica said: ‘On the sunday morning I saw a couple of missed calls from Isabelle and I called her.

‘She said Penny and David had had a row during this meal about whether they should have bubble and squeak with the gourmet meal.

‘She said “Mum stabbed him to death”.’

Retired Metropolitan Police officer DCI Paul Settle told the documentary: ‘In 30 years’ experience in policing I have never heard of anything remotely like this.

‘She shows absolutely no contrition and no remorse.’ 

Former Ministry of Defence accountant Penny told Bristol Crown Court that she had lost control after decades of verbal and physical abuse.

Retired Lieutenant Colonel David Jackson, she claimed, was a bully who pushed her to her limits until she could take no more.

She hoped her testimony would persuade the jury to find her guilty of the lesser offence of manslaughter, but their verdict was clear: Penny Jackson murdered her husband in cold blood. 

On the surface, the pair had appeared to be the epitome of respectability; a retired Army officer and his bubbly civil servant wife who had lived and worked abroad in both Germany, France and Sierra Leone. 

To their friends they appeared to be enjoying a blissfully happy retirement, spending weeks at a time in their second home in the village of Queyssac just outside Bergerac in south-west France, or on Caribbean cruises, or throwing dinner parties in their bungalow in Berrow, Somerset.

Court artist sketch by Elizabeth Cook of Penelope Jackson at Bristol Crown Court where was tried for murdering her husband David

Court artist sketch by Elizabeth Cook of Penelope Jackson at Bristol Crown Court where was tried for murdering her husband David 

David adopted Penny and Alan's daughter Isabelle and she grew up believing he was her natural father until, years later when she was a teenager, her half-sisters from Alan's marriage to Beverley got in touch via social media and the truth spilled out. Pictured: Mr Jackson before he was killed

David adopted Penny and Alan’s daughter Isabelle and she grew up believing he was her natural father until, years later when she was a teenager, her half-sisters from Alan’s marriage to Beverley got in touch via social media and the truth spilled out. Pictured: Mr Jackson before he was killed 

Jackson even joked when police arrested her, in her nightwear, asking them: ‘Do you usually have murderers where they’re wearing Marks & Spencer pyjamas?’

Yet the Jacksons’ turbulent marriage was founded on a legacy of infidelity, tragedy and lies, all of which poisoned their relationship.

Both were opinionated, stubborn and heavy drinkers. Their rows, say friends and family members, were fuelled by alcohol and sparked by the slightest thing.

Further details have also been revealed about Jackson’s nature, including her vile April Fool’s joke about hanging her husband during lockdown, months before she killed him. 

Despite mother-of-three Jackson’s attempt to paint herself as a victim, she had left three marriages before she ended up with Mr Jackson, whom she married in 1996.

She was his third wife. He was her fourth husband. 

One of her former brothers-in-law said: ‘I can’t honestly see Penny, especially the way she’s disposed of three other husbands, being someone who would take abuse for all those years.’

Stewart Warrender, whose brother Alan, Penny’s third husband, killed himself in 1993 after Penny left him, said: ‘Narcissistic is probably the best word for the way she is. 

‘No empathy. For somebody to be like that there’s got to be something wrong with them.’

It became clear during Jackson’s three-week trial that the marriage had been volatile to the point of explosive for decades. 

There were warning signs on both sides. In court, David’s daughter from his first marriage, Jane Calverley, described Penny as more than her husband’s equal, saying she would ‘bait him’.

‘He would squirm and look embarrassed, especially if we were out in company,’ she said.

David’s brother, Alan Jackson, told the Mail he was an ‘arrogant bully’ and that ‘Penny learned not to answer back when there was an argument brewing and they’d been drinking.’

Jackson’s own daughter said that her mother ‘could get carried away and get a bit loud’.

Video footage taken from police bodycams and recordings of her 999 call were broadcast around the world during her trial. 

While on the phone to emergency services, the pyjama killer was asked how many times she had stabbed David.

She said: ‘I did the once and then he said I wouldn’t do it again so I did it twice more.

‘I thought I’d get his heart, well he hasn’t got one, and then twice in the abdomen. 

The two-bed bungalow the pair shared sold in October 2021 for £450,000. 

This latest documentary will now go in to even further depth to trying and find out what finally made her snap.

It features snippets from Forensic Psychiatrist Dr Sohom Das, who goes into Jackson’s extreme behaviour.

David Jackson’s sister, Jenny, will also be in the new show as well as his estranged brother, Alan.

The next episode of Bubble and Squeak Murder: The Killing of David Jackson is on Monday at 9pm on Crime and Investigation.
