Does a Covid rapid test work on a dog?

Family use a rapid test to check family dog for Covid and were shocked by the results – as thousands of Aussies call for the tests to be made free for all

  • Family all recorded positive results for Covid – decided to swap their dog
  • To their utter astonishment, the family pet also recorded a positive reading
  • TikTok clip has since gone viral, with many left baffled by what unfolded

A family was left stunned recently after testing their dog with a rapid antigen test – and discovering it had Covid-19.

In a TikTok video, a man named Brage Hynne shared a clip showing the family hound being swab tested.

To their complete astonishment, the dog soon recorded a positive result – to match the entire family also being Covid infected.

The clip has been viewed 10.5 million times, with many blown away at the scenes.

Plenty were also quick to cast doubt on the positive reading.

With an entire family all Covid positive, they decided to see if their dog was also infected (pictured) by using a swab test

The family was shocked to discover their beloved dog has also returned a positive reading for Covid-19

The family was shocked to discover their beloved dog has also returned a positive reading for Covid-19

‘It would not work correctly on a dog,’ one stated, while another joked ‘Plot twist: he gave it to you.’

According to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), household pets — including cats and dogs — have been infected with the virus that causes Covid-19 stretching back to 2020.

This happened mostly after the animals were in close contact with people already infected. 

Thankfully, the risk of animals spreading the virus to people is considered low.

Meanwhile, thousands of Australians have called for rapid antigen tests (RAT) to be free for all residents.

It comes as chemists across the nation began stocking scores of rapid tests when the long awaited federal scheme was introduced on January 24.

Those who hold Commonwealth Seniors Health cards, a Health Care card or Low Income Health Care card can pick up free tests from their local pharmacy – if they are still in stock.

Pensioner Concession card, Department of Veterans’ Affairs card and Gold and White or Orange cards are also accepted.
