Dog left outside on balcony manages to flood flat

This is the hilarious moment a pet owner returns home from work to find his ninth-storey flat flooded with water after his new puppy managed to turn on a tap.

Chang Jiu-tse, the unfortunate homeowner, was incredulous and could not believe his home in Taiwanese capital Taipei could flood while situated so high on the residential tower.

His new pup, a black mongrel, had been kept on his balcony while he was out at work, and the pooch somehow managed to turn on the tap valve outside.

By the time Chang got home, the balcony had been flooded with water, which had seeped through the gaps between his sliding doors and caused the deluge in the rest of his flat.

His sitting room, bedroom and kitchen was full of standing water and the tap was still running.

Faced with a difficult choice, Chang wrote: ‘If I open the door to go turn off the tap, all this water will flow inside.’

‘What the hell am I supposed to do?’ he added.

Chang's ordeal has been liked over 6,000 times and shared over 2,000 times on social media, but he has yet to reveal how he handled the flood

This is the hilarious moment a pet owner returns home from work to find his ninth-storey flat flooded with water after his new puppy managed to turn on a tap

In the video, he says determinedly: ‘I don’t care anymore. I’m going to open this door and turn off the tap.’

As he slides the glass door open, he is greeted by his adorable puppy but sadly also a rush of water coming into his home, shocking him and leading to a cry of ‘Oh, s***.’

Chang quickly gives up his attempts to stop the flowing water and shuts the door, telling his dog: ‘You stay right there!’

Chang Jiu-tse, the unfortunate homeowner, was incredulous and could not believe his home in Taiwanese capital Taipei could flood while situated so high on the residential tower

Chang Jiu-tse, the unfortunate homeowner, was incredulous and could not believe his home in Taiwanese capital Taipei could flood while situated so high on the residential tower

His puppy obeys and sits his backside down in the water.

‘This is disastrous. I’ve just raised the water level,’ the homeowner adds while staring at the water in his sitting room.

Chang’s ordeal has been liked over 6,000 times and shared over 2,000 times on social media, but he has yet to reveal how he handled the flood.

He has also not reported any complaints from his neighbours – yet. 

His new pup, a black mongrel, had been kept on his balcony while he was out at work, and the pooch somehow managed to turn on the tap valve outside

His new pup, a black mongrel, had been kept on his balcony while he was out at work, and the pooch somehow managed to turn on the tap valve outside