Dog spends the day riding around in a UPS truck

A picture of a runaway dog who spent an afternoon riding around in a UPS delivery truck has earned the plucky pooch his five minutes of online fame after going viral on Reddit.

Posted on the site by user dickfromaccounting, the adorable snap sees a rather unimpressed-looking Golden Retriever posing in the snow with a sign detailing his misdemeanors around its neck.

The sign reads: ‘The UPS man forgot to throw me a cookie so I snuck into his truck and took a ride around the neighborhood. He had to deliver me back to my house.’ 

Pooch on the mooch: Reddit user dickfromaccounting posted this photo on Reddit after his dog crept into a UPS truck and rode around in it for an afternoon

Cookie monster: The adorable note around the dog's neck says he was expecting a snack from the UPS man 

Cookie monster: The adorable note around the dog’s neck says he was expecting a snack from the UPS man 

And the photo has sparked a huge reaction with hundreds of people commenting to share their own stories of rogue runaway pets. 

Redditor the strykrhd revealed a similar story: ‘My retriever used to get in delivery trucks too. However whenever he did, he’d just chill on the back making no noise at all – I can understand how that’d be hard for drivers notice. In the suburbs/country sometimes there are miles between each deliveries. Nice try at being Sherlock.’

And YesNoMaybe wrote: ‘We have a neighborhood cat (actually lives across the street) who will sneak in cars while people aren’t looking. We’ve had multiple people get out of the neighborhood and she pokes her head up between the seats with a “time for petting” meow.

‘She’s a sweetie. She’s also the fattest “outside cat” I’ve ever known.’

And user mamma-mia had a similar tale to tell: ‘Happened to our cat when she was a kitten.

‘My brother’s friend came by but none of us were home. He waited in the driveway chilling out with our cat in his car and fell asleep. Woke up, nobody had come home yet so he left. 5 minutes down the road and he hears meowing. Realised the cat was in his car and brought her back.’

And CrankyCow had a similar kitty story to share: ‘My old cat tried to get into the school bus once. It wasn’t some cute Lassie-moment where he was determined to follow his owner. I wasn’t even there, he just really liked people.’

For Pangwiny, it was a pet goat that took a trip in a delivery truck. 

Doggie daycare: One dog owner revealed something similar happened to his family pet 

Doggie daycare: One dog owner revealed something similar happened to his family pet 

Feline fine: Cat owners also shared their stories 

Feline fine: Cat owners also shared their stories 

Kidding me: A domestic goat also attempted a ride in a UPS truck according to one Redditor 

Kidding me: A domestic goat also attempted a ride in a UPS truck according to one Redditor 

They wrote: ‘I had a goat do this once. She had a passion for eating paper, boxes. Chewing labels off of cardboard boxes was a personal favorite of hers. Our regular UPS and FexEx guys knew about her, and the fact that she was free range, but one day, we had a sub driver. I was in a second-floor office, watched the Fed Ex guy hop out the front door, throw open the back, and while he brought in the package, the goat darted out from her pen and into the back of the truck.

‘I have no idea how many labels she managed to rip of during her tenure in the FedEx truck. I imagine it wasn’t pretty!’ 

And dog owner archetypaldream shared: ‘My dog is also obsessed with the UPS man, the mail lady, and FedEx, ever since the mail lady saw him loose a few blocks away and gave him a ride back home in her mail truck. Suddenly his all his dreams were realised at once: riding in a car, stopping every few feet to look at things and meet new people, a car door that stayed open constantly, the wind in his hair… ‘

The thread even received a comment from another UPS driver, who shared his own experience of meeting over-friendly pets on his delivery run and gave some insight into how this is more common than people realize. 

User MADPIRAHNA4 revealed: ‘UPS guy here also.

‘Have a dog on my route exactly like this. Have to jump out slam the door, pet larry (even though were not allowed to) deliver, throw a treat, jump in and slam it.

‘If Larry gets in he would ride the whole route w me.’