Dogs attack including girl, 4, but services powerless

  • A woman was attacked by two dogs while she was trying to take them to safety 
  • Livia Auer was reportedly bitten by German shepherds off US embassy property
  • Authorities told Ms Auer their ‘hands were tied’ and couldn’t help her with issue 

A dog accused of a number of attacks including biting a four-year-old girl is being protected by by ‘diplomatic immunity’.

The dog is reportedly living on a property owned by the US embassy and according to the Canberra Times, it has been linked to three separate attacks in the last 18 months. 

Two adults have also been reportedly attacked by the dog, with the most recent attack happening on October 25.

A dog is reportedly living on a property owned by the US embassy and according to the Canberra Times , it has been linked to three separate attacks (pictured) in the last 18 months

Two adults have also been reportedly attacked by the dog, with the most recent attack happening on October 25 (pictured)

Two adults have also been reportedly attacked by the dog, with the most recent attack happening on October 25 (pictured)

Livia Auer was bitten by two German shepherds on her legs and backside and less than an hour earlier, one of the same dogs had allegedly attacked a young girl and her mother, the publication reported.

While rangers were unable to enter the property, ACT authorities told Ms Auer their ‘hands were tied’.

The injuries were so severe, Ms Auer had to take time off work but told the publication she would take legal action.

Ms Auer said she saw the dogs roaming outside and called them over to get them off the road, but one of the dogs charged at her and bite her leg before later charging at her young daughter.

‘Then it had some sort of brain snap and came at me again,’ Ms Auer told The Canberra Times. 

‘I’ve always loved dogs but this was absolutely terrifying. I keep seeing that dog flying at my daughter.’

Daily Mail Australia has contacted The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the U.S Embassy and Consulates in Australia for comment.  

While rangers were unable to enter the property, ACT authorities told Ms Auer their 'hands were tied'

While rangers were unable to enter the property, ACT authorities told Ms Auer their ‘hands were tied’