Dominic Raab denies Government is stockpiling food for no deal Brexit

Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab insisted today the Government was not stockpiling food in case of a no deal Brexit – but hinted industry was getting ready just in case.

Mr Raab said there would be an ‘adequate food supply’ for the country whatever happened  to the negotiations in Brussels.

Ministers have repeatedly played down the risk of shortages in the event of a sudden hard Brexit next March.

There are fears a no deal Brexit could stop imports of food and other supplies, such as medicine, to Britain.

Mr Raab made his latest intervention during an evidence session with MPs on the Brexit committee today.

Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab (left in the Commons today) insisted the Government was not stockpiling food in case of a no deal Brexit – but hinted industry was getting ready just in case

Mr Raab made his latest intervention during an evidence session with MPs on the Brexit committee today (chaired by Hilary Benn, pictured today) 

Mr Raab made his latest intervention during an evidence session with MPs on the Brexit committee today (chaired by Hilary Benn, pictured today) 

He said he would be ‘going out to Brussels on Thursday striving very hard with our team to get the very best deal’.

Asked whether the Government was considering stockpiling food to cope with a ‘no deal’ Brexit, Mr Raab said: ‘It would be wrong to describe it as the Government doing stockpiling.

‘What we will make sure – and of course the idea that we only get food imports into this country from one continent is not appropriate – but we will look at this issue in the round and make sure that there is adequate food supply.’

It was claimed yesterday food safety controls could be suspended to prevent perishable goods being delayed at UK borders if no Brexit deal is made, according to a report.

Academics warn the UK could adopt a ‘cavalier approach’ to safety standards – resulting in EU countries blocking exports from the UK.

It is claimed a Government adviser told them of the plans being developed if delays emerge.  

But the Government denied this was true – saying it will not suspend food safety controls regardless of a no-deal scenario.

Britain imports huge amounts of food through the EU every week and there are fears supplies could be cut off by a no deal Brexit 

Britain imports huge amounts of food through the EU every week and there are fears supplies could be cut off by a no deal Brexit 

The warnings are contained in the Food Research Collaboration briefing, Feeding Britain: Food Security After Brexit.

In the section entitled ‘Preparing for a no deal food Brexit’, the report says it believes the UK will need to maintain ‘open and unhindered borders’ with the EU for food.

It adds: ‘The Prime Minister told the Cabinet in July to prepare for no deal.

‘She is right but it is already happening in Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) in some worrying directions.

‘In recent months, we have learned from a senior Government adviser that plans are being prepared to ‘suspend food controls’ if there are any delays to imports of perishable foods at our borders.

‘We learned too that other policy commentators had been told the same by senior Defra personnel.

‘One Government adviser even informed us that the plans were being devised ‘to avoid parliamentary scrutiny’.