Don Jr compares pictures of Trump smug at German Chancellor Merkel and Obama smiling at G7 leaders

While Donald Trump Jr. appears to be enjoying a weekend away in the Catskills, he made sure to weigh in on his father’s often contentious time alongside other world leaders during the G7 summit.

Trump’s eldest son compared two photos with a meme that reads ‘America last vs America first.’ The top photo shows former President Barack Obama, smiling alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel, among others, at the G7 summit in Germany in 2015.

The other photo is of his father and Merkel from this year’s summit. The pair have eyes locked, with the chancellor leaning forward with her hands firmly on a table, glaring at Trump, who is seated with his arms crossed and a smug expression on his face.

Don Jr. shared these two shots during his weekend away in the Catskills. He compared Obama’s G7 summit to Trump’s, saying Obama put America last 

Trump's attendance at the G7 ended with him tearing up the agreement known as the communique prepared by the world's leaders, after Trudeau gave a press conference once the  president had departed threatening to torpedo negotiations on a new NAFTA deal if the Americans did not remove tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum

Trump’s attendance at the G7 ended with him tearing up the agreement known as the communique prepared by the world’s leaders, after Trudeau gave a press conference once the  president had departed threatening to torpedo negotiations on a new NAFTA deal if the Americans did not remove tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stands next to Trump, as French President Emmanuel Macron leans in next to Merkel.

Donald Jr. shared the photos on Sunday with a caption, quoting White House national security adviser John Bolton: ‘Just another G7 where other countries expect America will always be their bank. The President made it clear today. No more.’ 

Don Jr. added ‘Very well said,’ to the Bolton quote, plus the hashtags America First and MAGA.      

The less-than-friendly body language has turned out to be a defining image of the contentious meeting of the G7 leaders of the world’s advanced economies.   

The G7 – an informal annual summit of democracies with highly developed economies – took place on Friday and Saturday in the Quebec resort town of Charlevoix in Canada, which holds the rotating leadership this year.

Saturday’s picture was not the first awkward moment between Trump and Merkel, who makes no secret of her disagreement with the American leader’s approach on trade, his rejection of the deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program and his decision to take the United States out of the global Paris deal to fight climate change. 

Merkel’s March 2017 visit to the White House was marked by Mr Trump either not hearing or ignoring her offer to shake hands in the Oval Office.

A subsequent visit in April this year warranted only a working lunch for the German leader, several days after fellow EU leader Macron got the full, formal state dinner treatment from Trump.

The Charlevoix G7 summit was marked by sharp disagreements over Mr Trump’s decision to impose higher import taxes on aluminium and steel imports.

The measure hits EU trading partners even though the main target is overcapacity at state-backed Chinese producers, who Europe and the US have long complained have flooded markets with cheap steel.

The G7 summit participants managed to patch over their disagreements and agree to disagree on some issues in a joint final statement.

Yet after leaving the summit, Trump tweeted that he would instruct US officials not to endorse the G7 statement, after objecting to comments from summit host Trudeau.     

He fired off furious tweets saying he told US representatives ‘not to endorse the Communique’ and accusing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau – who hosted the summit – of being ‘dishonest and weak.’    

Trump tweeted: ‘Based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!’ 

Don Jr. shared his thoughts on how the G7 summit went for America while on a weekend getaway to the Catskills

Don Jr. shared his thoughts on how the G7 summit went for America while on a weekend getaway to the Catskills (left) (The president during the summit, right) 

Trump was reacting to comments made by Trudeau at a press conference on Saturday in which he threatened to torpedo negotiations on a new NAFTA deal if the Americans did not remove tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. 

Trudeau said he told Trump directly that Canada ‘particularly did not take lightly the fact that [the tariffs were] based on a national security reason.’ The prime minister said in comments reported by CTV: ‘Canadians are polite, we’re reasonable, but we also will not be pushed around.’ 

The Canadian leader’s office defended him against Trump’s tweets on Saturday, saying that Trudeau said nothing in his G7 news conference that he has not said before directly to Trump 

‘The prime minister said nothing he hasn’t said before — both in public, and in private conversations with the president,’ Trudeau’s office said in a statement released on Twitter, which added Trudeau remained focused on what was accomplished at the two-day summit in Quebec. 

Leaving his allies in perplexed disarray, Trump was on Saturday night jetting around the world to meet a longtime adversary, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, for talks on denulcearizing the isolated nation. 

Air Force One was spotted early on Sunday refueling at a US military facility on the Greek island of Crete.