Donald Trump gives up watching his own impeachment trial to take to his golf course

With his future political career on the line but no sign that his GOP support is unraveling, President Donald Trump stepped away from watching his impeachment trial to hit the links at his West Palm Beach golf course Thursday.

In exclusive photos obtained by, the former president can be seen in a white golf shirt during an afternoon golf outing. He has been a regular on the course relocating to Mar-a-Lago January 20th after refusing to concede the election and skipping President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

The former president arrived at his Trump National Golf Club before 1 pm, and spent hours on the course even as Democratic managers made the case that rioters who ‘desecrated’ the Capitol were ‘following his orders.’ 

Former President Donald Trump went golfing, almost as soon as day three of his impeachment trial began, at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla.

He could be seen putting on the 14th hole of the course more than three hours into his game, indicating he was playing at a leisurely pace. 

Trump stayed off the course for the opening day of the trial Tuesday, ‘quietly watching’ according to one account but ‘extremely frustrated’ at his own lawyers’ performance. 

It was on Wednesday when Democrats laid out the substance of their case – including shocking video that showed Trump’s supporters attacking police while hurling expletives at them as well during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

On Thursday, House managers developed more nuanced arguments tracing back Trump comments at rallies extending back year where they said he egged on his supporters to engage in violence and celebrated them when it happened. 

There were still videos that could have grabbed his attention – including rioters saying they were ‘invited’ to the Capitol by Trump, a point managers stressed while accusing him on ‘incitement of insurrection.’

The managers did show more clips of supporters clad in Trump gear busting through windows and menacing people inside the Capitol. 

FORE MORE YEARS: The Senate will vote to deny Trump the ability to hold public office if he is convicted of 'incitement of insurrection'

FORE MORE YEARS: The Senate will vote to deny Trump the ability to hold public office if he is convicted of ‘incitement of insurrection’

Trump skipped golf on Tuesday when the trial began

Trump skipped golf on Tuesday when the trial began

Trump himself didn’t wear a MAGA hat Thursday, instead wearing a hat and shirt featuring his family crest, revealed years ago to have been lifted from another coat of arms.   

Trump’s impatience with the trial may have been shared by many of Republicans serving in effect as jurors on the prosecution’s second day. Some were absent from the floor, others were seen doing tasks. Sen. Rick Scott of Florida was even spotted filling in country names on a map. 

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) during his presentation noted that Trump declined to answer questions, but offered a few he would have asked, including why didn’t he immediately send forces to help or ask his supporters to stop. 

As a former president, Trump continues to enjoy Secret Service protection, and members of his detail could be seen stowing away rifles that were stored in vehicles that make up his motorcade.  

He also enjoys other perks including an office and staff – and as of this week has the right to seek another four years in office. The Senate could vote to bar Trump from holding public office in the future if he is convicted on a two-thirds vote, which continues to look like a tall order.

”You know I’m not afraid of Donald Trump running again in four years,’ said California Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu during his trial presentation. ‘I’m afraid he’s going to run again and lose, because he can do this again.’ 

On Friday, it will be the turn of Trump’s lawyers again, and they are indicating they don’t plan to use their full 16 hours, possibly wrapping up their presentation in a single day. 

Trump lawyer David Schoen did an interview with Fox News while the trial was going on and in the midst of Lieu’s presentation. He said on Friday people would see ‘the hypocrisy in some of the positions taken by some of the House managers’ in the case.

He accused Democrats of making ‘movies’ and called them ‘offensive’ to the nation’s ‘healing process.’

In addition to getting on the airwaves, Trump’s lawyers got the benefit of advice from people sitting effectively as jurors in the court of impeachment. They met with Republican senators including Trump loyalists Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham Thursday. 

Cruz said it was to discuss ‘strategy for tomorrow’ and Schoen said it was to discuss ‘procedure,’ PBS reported. 


Democrats rest their case 

Democrats concluded their case against President Donald Trump Thursday afternoon, by again warning their Senate audience that if they acquit the ex-president, he could return to public office and act the same all over again. 

‘If we let it go unanswered who’s to say it won’t happen again?’ asked impeachment manager, Colorado Rep. Joe Neguse, who was charged with reviewing all the arguments the House Democrats team had put forth over the last two days. 

Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, the lead impeachment manager, ended Thursday’s session by challenging Trump’s lawyers to actually defend his actions. 

‘In trust we hope that the defense will understand the constitutional gravity and solemnity of this trial by focusing like a laser beam on the facts and not return to the constitutional argument that’s already been decided,’ Raskin said. 

On Tuesday, the Senate had voted 56-44 that it was constitutional to try an ex-official, allowing the trial to proceed.

‘So our friends must work to answer all of the overwhelming, detailed, specific factual and documentary evidence we’ve introduced of the president’s clear and overwhelming guilt in inciting a violent insurrection,’ Raskin continued. 

Raskin reminded the Senate that Trump had turned down the opportunity to testify. 

The Maryland Democrat then outlined five questions he believed Trump’s lawyers needed to answer for him, including why he didn’t tell his supporters to stop the attack, why he did nothing to stop the attack for hours, why he didn’t help law enforcement, why he didn’t condemn the violent insurrectionists and, finally, if inciting an insurrection fits the definition of a ‘high crimes and misdemeanor.’ 

Trump’s lawyers, Bruce Castor and David Schoen, will take over the trial starting Friday. 

Earlier, Raskin’s central argument was that if the Senate doesn’t strip away Trump’s power to run for re-election, the country was due for a sequel.  

‘My dear colleagues, is there any political leader in this room who believes that if he is ever allowed by the Senate to get back into the Oval Office, Donald Trump would stop inciting violence to get his way?,’ Raskin argued earlier Thursday. 

‘When you bet the lives of more police officers on it? Would you bet the safety of your family on it? Would you bet the future of your democracy on that? President Trump declared his conduct totally appropriate. So, he gets back into office, and it happens again, we will have no one to blame but ourselves,’ he concluded.  

If Trump is found guilty, he would be barred from ever holding public office again. He is expected to be acquitted. 

Democrats argued Thursday that Trump has lit the fuse on violence for years. 

‘January 6th was a culmination of the president’s actions, not an aberration from them. The insurrection was the most violent and dangerous episode so far in Donald Trump’s continuing pattern and practice of inciting violence,’ Raskin said.

‘Trump knew exactly what he was doing and inciting the January 6 mob. Exactly,’ he noted. ‘He had just seen how easily his words and actions inspire violence in Michigan. He sent a clear message to his supporters. He encouraged planning and conspiracies to take over capitol buildings on threaten public officials who refused to bow down to his political will.’ 

Democrats argued Trump has lit the fuse on violence for years: 'January 6th was a culmination of the president's actions, not an aberration from them,' Lead House Impeachment manager Jamie Raskin said

Democrats argued Trump has lit the fuse on violence for years: ‘January 6th was a culmination of the president’s actions, not an aberration from them,’ Lead House Impeachment manager Jamie Raskin said

Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette showed January 6th from the rioters' point of view, arguing they believed they were acting at Trump's orders and would not be punished

Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette showed January 6th from the rioters’ point of view, arguing they believed they were acting at Trump’s orders and would not be punished

House Democrats show the administration officials who resigned after Trump's lack of response to the January 6th riot, including then-Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, the wife of Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell

House Democrats show the administration officials who resigned after Trump’s lack of response to the January 6th riot, including then-Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, the wife of Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell

The trial could wrap as early as Saturday since Trump’s team isn’t expected to take its full two days to defend the former president.

‘Hope not,’ Trump attorney David Schoen told reporters on Capitol Hill about using the full 16 hours allotted to them. Several senators predicted the trial would wrap up on Saturday or possibly Sunday at the latest.

‘We’re hoping the thing concludes by Saturday,’ Republican Senator John Cornyn said.  

Democrats spent a large chunk of day two of their arguments to showcase Trump’s history of endorsing violence. 

‘When President Trump’s watch, white supremacist extremist groups had spread like wildfire wild fire over the land,’ Raskin said.

He showed several clips of Trump’s praising his supporters who dragged protesters out of his campaign rallies and failing to condemn the white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017.

‘Ever since he became president, Trump revealed what he thought of political violence for his side, he praised it and he encouraged it,’ Raskin said.

Democrats show pattern of behavior on Trump’s part 

Democrats are trying to show a pattern of behavior on Trump’s part that led to the Capitol riot, countering the defense’s argument that the former president’s speech on January 6th wasn’t enough to incite the mob. 

House Democrats began their second day of arguments for Trump’s impeachment by showing the MAGA attack from the rioters’ point of view, using their own words to argue the Trump supporters believed they were obeying the former president’s wishes.

Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette, one of the impeachment managers, made the case that the rioters believed they were acting at Trump’s orders and believed that they would face no punishment for attacking the Capitol.

She charged that Trump ‘lit the fuse’ on January 6th that started the riot at the Capitol.

‘Their own statement before, during and end after the attack was made clear that it was done at Donald Trump’s instructions and with his wishes. Donald Trump sent them there. They truly believed that the intrusion was at the president’s orders. We know that because they said so,’ she said.

‘This was not a hidden crime. The president told them to be there and so they actually believed they would face no punishment,’ she said.

She showed footage of Jacob Chansley, the Trump supporter who wore horns and carried an American flag as he stormed the Senate.

‘He carried a spear as he breached the capital, entered the Senate to the gallery and went right here onto the Senate floor. He left a threatening note just right there for Vice President Pence,’ she said, gesturing to the Senate dais behind her. ‘Right there, it read ‘It’s only a matter of time. Justice is coming.’

DeGette when on to say: ‘Chansley’s lawyer now says that Chansley felt duped by the president and regrets what the president brought him to do. This man, who ran through our halls, who ran into this chamber, who sat right there on the dais and who wrote a note for vice president pence that he was coming for him, he and those with him declared they would remove us from office if we went against Donald Trump. Now he’s saying he would not have done any of that if Mr. Trump had told him not to.’

Rep. DeGette showed footage of Jacob Chansley, the Trump supporter who wore horns and carried an American flag as he stormed the Senate

Rep. DeGette showed footage of Jacob Chansley, the Trump supporter who wore horns and carried an American flag as he stormed the Senate

Trump attorney Bruce Castor

Trump attorney David Schoen

Trump attorneys Bruce Castor and David Schoen are expected to wrap their case by Saturday

She played videos from the rioters’ perspective – including from Trump’s rally that morning where he told his supporters to ‘fight like hell.’ ‘Fight for Trump,’ the crowd shouted back to the president.

She also showed the MAGA rioters shouting similar slogans to Trump such as ‘fight the steal’ – which was Trump’s rallying cry as he tried to overturn the election results in his favour – as they stormed the Capitol complex.

‘They weren’t doing this just for Mr. Trump, they were following his instructions. They said he had invited them and, in fact, as we heard, he had invited them. As one man explained on a live stream from inside the capitol, ‘Our president wants us here, we wait and take orders from our president.’ Footage shows when the insurrectionists first got into the building and confronted the police, the mob screamed at the officers that they were listening to President Trump,’ she said.

DeGette was countering the defense’s claim that Trump’s speech to supporters the morning was not enough to incite the January 6th attack on the Capitol, which left five dead and a trail of destruction in the building.

She also showed footage the rioters took of themselves in the Capitol, in an office, trying to call Trump on the phone.

‘Let’s tell Trump what’s up,’ one says.

‘Just say we love him,’ another notes.

‘He will be happy,’ says one. ‘We are fighting for Trump.’

DeGette pointed to the more than 100 people who have been arrested and charged in the January 6th attack, saying if they are being held accountable, so must be Trump.

‘All of these people who have been arrested and charged are being held accountable for their actions. Their leader, the man who incited them must be held accountable as well,’ she said.

Democrats use Republican condemnation of Trump to make their case

Rep. Ted Lieu, one of the impeachment managers, forced GOP senators to listen to a highlights reel of condemnation from fellow Republicans of Trump after the insurrection – even highlighting statements made by former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s wife.

Lieu was trying to convince the senators that the insurrection was a unique incident that deserved punishment – in this case a Senate conviction.

‘Perhaps most telling was the flood of resignations from people inside President Trump’s administration,’ Lieu said.

He highlighted statements made by former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and showed lawmakers a graphic that quoted Chao.

Rep. Ted Lieu highlighted the Trump administration officials who resigned in protest after the Jan. 6 riot

Rep. Ted Lieu highlighted the Trump administration officials who resigned in protest after the Jan. 6 riot

‘His own officials felt so betrayed by his conduct that numerous officials resigned in protest days before the end of President Trump’s term,’ Lieu said. ‘They all took this dramatic action of resigning because they saw the clear link between President Trump’s conduct and the violent insurrection.’

Lieu used video statements from other Republicans too.

He started with criticism from Republicans like the governors of Maryland, Vermont and Utah.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, however, is already known as a Trump critic.

Than the California Democrat aired footage of former Trump officials: former Chief of Staff John Kelly, former National Security Advisor John Bolton, former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, former Communications Director Alyssa Farah.

Bolton, who also became a Trump critic after leaving the White House, was asked if the now ex-president had blood on his hands.

‘I think he does,’ Bolton answered.

Former House Speaker John Boehner’s condemnation was highlighted as well.

Then, Lieu shared the statements from the Trump officials who quit directly after Janaury 6, noting that 16, overall, resigned with just days to go in Trump’s term.

He also played clips of speeches from the 10 House Republicans who voted in favor of the impeachment.

Lieu also trolled Sen. Mike Lee, whose last-minute objection Wednesday night briefly created chaos on the Senate floor.

Lee accused Rep. David Cicilline, another House impeachment manager, of putting words in his mouth when he said during the trial that Trump had pressured Sen. Tommy Tuberville to object to more states’ Electoral College vote counts on a phone call made on Lee’s cell phone during the riot.

Lee hadn’t divulged the content of the call, but media outlets had reported it.

Raskin agreed to pull that bit of evidence so the day could be concluded.

On Thursday, Lieu told the Senate, ‘Now some people have argued that President Trump made a mistake.’

‘That he gets a mulligan,’ Lieu said.

It was Lee who had made the ‘mulligan’ statement.

‘But we know President Trump didn’t make a mistake, because you see when you or I make a mistake and something very bad happens, we would show remorse, we would accept responsibility,’ Lieu said. ‘President Trump didn’t do any of that. Why not? Because he intended what happened on January 6.’

Lieu blasted Trump for doing ‘nothing’ in the days after the attack.

‘We’re all aware that a violent mob murdered a police officer,’ he said. ‘It took President Trump three days before he lowered the flag of the United States of America. Three days.’

‘And President Trump, who was commander-in-chief at the time, did not attend and pay respects to the officer who lay in state at the very building that he died defending,’ Lieu added.

In reality, Officer Brian Sicknick’s cremated remains didn’t lie in state until early February, after Trump had already left office.

Echoing a point Raskin made earlier in the presentation – that Trump could inspire future violence if left unpunished, he said, ‘You know I’m not afraid of Donald Trump running again in four years, I’m afraid he’s going to run again and lose, because he can do this again.’

Democrats outline the international cost of not convicting Trump

Impeachment manager, Rep. Joaquin Castro, argued that not punishing Trump for his hand in the January 6 insurrection would make the U.S. a laughingstock to foreign rivals. 

‘The world is watching and wondering whether we are who we say we are,’ Castro said. ‘We cannot let them use what happened on January 6 to define us, who we are and what we stand for. We get to define ourselves by how we respond to the attack on January 6.’ 

Castro pointed to comments made by leaders in China, Iran and Russia. 

‘The spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Capitol riots should spark “deep reflection among U.S lawmakers regarding how they discuss the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong,” suggesting that the U.S. is hypocritical for denouncing Beijing’s crackdown of the city, while it struggles with its own unrest at home,’ Castro said. 

The Texas Democrat said Iran’s Supreme Leader is using January 6 ‘to mock America.’  

‘They’re using President Trump’s incitement of an insurrection to declare democracy is “over,”‘ he said of the Russians.  

Castro then pointed to comments made by Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, noting that even the U.S.’s closest allies are worried. 

The impeachment manager also outlined the security costs of the insurrection, which he argued proved government buildings are penetrable. 

‘Every foreign adversary considering attacking this building got to watch a dress rehearsal and they saw that this Capitol could be overtaken,’ Castro said. 

He then quoted Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican who will likely vote to acquit Trump.  

‘You’re a terrorist right now and you’re sitting out there watching this, you’re saying to yourself, “hey it’s not that hard to get into the Capitol, maybe it’s not that hard to get into the White House or the Supreme Court building or somewhere else,”‘ Rubio said in the clip Castro played. 

Spiraling financial costs of the Capitol riot

After impeachment managers spend two and a half days spelling out the political and emotional costs of the Capitol riots, Rep. Dianna DeGette of Colorado briefly pointed to the strain it put on the nation financially.

The biggest ticket by far is the cost of sustaining a National Guard force to protect the nation’s capital – that alone is costing $480 million, DeGette said. That included fortifying the capital in advance of the inauguration, which law enforcement identified as under threat following the riots of Jan. 6.

Various states, all strained by the pandemic, had to deploy personnel and resources as protection in the wake of the riot.

In North Carolina, protecting the state legislature cost $605,000. In South Carolina, it cost $415,000 to protect the state House. Threats in Pennsylvania, the site of one of Trump’s main election challenges, brought pre-inaugural costs of $566,000.

Utah and Wisconsin racked up similar costs, while in Ohio, National Guard costs for protecting the state capital ran to $1.2 million.

These were scenes that played out all over the country,’ DeGette said, noting the FBI had warned of armed protests at all 50 state capitals.

At least 21 states activated Guard forces during the period before the inauguration, she said, citing ABC News.

Pointing to images of massive deployments in Washington, Illinois, Michigan, and Georgia, she said: ‘This is what Donald Trump has done to America.’

‘And remember, this is at a time when state budgets are already suffering under the weight of the pandemic,’ she added.

Joe Biden says he believes ‘some minds may be changed’ 

President Joe Biden said Thursday that some Republicans senators may change their minds on Donald Trump’s impeachment after seeing new video footage of what happened in the Capitol on the day of the MAGA riot. 

The president said he ‘didn’t watch any of the hearing live’ but saw news coverage of Democratic impeachment managers making their case against Trump.

‘I think the Senate has a very important job to complete and, I think, my guess is some minds may have been changed but I don’t know,’ Biden told reporters in the Oval Office. 

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden was affected by the video footage shown during Wednesday’s trial.

‘Anyone who watched that video … found it harrowing and deeply disturbing and that’s certainly how the president felt when he watched it,’ she said at her press briefing on Thursday.

‘I think he said ‘or they may not’ he was not intending to give a projection or a prediction but was just giving a very human and emotional response to what many people did – what many people felt I should say – when they watched the video,’ she added.

Dramatic footage from the Capitol on January 6th showed Secret Service agents rushing Vice President Mike Pence out of his hiding place near the Senate chamber while Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to be taken from the complex entirely as the MAGA rioters threatened to kill them.

President Joe Biden said some Republicans senators may change their minds on Donald Trump's impeachment after seeing new video footage

President Joe Biden said some Republicans senators may change their minds on Donald Trump’s impeachment after seeing new video footage

Donald Trump KNEW Mike Pence had been evacuated from MAGA mob BEFORE he tweeted VP ‘didn’t have courage’ to overturn election

On the day of the Capitol Hill riot, Donald Trump sent his tweet blasting Mike Pence for ‘lacking courage’ to overturn the election results after learning his vice president was removed from the Senate floor for his own safety.

Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville revealed that he spoke to Trump the afternoon of January 6th, the day Congress was certifying the election results.

Tuberville told reporters Wednesday night that he told Trump he couldn’t talk because the rioters had broken into the Capitol.

‘I don’t know if you’ve ever talked to President Trump. You don’t get many words in, but, uh, he didn’t get a chance to say a whole lot because I said “Mr. President, they just took the vice president out, I’ve got to go,”‘ he said.

The phone call between Trump and Tuberville had been reported on before but the fact Tuberville told the president about Pence is new information. It had been unclear when Trump learned what kind of danger Pence was in that day.

Pence was removed from the Senate chamber at 2:14 p.m., according to video footage from that day. He was hidden in a room nearby, with his wife Karen and daughter Charlotte.

Trump sent his tweet at 2:24 p.m. 

‘Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution,’  he wrote.

At 2:26 p.m., Pence was moved again – this time from the room he was in near the Senate chamber to a more secure location in the Capitol complex.  

Never-before-seen security camera footage from January 6th shows Vice President Mike Pence and his family being rushed from their hiding place near the Senate chamber to a more secure location

Never-before-seen security camera footage from January 6th shows Vice President Mike Pence and his family being rushed from their hiding place near the Senate chamber to a more secure location

Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville revealed he told President Trump on January 6th that Mike Pence was removed from the Senate for his own safety: 'I said "Mr. President, they just took the vice president out, I’ve got to go"'

Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville revealed he told President Trump on January 6th that Mike Pence was removed from the Senate for his own safety: ‘I said “Mr. President, they just took the vice president out, I’ve got to go”‘

President Trump sent a tweet attacking Pence for 'lacking courage' to overturn the election results after he spoke to Tuberville

President Trump sent a tweet attacking Pence for ‘lacking courage’ to overturn the election results after he spoke to Tuberville

Dramatic new footage showed Vice President Mike Pence, his wife and his daughter being removed to safety as MAGA mob crowds spread throughout the building

Dramatic new footage showed Vice President Mike Pence, his wife and his daughter being removed to safety as MAGA mob crowds spread throughout the building 

The rioters had broken into the Capitol at 2:11 p.m., causing the removal of Pence and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was presiding in the House.  

That afternoon, Trump called Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah – but by accident.

Trump thought he was calling Tuberville, who had said he would object to the electoral votes of some states. 

Trump wanted to talk to Tuberville about expanding his challenges and slowing down the certification process even further. But he dialed Lee by mistake.   

Tuberville spoke about the call because it came up on Wednesday, during the Democratic impeachment managers’ case against the former president.

Rep. David Cicilline, during his presentation, told an anecdote that was based on a story in Deseret News that cited Lee as its source, where Lee talked about Trump accidentally calling him as he sought to reach Tuberville.  

‘Senator Lee describes it, he had just ended a prayer with his colleagues here in the Senate chamber and the phone rang, it was Donald Trump,’ Cicilline said. 

‘And how Senator Lee describes it is the phone call goes something like this,’ the Rhode Island Democrat continued. ‘”Hey Tommy,”‘ Trump asks. And Senator Lee says this isn’t Tommy. And he hands the phone to Sen. Tuberville.’ 

‘Senator Lee stood by as Senator Tuberville and President Trump spoke on the phone and on that call Donald Trump reportedly asked Senator Tuberville to make additional objections to the certification process,’ Cicilline explained.     

Lee also told the publication that Tuberville and Trump spoke for about five to 10 minutes. He said he stood nearby to ensure he didn’t lose his phone in the commotion. 

During Wednesday’s trial, Lee  objected to that story being included as evidence and asked it be stricken from the record.

‘Statements were attributed to me moments ago by the House impeachment managers, statements related to the content of conversations between – a phone call involving President Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, they’re not accurate and they’re contrary to fact,’ Lee said.

The impeachment managers agreed to withdraw the story, saying they didn’t need it to make their case against Trump. 

Dramatic new footage showed Vice President Mike Pence, his wife and his daughter being removed to safety as MAGA mob crowds spread throughout the building

Dramatic new footage showed Vice President Mike Pence, his wife and his daughter being removed to safety as MAGA mob crowds spread throughout the building 

Impeachment manager, Rep. Joaquin Castro, spoke of the gallows that had been erected outside the Capitol Building, nothing that 'Some of these insurgents were heard saying that they hope to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him as a traitors'

Impeachment manager, Rep. Joaquin Castro, spoke of the gallows that had been erected outside the Capitol Building, nothing that ‘Some of these insurgents were heard saying that they hope to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him as a traitors’ 

Sen. Mike Lee objected to the story of the phone call being included in the impeachment trial - Lee was mentioned as Trump had accidentally tried to call his phone to reach Sen. Tommy Tuberville

Sen. Mike Lee objected to the story of the phone call being included in the impeachment trial – Lee was mentioned as Trump had accidentally tried to call his phone to reach Sen. Tommy Tuberville 

On January 6th, inside the Capitol building, the pro-Trump mob was looking for Pence with some shouting ‘hang Mike.’ Some rioters came within a few hundred feed of the vice president as Pence was being moved. 

Dramatic footage from the Capitol that day showed Secret Service agents rushing Pence out of his hiding place near the Senate chamber as the MAGA rioters stormed the building.

In the footage, taken from a security camera from inside the Capitol, a group of agents, one of whom carried the football with the nuclear codes, led the Pence family from where they had been taken after being removed from the Senate chamber.

Pence, his wife Karen and daughter Charlotte followed the agents down the stairs and were moved to another location in the Capitol.

‘You can see Vice President Pence and his family quickly moved downstairs. Then, as Pence was being evacuated, rioters started to spread throughout the Capitol,’ Democratic Rep. Stacey Plaskett said during the impeachment managers’ presentation.

Plaskett played several never-before-seen security camera footage from the January 6th riot as part of Democrats’ case for the impeachment of Trump. She then showed the pro-Trump supporters yelling ‘Kill Mike Pence.’

At a later moment in the trial, Rep. Joaquin Castro, noted how ‘some of these insurgents were heard saying that they hope to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him as a traitors.’

A makeshift gallows had been erected outside the Capitol Building. Castro asked senators to look at that image for a moment. 

‘It harkens back to our nation’s worst history of lynching,’ the Texas Democrat said.  

New security camera footage shows MAGA rioters storming Capitol 

Senators sat in silence as the footage played on TV screens in the chamber, including the moment the MAGA mob busted into the Capitol Building, with Plaskett pointing out the first man who entered the Capitol was wearing ‘full tactical body armor and carrying a baseball bat.’

‘Others are carrying riot shields. Among this group are members of the Proud Boys,’ she noted.

More footage showed Capitol Police officer Eugene Goodman getting Sen. Mitt Romney out of harm’s way before distracting the MAGA mob away from the Senate chamber.  Romney, a frequent Trump critic, has a prominent national profile, is easily recognized and could have been targeted by the rioters.

The footage, seen publicly for the first time by the senators, including Romney himself, shows Goodman running toward the Senate and its famous Ohio Clock. He then gestures to Romney, who does an immediate 180-degree turn, and runs with Goodman back the way the senator came.

‘I did not know that was Officer Goodman but I look forward to thanking him when I next see him,’ Romney said after the clip played. ‘I was very fortunate indeed that Officer Goodman was there they get me in the right direction.’  

Overall, Romney said of the playback: ‘It tears at your heart and brings tears to your eyes. That was overwhelmingly distressing and emotional.’  

The footage also showed rioters searching for Pelosi in and around her office, with Plaskett revealing that Pelosi had been pulled entirely from the building for her own safety. 

‘The vice president, the speaker of the House, the first and second in line to the presidency, were performing their constitutional duties, presiding over the election certification and they were put in danger because President Trump put his own desires, his own need for power over his duty to the Constitution and our democratic process,’ Plaskett said.  

Plaskett also highlighted that Richard Barnett, the rioter who was photographed seated at Pelosi’s desk, had been carrying a 950,000 volt stun gun, a weapon the FBI had since identified. 

Democratic House impeachment managers showed the break-in from two angles

Democratic House impeachment managers showed the break-in from two angles 

New footage shows a close call now Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (right) had, almost running into the MAGA mob

New footage shows a close call now Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (right) had, almost running into the MAGA mob

Rep. Eric Swalwell played some footage from the officers' perspective including a clip from a bodycam as the MAGA mob tries to break in

Rep. Eric Swalwell played some footage from the officers’ perspective including a clip from a bodycam as the MAGA mob tries to break in 

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, one of the House impeachment managers, showed the senators just how close they came to being attacked by the pro-Trump mob that day.

The senators, who are sitting as jurors in Trump’s impeachment trial, saw, for the first time, security camera footage that showed their escape from the Senate chamber, as U.S. Capitol Police officers created a line of defense to hold the mob back long enough for the lawmakers to be ushered to safety.

‘You were just 58 steps away from where the mob,’ Swalwell told the senators.

The footage showed a hallway with senators running past the camera. In the background, police officers can be seen, holding the crowd away.

The senators sat in silence as the video presentation played, their eyes glued to the TV screens.

‘You know how close you came to the mob. Some of you, I understand, could hear them. But most of the public does not know how close these rioters came to you. As you were moving through that hallway, I paced it off. You were just 58 steps away from where the mob was amassing and where police were rushing to stop them. They were yelling. In this security video, you can see how the police created a line and blocked the hallway with their bodies to prevent rioters from reaching you and your staff,’ he said.

He then played it for them again.

‘Because this is security footage that you’ve not seen before, I want to play it again. At the top of the screen, the other end of that hallway, where the mob has amassed, and the officers are rushing to protect you,’ Swalwell told the senators.

He then showed never-before-seen footage of Senate Democratic Leader having a near miss with the rioters.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s security detail escorted the senator up a ramp and down one of the hallways. The fixed security camera shows Schumer and his detail walking toward the camera and out of view. A few seconds later, the senator and his team are seen running back from where they came.

‘They came within just yards of the rioters, and had to turn around,’ Swalwell said. ‘You see Leader Schumer walking up a ramp. Going up the ramp with his detail, he will soon go out of view. Seconds later, they return, and run back down the hallway. Officers immediately shut the door and use their bodies to keep them safe.’

Schumer later called the clips ‘gut wrenching.’

‘I just want to give tremendous credit to the Capitol Police officers who were in my detail, like the rest of the Capitol Police officers they are utterly amazing and great and we love them,’ he said. 

Swalwell also showed the senators the footage of rioters in the chamber, running on the Senate floor.

‘We’re here,’ one yells. ‘Where the f**k are they?,’ another yells of the lawmakers.

‘They invaded and desecrated the Senate floor,’ Swalwell said. ‘These vandals shouted, and rifled through the desks in this room. They took pictures of documents and of themselves. Celebrating that they had taken over the floor and stopped the counting of electoral college votes.’

Swalwell noted that while it wasn’t part of his video presentation, he credited Senate staff with grabbing and protecting the Electoral College votes the mob was after.