Donald Trump says ‘nobody told him’ about Russia paying the Taliban to kill US troops,

BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump says ‘nobody told him’ about Russia paying the Taliban to kill US troops, calls the New York Times report a ‘another hoax’ and blames Obama and Biden for letting Moscow ‘have a field day’

Donald Trump has insisted ‘nobody told him’ that Russia had reportedly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants if they killed U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. 

In a series of tweets Sunday morning, the president scathed: ‘Nobody briefed or told me, VP Pence, or Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an ‘anonymous source’ by the Fake News New York Times.

‘Everybody is denying it & there have not been many attacks on us…..’ Trump continued.

The president’s comments follow a report from the Times that he was briefed in March about the apparent Moscow led murder-for-hire plot.

The president also insisted that ‘nobody has been tougher on Russia’ than his administration, adding: ‘With Corrupt Joe Biden & Obama, Russia had a field day, taking over important parts of Ukraine.

‘Where’s Hunter?’ the president asked. ‘Probably just another phony Times hit job, just like their failed Russia Hoax. Who is their ‘source’?