Donald Trump uses the word ‘motherf****r’ while slamming Dems for indicting him at California GOP convention

Donald Trump was met with raucous laughter as he taunted likely 2024 presidential rival Joe Biden by saying the White House’s reaction to his political jeopardy is to ‘indict the motherf***er!’

The foul-mouthed former president, 77, was in a comedic mood Friday evening as he addressed California’s GOP fall convention, where he also mimicked Biden, 80, getting confused when trying to find his way off-stage. 

Making light of his mounting legal troubles during his bombastic speech, Trump said his four indictments, and 91 criminal charges, are nothing more than political hit-jobs.

‘What they’ve done is they’ve gone after opponents, so that if you become president, or some other job, but if you become president, and you don’t like somebody or somebody is beating you by 10, 15, or 20 points, like we’re doing with crooked Joe Biden – let’s indict the motherf***er!’ he said. 

The moment was met with big laughs from his Republican friendly crowd. But others have said Trump’s use of a word widely-regarded as the second most-vulgar in the English language is unbecoming and beneath a man seeking re-election as president.

Donald Trump was met with raucous laughter as he tore into President Biden and other top Democrats in California on Friday, mocking Biden’s apparent confusion on a UN stage last week while saying the White House’s response to adversity is to ‘indict the motherf***er!’


Is Trump’s language appropriate?

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  • No 311 votes

Trump’s aggressive campaigning comes a week after a staggering Washington Post poll showed him holding a commanding 10-point lead over Biden in a hypothetical matchup. 

The dynamic has led to fears in Democrat circles that Biden, 80, would struggle to repeat his 2020 election victory if he came up against Trump again, with his advanced age a common talking point among those concerned.

The former president jabbed at rumors top Democrats could scheme to replace Biden before the 2024 election in his speech on Friday, pointing to California Governor Gavin Newsom as a potential surrogate. 

Trump said he doesn’t think Biden will even ‘make it’ to the general election, suggesting that Newsom has seemingly positioned himself to take the reins if the president drops out. 

‘Gavin has become Crooked Joe Biden’s top surrogate because he doesn’t think Biden is going to make it – that’s why he’s doing it,’ Trump insisted. 

Although Biden looks to have a clear run to the Democratic nomination and is running virtually unopposed after Robert F Kennedy Jr’s candidacy floundered in recent months, Trump speculated that other Democrats could soon challenge him given concerns over his capacity to win again.  

‘He doesn’t think he’s going to make it, and it won’t be him so easily,’ Trump said. ‘He’s going to have a big fight. However, because there will be a lot of Democrats competing it’s going to be very interesting.’  

Trump suggested California Governor Gavin Newsom (pictured) could be preparing to jump into the 2024 presidential race due to concerns over Biden's ability to win re-election, adding: 'Gavin has become Crooked Joe Biden's top surrogate because he doesn't think Biden is going to make it'

Trump suggested California Governor Gavin Newsom (pictured) could be preparing to jump into the 2024 presidential race due to concerns over Biden’s ability to win re-election, adding: ‘Gavin has become Crooked Joe Biden’s top surrogate because he doesn’t think Biden is going to make it’ 

The California audience cheered as Trump told them their state could be ‘wonderful again’, with many seeing the Golden State as declining under Newsom’s leadership under rampant homelessness and open-air drug taking. 

The downtown area of San Francisco has emerged as the epicenter of the crisis, with sightseeing ‘Doom Loop’ tours reportedly available for tourists to catch a glimpse of the rows of tents and squalid drug markets taking over the area. 

But Trump vowed that ‘help is on the way’ to save the state from far-left policies, if he is elected for a second term in 2024. 

He also slammed a series of California’s Democratic lawmakers and leaders and claimed ‘rich people’ in Beverly Hills ‘smell’ because of strict water laws that keep them from showering enough.

Speaking to about 1,500 attendees munching on the remains of their lunch, Trump said: ‘While California was once a symbol of American success, today under the radical left fascists and Marxists that run your state – that’s who’s running your state, bad people – it’s becoming a symbol of our nation’s decline.’

Trump headed to the West Coast days after California hosted the second Republican presidential debate, with the former president opting to speak with striking autoworkers in Detroit over attending. 

The ex-president got big laughs when he mimicked a moment when a confused Biden appeared not to be able to find his way off stage

The ex-president got big laughs when he mimicked a moment when a confused Biden appeared not to be able to find his way off stage

As he diminished Biden’s chances of winning a second term, Trump openly mocked his series of gaffes since taking office – most recently the embarrassing moment when Biden was seen wandering around the stage following remarks at the U.N. General Assembly in New York City last week.

‘Let’s see, look, some people say Biden’s going to make it. Does anybody think he’s going to make it to the starting gate?’ Trump asked in a poll of the crowd of Republicans, to which they responded with a resounding, ‘no!.’

‘I mean the guy can’t find his way off of a stage,’ he added, before mocking Biden’s seeming confusion at finding his way off the stage at the UN event.

‘Look here’s a stage,’ Trump began. ‘I’ve never seen this stupid stage before – I’ve never seen it before. But if I walk left there’s a stair. And if I walk right, there’s a stair.’

‘And this guy gets up, ‘Where am I? Where the hell am I?’ Trump said, walking aimlessly around the stage.

‘Nah, he’s terrible. You know, I’m much tougher on him than I used to be. Out of respect for the office, I was never like – He’s the most corrupt president, the most incompetent president we’ve ever had.’
