Donald Trump’s niece Mary demands he RESIGN in her first interview after publication of memoir

Donald Trump’s niece Mary demands he ‘RESIGN’ in her first interview after publication of memoir blasting the president as a ‘sociopath’

Mary Trump, the niece of President Donald Trump, has called on her uncle to resign from office as she breaks her silence after publishing a memoir describing him as a ‘sociopath’.

‘Resign,’ Mary Trump responded when ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos asked her what message she would have for her uncle if she were in the Oval Office. 

She said that, after being ‘perverted’ by the family’s deep-seated ‘issues,’ her uncle was destined to become a man ‘utterly incapable of leading this country, and it’s dangerous to allow him to do so.’

‘I saw firsthand what focusing on the wrong things, elevating the wrong people can do – the collateral damage that can be created by allowing somebody to live their lives without accountability,’ she said. ‘And it is striking to see that continuing now on a much grander scale.’


Mary Trump broke her silence in an interview that will air on Wednesday. An advance clip of the interview (above) was published on Tuesday

George Stephanopoulos interviews Mary Trump for ABC's 'Good Morning America'; the full interview will air Wednesday morning

George Stephanopoulos interviews Mary Trump for ABC’s ‘Good Morning America’; the full interview will air Wednesday morning

In the interview, Mary Trump also recalled visiting with her uncle in the Oval Office several months after he was inaugurated.

‘He already seemed very strained by the pressures … and I just remember thinking, ‘He seems tired. He seems like this is not what he signed up for,” she said.

A clip of the interview was published on Tuesday, and the full interview is scheduled to air Wednesday morning. It is the first time the people can hear from the author herself about life in the Trump family. 

It comes after Judge Hal Greenwald of the New York State Supreme Court stopped the Trump family’s attempt to gag Mary Trump from talking about her book – ‘Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man’ – which was released on Tuesday.

It’s already topped’s best seller list and the publisher sent out advance copies to several news outlets, including 

Mary Trump, seen sitting at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office during a April 2017 visit to the White House, is scheduled to appear on ABC's 'Good Morning America' on Wednesday

Mary Trump, seen sitting at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office during a April 2017 visit to the White House, is scheduled to appear on ABC’s ‘Good Morning America’ on Wednesday

Mary Trump's book about her famous family is published on Tuesday, despite family concerns

Mary Trump’s book about her famous family is published on Tuesday, despite family concerns 

Mary Trump had been unable to personally talk about it after Robert Trump, President Trump’s brother, argued that the book violated a confidentiality agreement related to Fred Trump’s estate. 

Mary Trump is President Trump’s niece, the daughter of his eldest brother Fred Trump, who died in 1981 due to complications from alcoholism. 

However the courts ruled in her favor – both in publishing the book and letting her discuss it. 

Judge Greenwald ruled that stopping publication was a ‘moot’ point because the book had already been distributed to sellers and publicized in the media.  

‘Notwithstanding that the book has been published and distributed in great quantities, to enjoin Mary L Trump at this juncture would be incorrect and serve no purpose. It would be moot,’ he wrote.

Robert Trump, who is barely mentioned in the book, led the lawsuit that attempted to stop Mary Trump from publishing it, citing an agreement she signed following a financial settlement after her grandfather’s death.

Developing story, more to come.