Dozens of Muslim teenagers sent to Government’s anti-terror programme after being radicalised by Nazi propaganda that celebrates Adolf Hitler’s genocide of Jews

Muslim teenagers are being radicalised by Nazi propaganda that celebrates Adolf Hitler’s genocide of the Jews and even claims he was an admirer of Islam, the Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Dozens of Muslim schoolboys have been referred to the Government’s Prevent programme after viewing and sharing Nazi videos and memes in the wake of the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas and the war in Gaza.

Previously only white teenagers susceptible to Far Right extremism were referred to Prevent over such material, officials say.

But now Muslim youths are being sent to the deradicalisation programme for viewing the same propaganda and expressing similar views about the Nazis.

Dozens of Muslim schoolboys have been referred to the Government’s Prevent programme after viewing and sharing Nazi videos and memes

Previously only white teenagers susceptible to Far Right extremism were referred to Prevent over such material, officials say (stock photo)

Previously only white teenagers susceptible to Far Right extremism were referred to Prevent over such material, officials say (stock photo)

The cases raise fears that some Muslim youths risk being radicalised as violent extremists who could carry out attacks against Jewish targets in Britain.

So far there has been one terror attack in the UK in response to the October 7 Hamas massacre, when Ahmed Alid, 45, stabbed a 70-year-old pensioner to death in Hartlepool as ‘revenge’ for the Gaza war. He was jailed for life on Friday.

An alleged plot against Jewish targets in Manchester is under investigation. Home Office sources said teachers had flagged up a number of Muslim teenage boys for viewing Hitler memes and videos on social media sites such as Discord and TikTok.

Some of the memes shared by the teenagers show a photo of the Nazi dictator with the title ‘Hitler the Great’. In others, a quote is attributed to him saying: ‘The only religion I admire is the religion of Islam.’

Official sources say dozens of Muslim teenagers have been referred to Prevent in London alone for sharing Nazi material, often as ‘no fixed ideology’ cases.

The cases raise fears that some Muslim youths risk being radicalised as violent extremists who could carry out attacks against Jewish targets in Britain. Pictured, Nazi propaganda being shared by Muslim schoolchildren

The cases raise fears that some Muslim youths risk being radicalised as violent extremists who could carry out attacks against Jewish targets in Britain. Pictured, Nazi propaganda being shared by Muslim schoolchildren

A former Prevent worker said Islamists often did not realise that the Far Right hates Muslims as much as Jews. Another example of Nazi propaganda

A former Prevent worker said Islamists often did not realise that the Far Right hates Muslims as much as Jews. Another example of Nazi propaganda

But when spoken to by Prevent mentors, it usually emerges that the individuals have ‘Islamist mindsets’ but are coming across Nazi propaganda when searching for anti-Semitic material online.

A Home Office source said: ‘These kids are being spotted by teachers for viewing Nazi stuff on their smartphones. But the teachers are confused – they don’t see that Islamists sometimes agree with the Far Right.

‘The Islamists hate Jews and gays, and so do the Far Right. This makes them think Hitler was right in some respects.’

A former Prevent worker said Islamists often did not realise that the Far Right hates Muslims as much as Jews, adding: ‘For Islamists to love the Far Right is like turkeys voting for Christmas.’

It comes as elements of Britain’s Far Right leadership form ‘alliances of convenience’ with prominent Islamists.

Home Office sources said teachers had flagged up a number of Muslim teenage boys for viewing Hitler memes

Home Office sources said teachers had flagged up a number of Muslim teenage boys for viewing Hitler memes

So far there has been one terror attack in the UK in response to the October 7 Hamas massacre, when Ahmed Alid, 45, (pictured) stabbed a 70-year-old pensioner to death in Hartlepool

So far there has been one terror attack in the UK in response to the October 7 Hamas massacre, when Ahmed Alid, 45, (pictured) stabbed a 70-year-old pensioner to death in Hartlepool 

Nick Griffin, former head of the British National Party, who used to campaign against Muslim immigration, posts anti-Israeli tweets to his 67,000 followers on X.

Griffin, 65, who has described Islam as a ‘wicked, vicious faith’, has appeared on the Blood Brothers podcast hosted by prominent Islamist Dilly Hussain, discussing the ‘dangers’ of Zionism.

Jayda Fransen, 38, former deputy head of Britain First, also tweets anti-Israeli material and has been on Hussain’s podcast, as has Mark Collett, former head of the BNP’s youth wing, and Jim Dowson, who founded Britain First. Craig McCann, a former police officer and Prevent worker, said last night: ‘Some of these Far Right figures are opportunists who have formed an alliance of convenience with Islamists.’

A Home Office spokesman said: ‘Anti-Semitism is a scourge on our society and does not reflect the values of modern Britain, which is why we are committed to tackling it in all its forms.’
