Dr Karl Covid-19 Australia: Scientist reveals what would happen if you drank vaccine

Dr Karl Kruszelnicki reveals what would happen if you DRANK the Covid-19 vaccine instead of injecting it – and the answer might surprise you

  • What would happen if someone drank a Covid-19 vaccine such as Pfizer  
  •  Science presenter Dr Karl Kruszelnicki answered the question on radio
  • He told Triple M’s The Danny Lakey Show stomach acid would destroy it 

Popular scientist Dr Karl Kruszelnicki has revealed what would happen if a person drank a Covid-19 vaccine instead of injecting it into the arm.

Dr Karl, who is dubbed ‘the people’s scientist’, revealed stomach acid would likely destroy a Covid vaccine ingested via the mouth. 

‘[The vaccine] is optimised to work by a tiny amount of it being injected into the muscle and then various things happen there,’ he explained during an interview on Triple M’s The Danny Lakey Show.

‘The vitamin is not that much, it’s less than a mil, so I’m guessing on average, you could swallow it into your mouth, no worries, and it would go down into your esophagus, no worries.  

‘In the stomach, the extreme acidity may very well break it down and destroy it.’

Dr Karl Kruszelnicki said stomach acid would likely destroy a Covid vaccine if swallowed

Dr Karl, 73, said that while there are vaccines that are swallowed, including for polio, the health industry was moving towards vaccines administered via a spray. 

‘We’re now moving to vaccines that work where the centre of all the action is, the lungs,’ he said.

Host Lakey asked whether the vaccine would taste like medicine. 

‘It’s only a mil, half a mil, so it would depend on the individual vaccine because there’s so many,’ Dr Karl said. 

While a human being’s stomach acid, enzymes and gut bacteria generally kill vaccine antigens, ingestible vaccines for diseases such as polio and rotavirus exist because both of those are gut pathogens. 

Instructions on Covid-19 vaccines stress they should be administered intramuscularly (above) and not swallowed

Instructions on Covid-19 vaccines stress they should be administered intramuscularly (above) and not swallowed

It comes after the beloved science boffin took to TikTok to share an important message about the risk of dying from a Covid-19 vaccine compared to the disease itself. 

‘One in a million is the odds of dying from the AstraZeneca vaccine,’ the expert said.

The figure is taken from Therapeutic Goods Administration data, which shows there have only been nine deaths linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine from more than 9.6 million doses administered across Australia as of August 29. 

The vaccine has been linked to extremely rare blood clotting incidents but Dr Karl said the risk of dying in a road accident is still much higher at 40 deaths in a million.

He said the chance of dying from Covid-19 once infected is 22,000 in a million, 550 times higher than the risk of being killed on Australia’s roads.

‘22,000 to one. Those are really good odds,’ Dr Karl said. ‘That’s why I got vaccinated as soon as possible – and so should you.’

During Melbourne’s Covid-19 second wave there were 18,628 cases and 800 deaths as the virus ripped through Victoria’s unvaccinated population in late 2020, according to the state’s Department of Health.

Those figures equal a death rate of 42,000 in a million.

There have only been nine deaths linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine from more than 9.6 million doses administered across Australia as of August 29

Dr Karl said the chance of dying from Covid-19 once infected is 22,000 in a million

There have only been nine deaths linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine from more than 9.6 million doses administered across Australia as of August 29

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk