DR MICHAEL MOSLEY’S diabetes busting breakfasts

Dr Michael Mosley, pictured, has developed an weight-loss plan using simple recipes 

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, or you’ve already got type 2 diabetes, these delicious low-calorie recipes will help you to lose weight.

From filling breakfast, to speedy lunches and tempting dinners, they prove that you don’t have to compromise on the foods you love to get the health you want – and you can even eat pudding.

How you choose to shift the extra pounds is entirely up to you.

There are a number of options depending on how much weight you want to lose, and how quickly you want to do it.

The important thing is to first set your weight-loss goal.

If you’ve been told you have prediabetes, the evidence suggests you can return your blood sugar level to normal by losing about eight per cent of your body weight. So for a 10st woman, that would mean losing just over 11 lb.

If you have type 2 diabetes and you want to put it into remission, losing at least 10kg (1st 8 lb) – and keeping it off – can reverse the condition for the majority of people.

The evidence suggests that, in either case, it doesn’t matter how fast you lose the weight.

To do it, aim to consume 800 calories a day to reach your goal.

Alternatively, you could also choose an intermittent fasting approach, as with Dr Michael Mosley’s New 5:2 Diet. This involves restricting your calories to 800 a day for two days of the week, and eating normally for the remaining five.

Dr Michael’s weight-loss tips 

As with any weight- loss plan, always see your doctor before you start. Seek medical advice if you…

● Have a history of eating disorders.

● Are taking prescribed medication.

● Have a significant medical or mental health condition.

● Are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Don’t go on the diet if you…

● Are under 18.

● Are very lean or underweight (with a BMI below 21).

● Are recovering from surgery or are generally frail.

Fast days can be consecutive or not. It’s up to you. But it is crucial to choose an approach that’s going to work for you so that you stick to it.

Once you’ve reached your target weight, simply follow the dietary recommendations from NHS England to stop the pounds creeping back on.

As a rule of thumb, stick to 400 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch and 600 for dinner. But try not to exceed the daily totals – women are recommended not to go beyond 2,000 calories a day, and it’s 2,500 for men.

If you’ve been following the 800-calories-a-day diet, you will need to slowly work up to eating normally over a number of weeks.

For more information on both weight-loss options, more recipes and to purchase books, visit Dr Mosley’s website, thefast800.com. 

Banana pankakes 

Serves 2

● 1 large banana

● 2 medium eggs

● Small handful of berries

Mash the banana well with a fork and, in a separate bowl, whisk the eggs. Mix the two together until fully combined. Heat a non-stick frying pan, then cook large spoonfuls of the mixture for 1 minute on each side or until golden.

Serve topped with the berries.

This easy recipe serves two people and only has 148 calories per serving

This easy recipe serves two people and only has 148 calories per serving 

Smoothie bowl topped with fruit and nuts

Serves 2

● 100g frozen mixed berries

● 1 frozen banana

● 50g low-fat plain yogurt

● 50ml semi-skimmed milk

● 1 small apple, sliced

● 20g almonds, roughly chopped

Put the berries, banana, yogurt and milk into a blender and blitz until they are smooth. Pour the mixture into 2 bowls and top with the apple slices and almonds to serve.

Thus smoothie bowl topped with fruits and nuts has 172 calories per serving

Thus smoothie bowl topped with fruits and nuts has 172 calories per serving 

Black pudding hash with fried eggs

Serves 2

● 1 medium potato, about 150g, roughly chopped

● 1 small carrot, grated

● 1 slice of black pudding, about 50g, finely chopped

● 2 medium eggs

Cook the potato in boiling water for 8-10 minutes until soft. Drain then mash with a fork and stir in the grated carrot, black pudding and add some seasoning. Using your hands, form the mixture into two patties. Heat a non-stick frying pan and cook them for 4-5 minutes on each side until golden. Meanwhile, cook the eggs in the same pan to your liking and serve on top of the hash patties.

This recipe featuring black pudding hash with fried eggs has 216 calories per serving

This recipe featuring black pudding hash with fried eggs has 216 calories per serving 

Pink porridge and kiwi

Serves 2

● 75g rolled oats

● 100ml semi- skimmed milk

● 100g frozen strawberries and raspberries

● 1 kiwi, peeled and sliced

Put the oats, milk and 250ml of water in a small pan and cook for 5-6 minutes. Meanwhile, put the berries in a small bowl and defrost in the microwave for 1-2 minutes until very soft. Mash really well with a fork until they become a puree. Once the oats have cooked, stir the berries in until the mixture turns pink. Serve topped with the kiwi.

This pink porridge and kiwi has 211 calories per serving and only takes a short period of time

This pink porridge and kiwi has 211 calories per serving and only takes a short period of time

French toast with berries

Serves 2

● 1 large egg

● 50ml semi- skimmed milk

● ½ tsp vanilla extract

● 2 slices wholegrain bread

● 75g mixed berries

Whisk the egg in a wide bowl with the milk and vanilla. Dip both sides of the slices of bread into the mixture. Heat a non-stick frying pan and cook the bread for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Serve topped with the berries.

This French toast and berry recipe has only 165 calories per serving and is very quick

This French toast and berry recipe has only 165 calories per serving and is very quick 

Egg and spinach muffin cups

Serves 2

● 4 small handfuls of spinach

● 4 medium eggs

Preheat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas mark 6. Squash the spinach into four holes of a non-stick muffin tin. Crack the eggs into the holes, season with salt and pepper, then cook in the oven for 10-12 minutes or until the whites have set.

These egg and spinach muffin cups have only 161 calories per serving

These egg and spinach muffin cups have only 161 calories per serving



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