Dr. Oz makes Corey Feldman report his molesters to LAPD

Corey Feldman will sit down with Dr. Oz on Thursday to speak about the Hollywood pedophile ring he claims preyed on him and other young actors, including his late friend Corey Haim.

This interview comes after Feldman told multiple media outlets that he named members of this ring back in 1993 during an interview with members of the Santa Barbara Police Department, with the ‘Lost Boys’ star claiming that officials did nothing with the information.

That claim is now being disputed however by police, and in an exclusive clip from Thursday’s episode Dr. Oz confronts Feldman with this information.

‘I called the Santa Barbara Police, just got off the phone with them. As you were speaking I was speaking. You claim that you spoke to them about your abuse in 1993 just to be clear,’ says Dr. Oz in an exclusive clip obtained by DailyMail.com.

Feldman then interrupts him to state: ‘It’s on the record.’

Dr Oz continues: ‘And you named names. I listened to the recording and I did not hear you name names.’

Feldman responds by claiming that police turned off the recording device when he shared the identity of his molesters, which Dr. Oz accepts as true.

He then pleads with Feldman to reach out to authorities again, at which point the actor makes the decision to call the Los Angeles Police Department and name the two men who allegedly assaulted him and other minors.

It is during this call that Feldman reveals one of the men is still posting photos of him and Haim on his social media accounts.


Speaking out: Corey Feldman will appear on ‘The Dr. Oz Show’ Thursday (above) to discuss the Hollywood pedophile ring he claims preyed on him and other young stars

Shock: During the episode, Dr. Oz reveals that Santa Barbara police deny Feldman's claim that he revealed the names of his molesters in a 1993 interview

Shock: During the episode, Dr. Oz reveals that Santa Barbara police deny Feldman’s claim that he revealed the names of his molesters in a 1993 interview

Moment of truth: Dr. Oz is then able to convince Feldman (above with his wife) to call LAPD and name the men he claims molested him and raped Corey Haim

Moment of truth: Dr. Oz is then able to convince Feldman (above with his wife) to call LAPD and name the men he claims molested him and raped Corey Haim

Dr. Oz also reads a statement from police disputing Feldman’s claim during the interview.

‘We are aware of the statements that Mr. Feldman is making regarding an investigation in 1993. Our records do not indicate that he named any suspects,’ states Dr. Oz, reading from the official statement he was given by a spokesperson from the Santa Barbara Police Department. 

He then tells Feldman: ‘They want you to reach out to them. Would you call them after the show?’

Feldman responds by saying ‘absolutely.’

Dr. Oz then presses him on the question many have wondered, asking: ‘Why haven’t you already called them and said, guys, I said this to you, how can you not at least acknowledge?!’

Feldman replied by explaining: ‘Because we haven’t acknowledged it until today and they are acknowledging it by saying they don’t have any recollection.’

The host looks a bit shocked when he hears this response, and Feldman goes on to say: ‘Well, I think it’s the first day that I think anybody has gone to them for a comment… but it’s the first time I’ve heard any recount from them at all.’

DailyMail.com also went to the Santa Barbara Police Department for a comment, and received the same statement as Dr. Oz.

The two men then head backstage to make the call, which can be seen in full on Thursday.

Feldman stopped by ‘Megyn Kelly Today’ on Monday, where he spoke about telling police the names of these predators over two decades ago while being questioned about his friend Michael Jackson.

‘In 1993, I told the Santa Barbara Police Department, when they came to interrogate me about Michael Jackson, when they came to convince me that he was a pedophile. And I said he’s not,’ said Feldman.

‘And I said, “I’ve been molested.” They said, “by who?” I said, “I can give you the names, here they are.” And they said, “that’s not our area. That’s outside of our community.”‘ 

Feldman also spoke about his fears for his safety in the wake of his announcement that he hopes to raise $10 million to produce a feature film that will reveal a number of powerful Hollywood pedophiles. 

A good deal of that money will go towards security said Feldman, a cost he justified by claiming he had almost been killed just the other day. 

Megyn also asked Feldman if he went to police in Los Angeles back in 1993, after the Santa Barbara officers allegedly dismissed his allegations. 

‘I didn’t. When you’re a kid, 18, 19, 20-year-old kid, you try telling the police, which is a very big thing to do. And especially, it wasn’t my situation. I was just answering for a friend,’ said Feldman, who has long claimed the sexual abuse and assaults endured by his best friend Haim were far worse than his own.

‘The fact I had the courage to throw it in there and hopefully get some support, and then they were like, sorry. They just shut it down like it didn’t matter. And this is when it was within the statute of limitation. It was within my ten years.’ 

Back in the day: He believes this is because people want to silence him now that he is planning to reveal the pedophiles who assaulted him and actor Corey Haim as children (Feldman and Haim in the 1987 film 'Lost Boys')

Back in the day: He believes this is because people want to silence him now that he is planning to reveal the pedophiles who assaulted him and actor Corey Haim as children (Feldman and Haim in the 1987 film ‘Lost Boys’)

Haim and Feldman in 1989

Haim and Feldman in 2007

Money: Feldman (left with Haim in 1989, right in 2007) is hoping to raise $10 million to make a feature film outing his alleged attackers, despite protests from many who want him to just name the predators

He had previously told Matt Lauer in an interview earlier that  in the day: ‘If I were to go to the police, I would be the one who’s getting sued. Henceforth, I need a team of lawyers, I need a team of security to be around me at all times to keep me safe so I can get this message done. I vow I will release every single name that I have any knowledge of, period.’

Feldman did provide some clues as to the identity of one of his alleged molesters on Monday, saying he used to run a club for children and now works for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

‘You want to tell us who it is, since you’re going to have 1,000 stories trying to run down the person with that history,’ asked Megyn.

The actor said he could not name the person until her had ‘legal protection.’

Feldman also blamed the media and the police for the lack of movement on outing these pedophiles, who he holds responsible for Haim’s battles with drugs and alcohol, which led to his death. 

Haim was one of the biggest stars of the 1980s, with leading roles in films including ‘Lucas,’ ‘Watchers’ and the Oscar-nominated ‘Murphy’s Romance,’ which he starred in alongside Sally Field and James Garner.

Feldman also found early success in Hollywood thanks to his roles in two of the decade’s most memorable films, ‘Goonies’ and ‘Stand By Me.’

The boys first worked together on the 1987 vampire flick ‘The Lost Boys,’ and paired up again in the films ‘License to Drive’ and ‘Dream a Little Dream.’

Haim was quite the ladies man too over the years, dating Alyssa Milano, Nicole Eggert, Holly Fields and even Victoria Beckham at one point.

Feldman and Haim had a chance to share the screen once more in 2007 with their reality show ‘The Two Coreys,’ which was cancelled after two seasons.

It was a little over a year after that last season aired that Haim died as a result of drug induced pneumonia.

Life or death: Feldman (above) said that he was almost killed by two pickup trucks that came speeding at him 'the other day' while appearing on 'Megyn Kelly Today' Monday

Life or death: Feldman (above) said that he was almost killed by two pickup trucks that came speeding at him ‘the other day’ while appearing on ‘Megyn Kelly Today’ Monday

Naming names: Feldman, 46, also said that he identified some of the pedophiles he alleges molested him and raped Haim in a 1993 interview with Santa Barbara Police (Feldman and Kelly above)

Naming names: Feldman, 46, also said that he identified some of the pedophiles he alleges molested him and raped Haim in a 1993 interview with Santa Barbara Police (Feldman and Kelly above)

Feldman detailed Haim’s struggles with drugs – as well as his own – in his 2013 memoir ‘Coreyography.’

In that book he revealed that the first time they tried cocaine was with two of the men who were abusing them.

Feldman also wrote in the book about Haim having sex with adult men on the set of ‘Lucas’ and ‘The Lost Boys,’ sharing a story he claims Haim told him one of the first times they met.

‘At some point during the filming [of Lucas], he explained an adult male convinced him that it was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the business to have sexual relations, that it was what all “guys do,” wrote Feldman.

‘So they walked off to a secluded area between two trailers, during a lunch break for the cast and crew, and Haim, innocent and ambitious as he was, allowed himself to be sodomized.’

Feldman also wrote about Haim spending time with Martin Weiss, a well known manager of child actors, while they were filming ‘The Lost Boys.’

He claimed in the book that one day on set Haim, who was 15 during filming, was aroused and wanted to have sex.

‘Marty’s gay? Why don’t you ask him?’ wrote Feldman.

Feldman revealed many of these stories in his 2013 'Coreyography'

Feldman revealed many of these stories in his 2013 ‘Coreyography’

‘The two walked, single file, into the adjoining room. … I heard sounds, banging, thumping. I felt my stomach flip-flop. I felt sick.’

Weiss was arrested in 2011 after one of his clients told police he had been sexually abused by the man starting when he was just 11-years-old, claiming the incidents happened 30 to 40 times over a roughly three years period.

He eventually pleaded no contest to two counts of child molestation in 2012 and was sentenced to a year in jail and five years probation.

Weiss was immediately released after entering his plea for time served.

Feldman also detailed a night when he allegedly received oral sex from a man after he was fed a cocktail of drugs.

The abuse at the hands of that man, who he called ‘Ron’ in the book, went on for years after that first incident.

‘I don’t know why I couldn’t confront Ron, but I was consumed with guilt. I felt like the whole thing was my fault,’ wrote Feldman.

‘I desperately wanted him to stop, but I was afraid of losing my friend.’

Feldman said in his book that he did at one point name some of the men who abused himself and Haim to authorities, but claimed that they chose to ignore the allegations and allowed the statue of limitations to run out without conducting an investigation or pressing any charges.

He wrote that he eventually found shelter and solace in an unlikely place – with Michael Jackson.

‘I was shattered, disgusted, devastated. I needed some normalcy in my life. So, I called Michael Jackson,’ he wrote, explaining that the pair had been introduced by director Steven Spielberg.

‘Michael Jackson’s world, crazy as it sounds, had become my happy place. Being with Michael brought me back to my innocence. When I was with Michael, it was like being 10 years old again.’

He insisted in the book that Jackson never abused him or tried to touch him sexually over the course of their friendship.

Feldman made the decision to very publicly reveal that his late friend was raped at the age of 11 by a Hollywood producer back in 2016 in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

The actor defended his decision to out Haim as a victim of sexual abuse by stating that their stories were so connected, it would be impossible to tell one without the other.

‘Understand, that Haim n I shared 1 life 4 many decades! R stories R 1 n the same! There’s no telling my story without mentioning him, and vice versa!’ wrote Feldman in a Facebook post at the time.

He also went after Haim’s family in the post, and the fact that they have chosen to stay silent despite Feldman’s belief that the sexual abuse Haim suffered as a child is directly responsible for his lifelong battle with drugs – and his eventual death.

‘As far as his family, Y aren’t they standing alongside me and doing something about it? Because they want it 2 just go away! So is that OK?’ wrote Feldman.

‘2 stand in complete silence is worse than speaking in a political manner, 2 start a much needed wave of discussion! I can not stay silent.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk