Dramatic courtroom moment woman accused of stabbing her boyfriend to death learns he was sleeping with her friend as their junkie home from hell is revealed

A woman accused of murdering her boyfriend inside a suburban drug den has stormed out of court upon learning she had not been his only lover. 

Linda Lee Falzon, 43, is accused of murdering James McColgan, 61,  inside his home at Sunbury, on the north-west fringe of Melbourne, where the pair lived with other addicts and drug dealers. 

On Tuesday, Falzon learned her friend had also been sleeping with Mr McColgan, causing her to walk out of the prison media room where she had been watching a preliminary court hearing that will determine if she stands trial. 

The Melbourne Magistrates’ Court heard Falzon is accused of plunging a knife into Mr McColgan’s chest and leaving him to bleed out on the floor. 

No motive has been established for the alleged murder of the tattooist, with several other people identified as possible suspects. 

One of those people had allegedly told Falzon to stab Mr McColgan with a screwdriver. 

The home had been given to Mr McColgan by his mother and converted into a suburban cesspit where junkies gathered to sell, buy and use drugs. 

Linda Lee Falzon has been charged over the murder of her lover James McColgan

At the time of his death, Mr McColgan had just landed a $100,000 compensation payout for being a victim of sexual abuse as a child. 

Samantha Attard – who was 23 years Mr McColgan’s junior – had kept her sexual relationship with Mr McColgan secret until Monday, when she told Falzon’s barrister Adam Chernok. 

It was Ms Attard who found Mr McColgan’s bloody body and reported it to police. 

The court heard that Mr McColgan had owed Ms Attard thousands of dollars at the time and had promised to buy her a car. 

‘I didn’t want to say anything to anyone because of the age difference. I’m the same age as his son,’ Ms Attard told the court. 

The court heard Ms Attard had been sleeping with Mr McColgan behind Falzon’s back for five months before his death. 

But it was her description of how the pair first came to consummate their relationship that saw Falzon storm out of the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre media room. 

Linda Lee Falzon stormed out of a court hearing upon learning her dead lover had been two-timing her

Linda Lee Falzon stormed out of a court hearing upon learning her dead lover had been two-timing her 

‘He come up to me, standing at the back of me, and he goes “I think I’m going to kiss you”. We were very close, had a lot in common, always made each other laugh and it just went from one thing to another,’ Ms Attard told the court. 

‘I didn’t want to say too much to anyone because of the age.’

Falzon refused to return to the hearing, forcing Mr Chernok to carry on without her. 

Ms Attard said Falzon had no idea she had been sleeping with her boyfriend. 

Falzon had hooked-up with Mr McColgan while homeless.  

The court heard police found Mr McColgan bleeding out by the front door of the house and died at the scene despite the efforts of paramedics to revive him. 

Police who attended the the home described it as filthy, with dirty, uncapped syringes scattered throughout. 

Mr Chernok said the house was littered with food scraps and the rooms packed with ‘rubbish and debris’. 

The filthy drug den where Linda Lee Falzon allegedly stabbed to death her two-timing lover

The filthy drug den where Linda Lee Falzon allegedly stabbed to death her two-timing lover

Linda Lee Falzon was found hiding in this backyard after the home had supposedly been cleared by detectives

Linda Lee Falzon was found hiding in this backyard after the home had supposedly been cleared by detectives

Such was the filth, an unarmed officer found Falzon in the backyard hiding behind a discarded shopping trolley after detectives had supposedly ‘secured the crime scene’.

Ms Attard told the court up to half-a-dozen people and a dog had been staying at the house, with at least eight people a day attending to buy drugs from a dealer who resided there.

She told the court people staying in the house were shooting-up drugs and smoking both cannabis and methamphetamine.   

She told the court one of those residents had once threatened to ‘slice her from top to bottom’. 

That man had been known to go ‘crazy’ with a hammer and smash-up the place. 

Ms Attard said, on one occasion, the man told Falzon how to go about committing a murder in what was described as ‘the screwdriver incident’. 

‘You know what to do. Drive it in. Drive it in hard,’ Ms Attard recalled him saying. 

‘I heard a conversation between him and Ms Falzon.’

The hearing continues.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk