Dramatic moment handcuffed American man facing drug charge boldly escapes dozy Thai police

Dramatic moment handcuffed American man facing drug charge boldly escapes dozy Thai police by sprinting away when they opened car door

  • Florida man Ezekiel Dolcide, 28, was arrested for marijuana possession in Phuket
  • When Thai police opened the police car, Dolcide fled into the nearby woodland
  • Colonel Sarawut Chprasit said Dolcide was ‘still in handcuffs’ when he scarpered

An American prisoner managed to slip out of Thai police custody as they opened car door while transporting him between cells, new footage shows. 

The daring escape in the Thai city of Phuket was captured on surveillance footage given to the MailOnline today. 

It appears to show Ezekiel Shiloni Dolcide, 28, taking advantage of what appears to be a lax moment in police vigilance to make a break for freedom.  

The officers can be seen to casually open the door and step back to let the prisoner through in new surveillance footage released today

Ezekiel Shiloni Dolcide, 28, (pictured) from Florida, was arrested last month for alleged marijuana possession on the island of Phuket and detained in custody to be deported

Ezekiel Shiloni Dolcide, 28, (pictured) from Florida, was arrested last month for alleged marijuana possession on the island of Phuket and detained in custody to be deported

The video shows how the Florida man was being moved between two stations in Phuket when he managed to flee – while still in handcuffs. 

It follows the news on Monday that Thai police were looking for a 28-year-old Florida man who had escaped from custody. 

In the new footage officers appear to have just parked the police transportation vehicle transporting their prisoner on the side of a street. 

The officers could be seen in what appeared to be a rather casual stance outside its rear doors. 

One policeman can be seen to open the door, standing back to let the prisoner step down. 

Dolcide took advantage of what appeared to be a rather dozy pair of officers by making a break for freedom. 

The officers looked momentarily startled before they unsuccessfully attempted to chase the fugitive down. 

Ezekiel Shiloni Dolcide, 28, from Florida appears to take advantage of the apparent lapse in vigilance and makes a break for it

The American man was still wearing handcuffs when he made his bid for freedom

Ezekiel Shiloni Dolcide, 28, from Florida appears to take advantage of the apparent lapse in vigilance and makes a break for it

Dolcide had been arrested last month for alleged marijuana possession on the island of Phuket and detained in custody to be deported.

He was being transferred in a police car earlier today from the Phuket City Police Station to Chalong Police Station when he managed to escape. 

It is believed the Florida man managed to flee into nearby woodland. Police scoured the area overnight trying to find the fugitive, who had also been charged with overstaying his visa.

‘Police are hunting for him. I believe that he is still in Phuket. If you see him, please [contact] Chalong Police Station immediately,’ the police chief Colonel Sarawut Chprasit said. 

Officers were off to a late start after being taken by surprise when the prisoner made his bid for freedom. The officers gave chase but the 28-year-old managed to escape into the nearby scrub

Officers were off to a late start after being taken by surprise when the prisoner made his bid for freedom. The officers gave chase but the 28-year-old managed to escape into the nearby scrub

Police are pictured searching for Dolcide not long after he escaped in Phuket. American citizen Dolcide  allegedly escaped from police custody by running off into nearby woodland after an officer opened a door to let him out

Police are pictured searching for Dolcide not long after he escaped in Phuket. American citizen Dolcide  allegedly escaped from police custody by running off into nearby woodland after an officer opened a door to let him out

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk