Driver is stopped on busy A-road with a SETTEE on his roof

  • Hapless motorist in his 60s was pulled over by stunned traffic police in Norfolk
  • Officers were shocked to find that he had strapped sofa to the roof of his car 
  • Norfolk Police said the culprit now faces penalty points on his licence and a fine

A dopey driver was stopped by police because he had a sofa strapped to his roof.

The hapless motorist in his 60s was pulled over by stunned traffic police on the busy A140 at Dickleburgh, Norfolk.

Officers branded the man’s load ‘dangerous’ and ‘insecure’.

The bungling driver had tied the settee on to his Renault Scenic’s roof using just one rope to hold it down.

The hapless motorist in his 60s was pulled over by stunned traffic police on the busy A140 at Dickleburgh, Norfolk

The hapless motorist in his 60s was pulled over by stunned traffic police on the busy A140 at Dickleburgh, Norfolk

South Norfolk Police tweeted: ‘Driver reported for having a dangerous and insecure load in #Dickleburgh on the A140. ‘#NotSuitable #517.’

Norfolk Police said the culprit now faces piling up penalty points on his licence and a fine.

‘However, this all comes down to many different factors,’ said a force spokesman.

‘The decision is made by our Traffic Justice Unit shared by Norfolk and Suffolk police based on the evidence put in front of them.’