Driver LOSES IT fast food drive-through after stopping too far from the window to collect his drink

Moment a driver LOSES IT at a fast food drive-thru after stopping too far from the window to collect his drink: ‘What an idiot’

  • Dashcam video shows P-plate driver waiting at fast-food drive-through window
  • Car is parked so far from window that server has to stretch to deliver drink 
  • Driver also leans out but drink drops leading to a loud flurry of expletives
  • Commentators are divided on whether the drink spill was real or staged  

A fast food drive-through customer with a bad sense of distance and an apparent short temper is causing debate among social media users.

In the video posted by Dash Cam Owners, a blue Mazda with a P-plate is seen waiting at the takeaway window.

The car is parked almost flush against the curb meaning it sits about a metre from the window.

‘Look how far he’s f***ing parked out,’ a woman in the car behind is heard to say. The woman at the checkout has to stretch as far as she can from her window to hand the black-capped driver his drink as he also leans out his window

One of the two women chatting idly in the car behind with the dashcam running notices the chasm between the car and the serving window.

‘Look how far he’s f***ing parked out,’ she says.

The woman at the checkout has to stretch as far as she can from her window to hand the black-capped driver his drink as he also leans out his window.

As his fingers latch onto the beverage it takes a tumble and spatters over the concrete.

As his fingers latch onto the beverage it takes a tumble and spatters over the concrete

As his fingers latch onto the beverage it takes a tumble and spatters over the concrete 

The driver lets loose with a volley of very loud expletives, bangs his fist on the car door and then drives off.

‘What an idiot,’ one of the women in the car observes.

The driver does not take this well and drive off in a pique of fury leaving one of the women in the car to comment: 'What an idiot'

The driver does not take this well and drive off in a pique of fury leaving one of the women in the car to comment: ‘What an idiot’

The tweet is captioned: ‘Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions’.

Not all those commenting however were convinced it was a genuine mishap.

‘They prob did it on purpose for some TikTok views,’ one wrote.

Another agreed, writing: ‘100%. You can see he drops it.’

Another noted that the driver appeared to slap the drink to the floor.  

Meanwhile one commentator saw the video as a Covid-era morality tale:   ‘And that’s what you get for social distancing,’ they wrote. 

Another was keen to see more of same.

‘Please do a full video on P-plate numpties,’ they wrote. 
