Drug smuggler caught with meth strapped to his testicles

A drug dealer was caught with up to $330,000 worth of meth strapped to his testicles – while he was already on bail.

Jack Matthew Walker was grabbed at Townsville Airport on May 19, 2016, after he smuggled the two 81g bags on a flight from Sydney.

The 25-year-old was trying to pay off thousands of dollars in drug debts he’d racked up feeding his own addiction.

Jack Matthew Walker, 25, was caught with up to $330,000 worth of meth strapped to his testicles as he got off a flight from Sydney to Townsville Airport (pictured)

His arrest was just months after he was let out on bail in January 2016 for selling marijuana, MDMA, and twice dabbling in meth in February to August 2015.

Days after he was let out that time, Walker was caught with 3.66g of meth and a glass pipe but allowed to remain free, the Townsville Bulletin reported.

Despite being caught trafficking hundreds of thousands worth of drugs while on bail, he was again released on bail four months later.

Walker almost immediately began dealing again, making 47 sales to 22 different buyers in less than month until police confiscated his phone on December 6, 2016. 

Walker pleaded guilty to three counts of trafficking, along with numerous other drug charges, in the Townsville Supreme Court (pictured) and was jailed for eight years

Walker pleaded guilty to three counts of trafficking, along with numerous other drug charges, in the Townsville Supreme Court (pictured) and was jailed for eight years

‘This third trafficking period was his most serious. He supplied the drug to people he knew intended to on-sell the drug,’ crown prosecutor Will Slack told the Townsville Supreme Court.

‘He also spoke about violence to obtain outstanding debts, although there is no evidence this ever took place.’

Walker pleaded guilty to three counts of trafficking, along with numerous other drug charges, and was jailed for eight years.

But the spray painter could be out on November 19 as he had already served 18 months behind bars after his various arrests. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk