Duchess of Cambridge’s old school friend, famous for her ‘elite sex parties’ nearly lost her baby

‘She couldn’t breathe and was in an incubator’: Duchess of Cambridge’s old school friend, famous for her ‘elite sex parties’ nearly lost her five-month-old baby to a lung infection on Christmas Day

While the Duchess of Cambridge has been relaxing with the rest of the Royal Family at Sandringham, her old friend Emma Sayle has endured a terrifying Christmas.

Her five-month-old daughter, Maly, suffered a lung infection and nearly died on Christmas Day. 

‘We thought we were going to lose her,’ says Emma. ‘I’ve never been so scared in my life.’

While the Duchess of Cambridge (left) has been relaxing with the rest of the Royal Family at Sandringham, her old friend Emma Sayle (right) has endured a terrifying Christmas

As Maly’s condition worsened, she was taken by ambulance, with sirens blaring, from Emma’s Surrey home to the critical care unit at the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel in the East End.

‘She couldn’t breathe and was in an incubator,’ reveals Emma, who became friends with Kate Middleton when they were pupils at Downe House School in Berkshire. 

They were later both members of a dragon boat rowing team called The Sisterhood.

‘Maly was attached to tubes and I couldn’t even pick her up — I felt so helpless,’ she adds.

Emma (pictured) hit the headlines with her business Killing Kittens, which organises ‘elite’ sex parties, but she is a practising Christian

Emma (pictured) hit the headlines with her business Killing Kittens, which organises ‘elite’ sex parties, but she is a practising Christian

‘Christmas was officially cancelled for my two other young children.’

Emma hit the headlines with her business Killing Kittens, which organises ‘elite’ sex parties, but she is a practising Christian.

She tells me: ‘I prayed and prayed Maly would pull through.’

Her prayers appear to have been answered, because her daughter is now on the mend. 

Emma says that she thought of the Duchess during the many hours she spent at the hospital

Emma says that she thought of the Duchess during the many hours she spent at the hospital

Emma says that she thought of the Duchess during the many hours she spent at the hospital

‘Last night, Maly turned a corner,’ says Emma. ‘They took the tubes out, she was smiling and, tonight, we are all going home.’

She plans to repay the charity that helped her during the family’s ordeal. 

‘I made friends with other parents in the same predicament and now want to help The Children’s Trust, which puts them up while their children are ill — I slept there six nights.’

Emma says that she thought of the Duchess during the many hours she spent at the hospital. 

‘I couldn’t help thinking about my old friend over Christmas because we now both have three children of similar ages.’

She adds: ‘I have had to have a stiff upper lip, but I know that when we are all home together, I will thank God and the brilliant NHS for saving her.’

She adds: ‘I have had to have a stiff upper lip, but I know that when we are all home together, I will thank God and the brilliant NHS for saving her.’

She adds: ‘I have had to have a stiff upper lip, but I know that when we are all home together, I will thank God and the brilliant NHS for saving her.’

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