Dustin Martin’s dad Shane charged with violently attacking woman before death

REVEALED: Footy star Dustin Martin’s dad was facing charges of violently attacking a woman after sneaking into her bedroom  before he was found dead on his kitchen floor in New Zealand

Footy legend Dustin Martin’s father Shane was facing charges for violently attacking a women in her bedroom at the time of his death.

The former bikie boss was found dead in his kitchen in New Zealand last December, after being deported from Australia in 2016.

It has now emerged he was facing active criminal charges for assault, the New Zealand Herald reports.

Martin was deported under ‘character grounds’ due to his affiliation with a notorious gang in 2016. 

Shortly before his death, Martin appeared in the Tauranga District Court in November and pleaded not guilty to charges of male assaults female, strangulation, burglary and illegal possession of steroids. 

Martin and the woman had been in an ‘intermittent relationship’ dating back to 2020, court documents obtained by the New Zealand Herald show.

The assault allegedly occurred early on Saturday morning in October last year.

The alleged victim was out  socialising with friends,  but she ignored several phone calls from Martin.

She returned home to find Martin in her bed after he snuck into the house.

The woman asked Martin to leave, so he called her a ‘slut’ and accused her of ‘whoring around’. 

Police allege that Martin punched her in the face, threw her around the bedroom, grabbed her by the neck and squeezed, and bit her finger.

Dr Jarrod Gilbert described the father-of-three (pictured) as a good man who was unfairly deported from Australia due to his affiliation with a notorious gang in 2016

More to come. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk