Earth Day: Three small businesses trying to improve the world

Thursday, 22 April 2021, marked the 51st World Earth Day, a global annual event which aims to demonstrate support for environmental protection.

This year’s theme is ‘Restore our Earth’, a notion that has been prevalent in recent years.

Campaign groups such as Extinction Rebellion and the voices of environmentalist David Attenborough and young advocate Greta Thunberg have long been raising awareness about what needs to be done to look after the planet.

But businesses have a part to play too: and while we often think of big business trying to change its ways, small businesses and start-ups are often at the forefront of ideas that can help improve the planet. 

Ocean Bottle, produces reusable bottles designed to clear the world’s oceans of plastic waste. 

Businesses of all sizes across different industries have made attempts to tackle climate issues, from investment companies launching ethically and environmentally focused funds, to large corporations cutting their carbon footprints.

Many small businesses have launched in recent years with a focus on sustainability with a large number already gaining B-Corp status from launch.

To celebrate World Earth Day, This is Money spoke to three small businesses that are actively doing their bit to help save the planet.

Tackling global pollution

London-based firm, Ocean Bottle, produces reusable bottles designed to clear the world’s oceans of plastic waste. 

Co-founders Will Pearson and Nick Doman, both 26, launched the company in 2019 and have since sold more 100,000 bottles, turning over more than £1million in their first year.

Each year they have contributed around 20 per cent of their revenue to plastic collection and have still been able to reinvest in growth of the business. They hope to increase their revenue contributions to 25 per cent by 2023.  

But the support for the planet doesn’t end there. Each bottle has a smart chip installed in it, which funds the collection of 1,000 plastic bottles in weight at purchase and stops them from entering the ocean.  

Will Pearson and Nick Doman of Ocean Bottle

Will Pearson and Nick Doman of Ocean Bottle

Will, who has been ‘obsessed’ with the environment since high school, said he was horrified after learning about the amount of waste in the world’s oceans after spending a year at sea in the Indian Ocean.

He said: ‘This is where I encountered Thilafushi Island, also known as “Rubbish Island”, the dump site where plastic from resorts is burnt and left to drift to the ocean and I couldn’t erase the image from my mind. 

‘I then learnt that 22million kilograms of plastic pours into the ocean every single day and that we need to do something drastic to help solve this. Not only are we polluting our ocean, but this pollution is making its way around the world. 

Will went on to meet his now business partner, Nick, at the London Business School, and they discovered Plastic Bank, which creates recycling infrastructure in some of the worst-hit countries. 

‘We realised that this was a great solution and that we should connect people all over the world to it, which is where Ocean Bottle came in,’ added Will. 

Since launching, Ocean Bottle has funded the collection of 1,384,588kgs of ocean-bound plastic. That’s the equivalent of almost 122 million plastic bottles, enough to go across the world over 1.57 times.

Nick said: ‘It’s been an incredible journey. Since the very beginning I think the mission and product has resonated with people from all over the world. 

‘Whenever we get a good review or someone sends a supportive email it still lifts everyone as it reinforces our belief that we are doing something right!  

‘Consumer sentiment is shifting rapidly and people want to act with more responsibility toward our planet. Companies that have a clear and tangible impact mission will be preferred over legacy products that have always only been chasing their bottom line. 

‘I will make one prediction – the brands in the market now that have never seen sustainability or impact as important won’t be able to adapt fast enough and most consumer product areas will be disrupted by start-ups with clear purpose and impact.’

The company became B Corp certified in 2020 and pledged to collect 80million kilograms of plastic by 2025 – the equivalent of stopping seven billion plastic bottles from ever entering the ocean.

The UK B Corporation movement 

B Corp is to business what Fair Trade is to coffee. They are businesses that give as much consideration to their social and environmental impact as they do to their financial returns.

In 201,  the initiative launched in the UK and there are now 193 B Corporations, including household names Propercorn, JoJo Maman Bebe, Innocent drinks and Abel & Cole. 

B Corporation certification (assessed by the not-for-profit B Lab) is given to for-profit organisations who achieve at least a minimum score against a set of social and environmental standards.

According to PwC, there are 2,778 B Corp organisations worldwide, in 60 countries.

A commitment to the environment and society is increasingly on everyone’s agenda and an Environmental, Social and Governance focus is now a key element in company statements. 

PwC says B Corp status is an ‘opportunity to achieve competitive advantage, as well as benefiting the wider world’. 

Making sustainable living open to all

Maria Rodriguez, created Kind Bag in a bid to tackle the world’s plastic waste crisis.

Kind Bag was specially developed to reduce single-use plastic and so each bag is made of six old plastic bottles, putting eco-conscious ethics at the heart of its collections.

Maria, 30, said she always wanted to shop with reusable bags but struggled to find any that looked good and were strong enough to fit heavy grocery shopping and belongings.  

Kind Bags are created using a process that transforms used plastic bottles, taken from the ocean and landfill sites that end up in waste collection centres, into a practical, durable fabric called RPET (Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate).  

Maria said: ‘We are currently the only reusable bag on the market to use 100 per cent RPET, with a completely sustainable and ethical production process. 

‘The bags are made from one piece of fabric (meaning minimal waste) and printed using environmentally-friendly sublimation ink. Everything from the product itself and the ink used, through to the FSC-certified packaging has been carefully chosen with the planet in mind. 

‘We also work with the charity Just One Ocean to donate 10 per cent of all profits to help preserve the oceans for future generations.’ 

Maria Rodriguez, launched Kind Bag in 2019, in a bid to tackle the world's plastic waste crisis

Maria Rodriguez, launched Kind Bag in 2019, in a bid to tackle the world’s plastic waste crisis

Maria used her own savings to start the business in 2019 and worked alone for most of the first year. Fortunately, things took off very quickly and she sold over 350,000 bags in 2020, turning over more than half-a-million pounds and recycling 1.5million used plastic bottles in the process.

One struggle she still faces is the perceived cost of the bags, with some members of the public saying via social media that they are expensive at £10 for a medium-sized bag and £8 for a small.

She said: ‘Given the technology involved in creating the bags and given that they can be used time and time again, and are also washable, we believe they represent excellent value for money.

‘We know there are reusable bags you can buy from a pound shop and elsewhere, but these are made from non-recycled material and often produced under unacceptable working conditions. 

‘They are also poor quality and tend to break after a few uses, contributing even more to plastic pollution. Unfortunately, we’re all so used to fast fashion and its associated unrealistic price tags. I’m finding some consumers don’t understand what’s behind the prices.’ 

However, Maria is on a mission to grow Kind Bag and take it across the world. The business is due to collaborate with William Morris later this year and has other exciting plans that will also contribute to a happier and healthy planet. 

She added: ‘We’re doing our absolute best to make our products as affordable as possible while keeping the business sustainable. We want to make sure that a sustainable lifestyle is open to everyone.’

Jonathan Petrides is founder and chief executive of vegan food delivery service allplants

Jonathan Petrides is founder and chief executive of vegan food delivery service allplants

The vegan meal delivery service 

Allplants encourages its customers to help the planet by taking on a plant-based diet and is one of the few vegan-only meal delivery services available across Europe. 

It was launched in 2017 by Jonathan Petrides who wanted to find a way to ‘solve the first problem for humanity’. 

‘I have a very clear set of beliefs that initially encouraged me to first change my own personal food decisions, despite a meat-eating heritage from my Greek Cypriot roots,’ he said.

‘These are, A: the Climate Crisis is the greatest existential threat humanity has ever faced. B: without drastically flipping our economies entirely off coal, oil, petrol and animal agriculture in the next few decades, we will surpass the point of no return on global warming.

‘C: the easiest and most immediately impactful change any individual human can make to shrink their carbon footprint is to change what we eat. D: Eating a plant-based diet is fantastic when you know where to go, what to buy, what to cook.

‘And E: flavour, ease and availability, and “coolness” are the three major barriers holding back a massive tidal wave of plant-curious demand from flipping the majority. And so we came up with allplants to create a healthier you and a healthier planet.’

The brand has more than 65,000 subscribers and has delivered 160 per cent year-on-year growth over the last four years. 

Meanwhile in 2020, it opened its London kitchen, allowing it to cook a lot more during the pandemic, which saw it grow by almost three-fold.  

Jonathan added: ‘As a purpose-led organisation, we were built to inspire and encourage planet positive lifestyles. We never compromise on flavour so why compromise on our environment? 

‘Our ethics is in what we do every day – showing everyone how delicious and easy a plant-based diet can be. According to the UN, It’s the number one change any person can make to beat climate change.’

Allplants was also one of the first food manufacturing brands in the world to achieve B-Corp certification, meaning it uses a ‘triple bottom line’ to focus on social and environmental concerns just as it does on profits. 

Jonathan explained that dishes are delivered via carbon neutral deliveries, in 100 per cent recyclable and partly compostable packaging. 

Allplants has more than 65,000 subscribers

Allplants has more than 65,000 subscribers

‘We are also committed to using zero air-freighted produce. Everytime you refer a friend, allplants plant trees. Over 12,000 trees have been planted to date, creating over 5 million lbs of oxygen,’ he said. 

Based on two million plant-based meals sold, allplants has saved 1,670MT CO2e; one billion litres of water, and over 2,000 acres of land. 

Jonathan hopes to see more companies taking on the responsibility of helping to make the world a better place, especially after the challenges thrown up during the past year. 

‘In the anxiety-producing environment of a global pandemic, customers are more and more conscious of the things they buy and the companies behind them,’ he said. 

‘What we need more of is to see bigger food brands and players spend less on the comms and marketing of showing their “greener” efforts, and put way more focus into the actual doing and changing internally – looking at their supply chains in detail; listening to what customers want and need; and committing fully to changing how they work.’ 

This year the brand is sponsoring a farm to transition to regenerative agriculture while also working towards Net Zero 2030, a commitment towards net zero emissions.

SMEs struggled in 2020 but still gave back during the pandemic

Despite being hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, small and medium-sized businesses supported their local communities and charities by contributing cash and products worth £6billion in 2020.

Furthermore three out of five SMEs made a cash, gift-in-kind or voluntary labour donation to communities, totalling £18billion.

Cash donations accounted for £4billion, while product and gift donations raised £2billion, according to a report from Intuit Quickbooks and Oxford Economics.

£11billion was equated to staff volunteering time, with businesses on average, giving nine hours per month.

With the UK in the midst of its biggest drop in economic output in 300 years, one in five SMEs have said they are ‘at significant risk of closure’.

Hope lies in the fact that recognition of their value to society has improved drastically, with 43 per cent of consumers now more likely to shop with SMEs compared to this time last year. 

Intuit Quickbooks vice president, Chris Evans, said: ‘The fact that small businesses have made a substantial contribution to their local communities is so inspiring. 

‘It’s been a year like no other – they’ve faced unparalleled challenges like being forced to close, furlough staff and apply for loans to get cash flow.

‘Communities are more connected, and this has created a circular effect where small businesses do more for their communities, while communities do more to support them in turn.’

Small Business Essentials

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