Eat Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Loss and Healthy Weight Maintenance

Increase the number of fruits and vegetables in your diet if you want to lose weight or prevent weight gain. If you cannot eat more fruits and veggies, go to Balance of Nature and order fruit and veggie capsules. Also, incorporate more whole grains, nuts, beans, and meats with little fat into your meals. Fruits and vegetables supply your body with healthy nutrients, and they may offer protection from severe illnesses like cancer.

Reduce Your Calorie Intake

Choose low-calorie ingredients when making the foods you like. Fruits and vegetables have a high water and fiber content, making them filling foods. Furthermore, most of these foods have a low-fat content.

Consume Fewer Calories by Eating Fruits and Vegetables


Make your breakfast omelette with more vegetables and fewer eggs and cheese to cut down on calories and eat a satisfying meal. Put less cereal in your bowl and add some berries to it if cereal is your preference.


Replace the meat and cheese in the sandwich you’re having for lunch with some Romaine lettuce and sliced tomato. Put diced carrots and zucchini in broth instead of meat or pasta to cut calories.


Replace 1 cup of rice or macaroni with 1 cup of vegetables for dinner. Choose onions, broccoli, eggplant, or whatever vegetable you like. Remove meat, cheese, pasta, and rice from your plate and put vegetables or legumes on it. Make sure the dish you use is a regular-size plate or a smaller plate.

Snack Wisely

Choose one or two fruits or vegetables to snack on. Eat an apple or a banana that’s medium-size or a cup of blueberries or grapes—snack on a cup of green beans or a cup of carrots. Dip the carrots in 2 tablespoons of hummus.

Take sliced fruit or vegetables with you when you leave the house. Eat a cup of berries or a cup of carrots instead of a small bag of chips.

Replace, Don’t Add

Keep in mind; you may put on weight if you add fruits and vegetables to your regular meals. The object is to eliminate some of the high-calorie foods in your diet and replace them with fruits and vegetables.

Additional Suggestions for Eating Fruits and Vegetables to Manage Your Weight

Prepare fruits and vegetables using fat-free or reduced-fat methods. Steam veggies and add herbs and spices to them. Flavor them with reduced-fat dressing. Do nothing but eat clean, fresh fruit.

Eat fruits and vegetables that come in a can. Eat frozen fruits and vegetables too. Make sure they don’t have any added high-calorie ingredients.

Opt for fruit instead of fruit beverages. Fruit fiber is filling, so you should eat less if you eat fruit. You’ll also consume fewer calories. A medium-sized orange contains fewer calories than a 6-ounce glass of orange juice does.

Consume fresh fruit instead of dried fruit. The calorie count for a little box of raisins is the same as it is for a cup of grapes. Since the grapes’ serving size is larger than the serving size of the raisins, you should feel more satisfied with the grapes.