Ecuador confirms that Julian Assange has become a citizen

August 2010: An arrest warrant is issued for Julian Assange after his trip to Sweden. 

Two allegations – rape and molestation – are made against him. Assange denies both.

February 2011: Judge rules WikiLeaks founder should be extradited to Sweden to face charges. 

November 2011: Assange fails in his appeal to the High Court against the decision to extradite him .

June 19, 2012: Seeks political asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

August 16, 2012: Ecuador grants Assange political asylum. 

August 19, 2012: Assange makes his first public appearance in two months from the balcony of the Embassy. 

He make a speech, calling for the government to ‘drop the witch-hunt against WikiLeaks.

June 2013: After a year at the Embassy, Assange fears there are fresh moves being put in place to extradite him.

July 2014: Assange, 46, loses his appeal to have the Sweden arrest warrant thrown out.

December 2014: Appears on the balcony of the Embassy again to greet Noam Chomsky and John Cusack. 

August 13, 2015: Swedish prosecutors drop some of the allegations against Julian Assange.

The rape allegations case remains open and active.

August 21, 2015: Civil rights campaigner Jesse Jackson visits the Embassy. 

October 12, 2015: Metropolitan Police end the 24-hour guard at the Embassy.

November 14, 2016: Assange is questioned again over the sex crime allegations. 

January 17, 2017: Barack Obama, in one of his final acts as President of the US, decides to free whistleblower Chelsea Manning. 

This sparks speculation that Assange is about to end his self-imposed exile. 

March 9, 2017: Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage is spotted leaving the Embassy. 

April 21, 2017: US Attorney General states that Assange’s arrest is now a US ‘priority’.

May 19, 2017: Swedish prosecutors announce the investigations have been discontinued. 

June 19, 2017: Assange cancels a ‘special announcement’ he had planned for the fifth anniversary of his stay at the Embassy. 

December 21, 2017: Ecuador allegedly issue Assange with a passport.