Editor of The Lancet refuses to reveal if he supports letter claiming Covid started in lab

 Professor Peter Palese

Professor Peter Palese

Microbiology expert

Icahn School of Medicine, New York

What they told MailOnline: ‘I believe a thorough investigation about the origin of the Covid-19 virus is needed. 

‘A lot of disturbing information has surfaced since the Lancet letter I signed, so I want to see answers covering all questions.’

Asked how he was originally approached to sign the letter and what new information had come to light specifically, Professor Palese declined to comment. 

Dr Jeremy Farrar 

Dr Jeremy Farrar

Dr Jeremy Farrar

Tropical medicine expert and SAGE adviser

The Wellcome Trust, London

What they told MailOnline: ‘The origins of Sars-Cov-2 are not yet certain — it is possible the origin will never be fully established — but nature is a powerful force and, in my view, the most likely scenario is that the virus crossed from animals to humans and then evolved in humans. 

‘The best scientific evidence available to date points to this. It is most likely it crossed the species barrier to infect and then adapt to humans at some point in 2019, but there are other possibilities which cannot be completely ruled out and retaining an open mind is critical. 

‘There is no place for unsubstantiated rumour, or conspiracy theories often fuelled for political purposes.

Professor Leo Poon

Professor Leo Poon

‘Understanding the origins of this disease, and any zoonotic infection, is absolutely critical to successfully preventing future outbreaks and protecting lives globally. 

‘The answers can only be found in robust scientific evidence, with full transparency from all involved. 

‘There has been too much conjecture and theory without data or evidence, although still there is not enough transparency.’

Professor Leo Poon

Public health expert

University of Hong Kong 

What they told MailOnline: ‘I have no interest to discuss non-scientific issues.’

Dr Peter Daszak

Professor Charles Calisher

Dr Peter Daszak (left) and Professor Charles Calisher (right)

Dr Peter Daszak


EcoHealth Alliance, New York 

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor Charles Calisher

Microbiolgy expert 

Colorado State University 

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Dr Dennis Carroll

Professor Rita Colwell

Dr Dennis Carroll (left) and Professor Rita Colwell (right)

Dr Dennis Carroll 

Infectious disease expert 

Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs, Texas 

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor Rita Colwell 

Microbiology expert 

University of Maryland 

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Dr Ronald Corley

Professor Christian Drosten

Dr Ronald Corley (left) and Professor Christian Drosten (right) 

Dr Ronald Corley

Microbiology expert 

NEIDL Institute, Boston 

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor Christian Drosten

Virology expert

Charité – Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Germany 

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor Luis Enjuanes

Professor Hume Field

Professor Luis Enjuanes (left) and Professor Hume Field (right)

Professor Luis Enjuanes

Chemistry expert

National Center of Biotechnology, Madrid 

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor Hume Field

Veterinary sciences expert 

EcoHealth Alliance, New York 

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Dr Josie Golding

Professor Alexander Gorbalenya

Dr Josie Golding (left) and Professor Alexander Gorbalenya (right)

Dr Josie Golding

Epidemics lead 

The Wellcome Trust, London

What they told MailOnline: No response. 

Professor Alexander Gorbalenya 

Virology expert 

Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands

What they told MailOnline: No response. 

Dr Bart Haagmans

Professor James Hughes

Dr Bart Haagmans (left) and Professor James Hughes (right)

Dr Bart Haagmans

Virology expert 

Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor James Hughes

Infectious disease and public health expert 

Emory University, Atlanta

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Dr William Karesh

Dr Gerald Keusch

Dr William Karesh (left) and Dr Gerald Keusch (right)

Dr William Karesh

Infectious disease expert 

EcoHealth Alliance, New York

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Dr Gerald Keusch

Medicine and international health expert 

Boston University

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor Lam Sai Kit

Dr Juan Lubroth

Professor Lam Sai Kit (left) and Dr Juan Lubroth (right)

Professor Lam Sai Kit

Infectious viral disease expert 

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Dr Juan Lubroth

Veterinary science expert 

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor John Mackenzie

Dr Larry Madoff

Professor John Mackenzie (left) and Dr Larry Madoff (right)

Professor John Mackenzie

Tropical infectious diseases expert

Curtin University, Perth, Australia

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Dr Larry Madoff

Infectious disease and public health expert 

Massachusetts Medical School

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor Jonna Mazet

Professor Stanley Perlman

Professor Jonna Mazet (left) and Professor Stanley Perlman (right)

Professor Jonna Mazet

Epidemiology expert

University of California at Davis 

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor Stanley Perlman

Microbiology expert 

University of Iowa 

What they told MailOnline: No response. 

Professor Bernard Roizman

Professor Linda Saif

Professor Bernard Roizman (left) and Professor Linda Saif (right)

Professor Bernard Roizman

Microbiology expert 

University of Chicago

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor Linda Saif

Microbiology expert 

The Ohio State University

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor Kanta Subbarao

Professor Mike Turner

Professor Kanta Subbarao (left) and Professor Mike Turner (right)

Professor Kanta Subbarao

Virology expert 

The University of Melbourne, Australia

What they told MailOnline: No response.

Professor Mike Turner

Parasitology expert 

The University of Glasgow (formerly The Wellcome Trust, London)

What they told MailOnline: No response. 

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