Egypt says plane hijacker extradited from Cyprus
CAIRO (AP) – Egypt’s chief prosecutor says Cyprus has extradited the hijacker of an EgyptAir plane that was diverted to the Mediterranean island in 2016.
Prosecutor Nabil Sadek said late Saturday that Egyptian police have taken custody of Seif Eddin Mustafa in the Cypriot capital, Nicosia.
The 60-year-old Mustafa hijacked a domestic EgyptAir flight in March 2016 using a fake suicide belt and diverted it to Cyprus.
Mustafa said he did it to protest against Egypt’s government. Cypriot prosecutors say Mustafa later told authorities that he only did so to reunite with his estranged Cypriot family after 24 years.
He was arrested and has been held in Cyprus since then. In November, Cyprus’ Supreme Court rejected Mustafa’s appeal against his extradition.
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