[9] This Regal person NEFER-TI-RU
came from the temple of God in Penu, Egypt.
He came from the House of God.
He was the Son of KHUFU, king of Upper and Lower Egypt.
[10] He, who died before, is here laid to rest.
May he have life everlasting.
[11] He is never again to stand beside the waters of the Sacred Mer.
Then clasp him, my Brothers Spirit to thy side, O Father of the Earth.
[12] The snake bit twice.
We, followers of the divine king KHUFU,
mighty one of Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Adzes,
we shall not all return.
However, we have to continue,
we cannot look back.
[13] All creek and river beds are dry,
and we are dismayed.
Our boats are tied up with rope.
Death was caused by snake.
[14] We gave egg-yolk from the medicine-chest,
and prayed to Amun, the Hidden One,
for he was struck twice.
[15] It was a hard time for all of us,
weeping over the dead body,
and keeping to the protocol.
[16] Seated all aside,
our men watched the funeral,
with concern and deep love.
How the mummified body was buried
in the Red Earth Section.
[17] Then we recovered ourselves.
[18] We walled in the side entrance to the chamber,
with stones from all around.
The chamber was aligned with the Western Heavens.
[19] I counted and impounded the daggers of our men.
[20] The three doors of eternity were connected
to the rear end of the Royal Tomb,
and sealed in.