Elisabeth Moss defends Scientology in Instagram post

Elisabeth Moss responded to a comment about Scientology on Tuesday, and it did not go over well with fans.

The Golden Globe winning actress, who currently plays Offred in the hit show The Handmaid’s Tale, surprised followers by responding to a fan’s question about Scientology on Instagram.

The exchange occurred in the comment section of a picture the 35-year-old former Mad Men star posted on Tuesday.

Rare: Elisabeth Moss, 35, surprised followers by responding to a fan’s question about Scientology on Instagram

In the snap, the blonde beauty poses for the camera in a white and navy blue sailor-style dress which sported a large bow at the neck. She appears to be on a rooftop somewhere in LA.

‘Last Handmaids Tale season 1 event until the Emmys,’ gushed the actress ‘thank you for coming out everyone last night, your love and support of the show means more to us than I’ll ever be able to express in words. Truly. And now we get to go work on bringing you season 2!!! Which by the way is going to blow your minds…’

While the post initially garnered positive words, Instagram user @moeleybanks decided to ask a question which compared Gilead, the authoritarian state depicted in the Handmaid’s Tale, to Scientology.

‘Love this adaptation so much. Question though, does it make you think twice about scientology?’ asked @moeleybanks. ‘Gilead and Scientology both believe that all outside sources (aka news) are wrong and evil… it’s just very interesting.’

Passionate: While Elisabeth usually avoids talking about her religion, apparently she couldn't help but respond to the question

Passionate: While Elisabeth usually avoids talking about her religion, apparently she couldn’t help but respond to the question

Critical success: Elisabeth currently plays Offred in the hit show The Handmaid's Tale

Critical success: Elisabeth currently plays Offred in the hit show The Handmaid’s Tale

While Elisabeth usually avoids talking about her religion, apparently she couldn’t help but respond to the question.

‘@Moeleybanks That’s actually not true at all about Scientology,’ declared the actress. 

‘Religious freedom and tolerance and understanding the truth and equals rights for every race, religion and creed are extremely important to me. The most important things to me probably. And so Gilead and THT hit me on a very personal level. Thanks for the interesting question!’

Other commentors were not as gracious however, and many seized on the opportunity to air their grievances about Elisabeth’s association with the controversial faith.

Accomplished: Elisabeth won a Golden Globe for her work in Top Of The Lake (seen here with co-star Nicole Kidman)

Accomplished: Elisabeth won a Golden Globe for her work in Top Of The Lake (seen here with co-star Nicole Kidman)

@wijodo posed the question ‘were you able to channel all the rage and anger you had towards Serena Joy and Gilead for ripping your family apart by thinking of all of the families Scientology has ripped apart?’

@kimchantal84 added ‘So beautiful and I love the HMT! I can appreciate what drew you too this role. However, I also wonder if there are aspects to Scientology that are harmful to people of less privilege? It is hard to deny at this point.’

Of course Elisabeth’s membership in the Church has come under fire before, such as when King of Queens star Leah Remini 47, told the Hollywood Reporter that her friendship with younger actress was now strained after Leah left the organization.

‘Elisabeth Moss believes that she can’t talk to me,’ Remini, 47, told the publication on August 9. ‘There’s a thing in Scientology called ‘acceptable truth.’ It means you only say what’s acceptable to the public. But she believes that I’m an antisocial personality — because I’ve spoke out against Scientology. So she isn’t allowed to talk to me. And me knowing that, I wouldn’t put her in the awkward position.’ 

Troubled relationship: Of course Elisabeth's membership in the Church has come under fire before, such as when King of Queens star Leah Remini 47, told the Hollywood Reporter that her friendship with younger actress was now strained after Leah left the organization

Troubled relationship: Of course Elisabeth’s membership in the Church has come under fire before, such as when King of Queens star Leah Remini 47, told the Hollywood Reporter that her friendship with younger actress was now strained after Leah left the organization








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