Ellie’s enjoying being a yummy mummy! 

Ellie’s regained control over her eating, her diabetes and her life.

“I knew the time was right to lose weight and if I didn’t do it now, I was going to be this size forever. I’d never fully lost my pregnancy weight and my clothes didn’t fit properly, my self-confidence was on the floor and I couldn’t run around after my four year old twins. I wanted to be a yummy mummy, not a scummy mummy.”

My dietitian advised me that as I was at an unhealthy BMI I could attend Weight Watchers meetings on prescription via referral from my GP. Attending my first meeting and being faced with a room full of people I didn’t know was so nerve-wracking. But everyone was welcoming and the meeting was nothing like I expected – full of like-minded people looking for new ideas.

My Leader is brilliant. She made me feel really comfortable with who I was at the time and has helped me set goals, small and big, ever since. Whether I’m having a good or bad week, she has been my biggest motivator.

Ellie’s vital statistics 

Name: Ellie

Age: 36

Lost: 1 st 10.5 lb

As of 21/10/2014

No weighing – measuring – counting

I mainly follow the Filling & Healthy approach. It fits brilliantly with my lifestyle and I find it an easy way to eat healthily and still feel full, with no weighing, measuring or working out the ProPoints values. If I do want an extra treat I just track it. I used to eat anything and everything – chocolate, biscuits, takeaways and all the kids’ leftovers. Weight Watchers has helped me re-educate myself and change my habits for good – planning ahead and not going food shopping when hungry are my biggest tips!

My whole family eats the same meals now. Takeaways are off the menu and we make our own fish fingers, chicken nuggets, curries and pizzas that all fit with the Filling & Healthy approach. I love cooking and often spend my spare time in the kitchen creating new Filling & Healthy recipes.

A bit of extra help 

After my GP referral ended I signed up to Monthly Pass to access eSource as I needed something extra to help me maintain control. The Weight Watchers mobile app (free with Monthly Pass) was a life saver for me. My phone’s with me all the time so the app meant I could scan foods in the supermarket and work out the treats worth dipping into my weekly ProPoints allowance for or what was best avoided.

Living with diabetes

My type 1 diabetes was diagnosed when I was 15 and I have struggled to control my insulin levels at certain times in my life. Having diabetes can make losing weight tricky but following the ProPoints plan – and particularly the Filling & Healthy approach – has meant I can balance my insulin levels with the amount of carbohydrates I’m eating and really helped bring my diabetes back under control.

I did it!

Getting to goal felt amazing. I was so proud of myself for overcoming having twins, being type 1 diabetic and all those things that scream ‘you can’t lose weight’. My confidence levels are now through the roof. I used to stand at the back of the room when I went out, hoping no one would notice me – now I’m first at the bar and last out of the pub. Weight Watchers isn’t a quick fix – it’s a lifestyle change for good.”

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