Elon Musk plans Starbase, dog-friendly Texas metropolis including SpaceX Boca Chica testing facility

Elon Musk has his hands in the automotive industry, space market and solar panel business, but according to a recent tweet he may soon be adding city building to the list.

The SpaceX CEO announced a new plan on Twitter that involves creating a ‘the city of Starbase’ in Texas.

Twitter users jumped at the opportunity to learn more details about the billionaire’s future metropolis, which revealed it would include the unincorporated community in which SpaceX’s testing facility sits, combined with Boca Chica village.

However, what may be more enticing is the fact that Starbase will be dog-friendly and the pets’ leader will be ‘Doge,’ Musk shared as a nod to a medieval elected lord title of the same name and the cryptocurrency DOGE. 


Elon Musk announced a new plan on Twitter that involves creating a ‘the city of Starbase’ in Texas

Musk has long dreamed of building a city, but the plan was to construct a massive on Mars.

However, it seems the CEO is getting restless and is looking to build his own here on Earth first. 

According to Bloomberg, a SpaceX representative recently made a ‘casual inquiry’ about incorporating Boca Chica and renameing  it the City of Starbase, said Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino. 

In a statement, he said .county commissioners have been notified of the discussions about Boca Chica, a small burg near the Mexican border where SpaceX’s new Starship prototypes dominate the seaside skyline.’ 

However, what may be more enticing is the fact that Starbase will be dog-friendly and the pets' leader will be 'Doge,' Musk shared as a nod to a medieval elected lord title of the same name and the cryptocurrency DOGE

However, what may be more enticing is the fact that Starbase will be dog-friendly and the pets’ leader will be ‘Doge,’ Musk shared as a nod to a medieval elected lord title of the same name and the cryptocurrency DOGE

‘Sending a tweet doesn’t make it so,’ Trevino told Bloomberg in an interview. ‘They have a lot of hoops and hurdles to go through before they can make it so.’ 

Building a city in Texas would give Musk even more roots in the Lone Star State.

In December, he packed up his home in California and relocated to Texas following a feud with California lawmakers over government shutdowns amid the COVID-19 crisis.

And in June of last year, Tesla chose Austin, Texas as the site for its largest auto assembly plant where it has vowed to employ at least 5,000 workers and will get more than $60million in tax breaks from Travis County and a local school district over the next decade.

‘It’s going to be an ecological paradise … open to the public,’ he said about the new factory on a 2,100-acre site along the Colorado River, which is about 13 minutes from downtown Austin.

Musk has long dreamed of building a city, but the plan was to construct a massive on Mars. However, it seems the CEO is getting restless and is looking to build his own here on Earth first

Musk has long dreamed of building a city, but the plan was to construct a massive on Mars. However, it seems the CEO is getting restless and is looking to build his own here on Earth first

Musk has a number of idea for constriction on Earth, but the world is still waiting to hear more about his plans for Mars – which he is not shy about sharing.

He explained on Twitter in November that t the first Martian city would involve ‘life in glass domes at first,’ but the planet would eventually be terraformed – just not in our lifetime.

‘We can establish a human base there in our lifetime. At least a future space faring civilization – discovering our ruins – will be impressed humans got that far,’ Musk shared in a tweet.

Musk has previously referred to Mars as a ‘fixer-upper of a planet’ and to terraform the distant world, the CEO has proposed we ‘nuke Mars.’

And after bombs are dropped and Mars is habitable, Musk plans to send one million people to live on Mars – which he says will happen by 2050.

Not only does Musk have a plan for constructing the new world, but he also has an idea of how it should be governed.

Musk has a number of idea for constriction on Earth, but the world is still waiting to hear more about his plans for Mars – which he is not shy about sharing. He explained on Twitter in November that t the first Martian city would involve 'life in glass domes at first

Musk has a number of idea for constriction on Earth, but the world is still waiting to hear more about his plans for Mars – which he is not shy about sharing. He explained on Twitter in November that t the first Martian city would involve ‘life in glass domes at first

In the recent tweet thread, after discussing the glass domes, a user asked the billionaire: ‘What would you say about the Laws you will have on Mars that you don’t have on Earth?’

Musk simply replied: ‘Let the Martians decide their own future.’

This statement falls in line with wording in Starlink’s beta consumer service term.

Buried in the text is a section titled ‘Governing Laws,’ which states SpaceX will not abide by international laws beyond Earth and the moon, but instead adopt self-governing principles ‘established on good faith.’

Musk has taken it upon himself to declare Mars a ‘free planet.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk