Elsa Pataky stuns in racy cut-out dress with nude slip

 She might be married to one of the worlds most lusted after men, but that doesn’t mean Elsa Pataky can’t turn up the heat in her own right.

The wife of Chris Hemsworth left photographers a little hot-under-the-collar while attending the premiere of her and husband’s new film ’12 Strong’ in New York.

Proving that age is just a number, the 41-year-old showcased her supremely toned figure in a floor-length black cut-out gown.


Hot mumma! Elsa Pataky left photographers a little hot-under-the-collar while attending the premiere of her and husband’s new film ’12 Strong’ in New York.

 Protecting the star’s modesty was a barely-there nude slip that only sat on the top part of her gown.

The mother-of-three completed her look with a darling slick of red-lipstick and kept her blond locks off her face in a tight ponytail.

 Her best accessory came in the form of her husband, Chris, who kept a protective arm around his wife as the pair walked the red-carpet.

The 34-year-old handsome ‘Thor’ star wore a simple navy blue suit without a tie.

Peek-a-boo: Protecting the star's modesty was a barely-there nude slip that only sat on the top part of her gown

Peek-a-boo: Protecting the star’s modesty was a barely-there nude slip that only sat on the top part of her gown

 Red hot: The mother-of-three completed her look with a darling slick of red-lipstick and kept her blond locks off her face in a tight ponytail

 Red hot: The mother-of-three completed her look with a darling slick of red-lipstick and kept her blond locks off her face in a tight ponytail

Stand by your man: Elsa’s best accessory came in the form of husband, Chris, who kept a protective e arm around his wife as the pair walked the red-carpet

 In the movie the pair play husband and wife and have spoken about the hope that their real-life chemistry will translate on-screen.

’12 Strong’ tells the story of the first Special Forces team that’s deployed to Afghanistan following the events of 9/11.

In the film, Chris plays the role of Captain Mitch Nelson, who has the task of leading his team of 12 soldiers to take down the Taliban.

Snappy dresser: 34-year-old handsome 'Thor' star Chris wore a simple navy blue suit without a tie.

Snappy dresser: 34-year-old handsome ‘Thor’ star Chris wore a simple navy blue suit without a tie.

Elsa plays the part of the captain’s dutiful wife, who looks after their daughter while he is at war.

Chris and Elsa married in 2010, later welcoming three children, daughter India Rose, five, and twin sons Tristan and Sasha, three.


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