Embarrassing moment GCSE pupil who ‘confused Scrooge for The Grinch’ in her English exam posts her disappointing results for the world to see on TikTok (and makes another blunder)

A GCSE student has posted a video to TikTok of the moment she opened her results and realised she’d ‘failed everything.’

Emily Burns shared the embarrassing moment on social media today, which is GCSE results day for students in the UK.

In the clip, she is stood looking at the camera, holding the brown envelope containing her results.

Speaking to her followers, she says ‘So, I’ve got the envelope that everyone has been waiting for these past weeks.’

Nervously laughing, she continues, ‘now we’re gonna look at it,’ as she takes the sheet of paper out to find out her grades.

Emily Burns shared the embarrassing moment on social media today, which is GCSE results day for students in the UK

She quickly raises her hand to her mouth in shock as she sees what the paper says. 

Again bursting into laughter, the GCSE student says ‘Oh my God, I failed everything’.

The family member behind the camera responds to the realisation with a sympathetic ‘aww.’

In another blunder, viewers noticed that Emily accidentally captioned the video ‘CCSE results’ rather than ‘GCSE results’. 

Next, the student shows her followers a close up of the piece of paper which outlines that she got a grade 1 in business and maths, a 2-2 in combined science, a 2 in geography and English language and a 5 in English literature.

In England, GCSEs are graded using a numerical system from 9 to 1, rather than using letters, which was previously the case.

Pupils need a 4 for a ‘standard pass’ and 5 for a ‘strong pass’ – grades 7, 9 correspond to top  grades of A* and A. 

9s are awarded to students who perform exceptionally well.

Emily ends the clip with the same happy attitude she began with, appearing unphased by the grades, adding ‘I hope everyone got the results they wanted and yeah, fun’.

Emily’s video has over 300k views so far, as well as 40k likes and over 1,500 comments.

The comments were full of support with one viewer writing ‘Proud of you hun, results aren’t everything. You have to think, your year has been screwed the second they switched the grade boundaries. Great job x.’

Other positive messages read ‘still proud of u em x’ and ‘still proud of you babes‼️’

She quickly raises her hand to her mouth in shock as she sees what the paper says

She quickly raises her hand to her mouth in shock as she sees what the paper says

The TikToker’s hilarious exam story times

Emily has regularly updated her followers with videos after each GCSE exam she sat. Here are her funniest moments from the viral series:

Physics: ‘The six-marker, someone please tell me why they made it about insulation? I’m sorry I’m not a builder, I’m not a tradesman.’

English language: ‘I open up the paper and see something about a hyena. I’m so sorry but what is a hyena? I’ve never heard of that in my life, I don’t know what it is.’

 English literature: ‘I thought that Scrooge stole Christmas, but in fact in the test I was writing about the Grinch.’

 Chemistry: ‘I open the paper and I see chromatography. Chromatography, that’s not even a human word. I could bet money on it that’s not in the Oxford dictionary.’

Someone else added ‘Awww Ems you’ll be amazing regardless, grades don’t define you xxx’ to which the student responded ‘Love you’.

After revealing the results, she then posted another video, duetting a predictions TikTok she had made previously.

Emily predicted she would get a U in English literature, which she actually did best in, getting a grade 5 which is a ‘strong pass’.

She also predicted she would get a U in geography, maths and science.

The TikToker has made regular ‘story time’ videos throughout the exam season, updating her followers on how each exam went.

Her most notable confession was that she wrote about ‘the Grinch’ in her English literature exam, when she was supposed to be writing about A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

In the video with over three million views, she explained how she got the two Christmas characters confused.

She said ‘I thought that Scrooge stole Christmas, but in fact in the test I was writing about the Grinch.

‘Guys I wrote that Scrooge stole Christmas and that he’s greedy for that but in fact he didn’t steal Christmas, that was the Grinch – so anyone marking my exam, just give me the benefit of the doubt love.’

One commenter wrote ‘I mean Scrooge kinda did steal Xmas in a way?’ 

Another added ‘it’s ok babes l didn’t read christmas carol till the morning of the exam.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk