Emma Husar flew to a Bruno Mars concert on the taxpayer dollar and claimed hotel room for friend

Embattled Labor MP Emma Husar has been caught in a fresh scandal after it was revealed that she took a taxpayer-funded trip to see a Bruno Mars concert. 

Ms Husar’s billed the taxpayer for flight’s to Brisbane in March this year where she attended a Bruno Mars concert with her friend Chief Inspector Tracy Stone, The Daily Telegraph revealed.

She attended two work related meetings on the trip, both the day after the concert, with a homeless service and a visit to a domestic violence call centre.

The tickets to the concert were paid for by Ms Stone and were a birthday present for Ms Husar.

A social media post of Emma Husar with friend Tracey Stone at the Bruno mars concert 

The member for the western Sydney seat of Lindsay had no meetings in Brisbane on the day of the concert but did charge taxpayers $114 for use of a government-chauffeured Comcar, which she claims was probably from the airport to her hotel.

The pair also spent the night in a hotel room together as friends which was also claimed by Ms Husar.

She also claimed $492 for the flight back from Brisbane to Sydney.

Ms Husar defended the use of taxpayer-funds to travel to Brisbane.

‘Of course no work ­expenses were used to attend a concert. Any assertion otherwise is preposterous,’ her spokesman said.

‘These meetings were relevant to Emma’s role as Secretary of the Opposition Status of Women Caucus Committee and noting her involvement in domestic ­violence policy development.

The embattled MP for the western Sydney seat of Lindsay hasd defended the trip

The embattled MP for the western Sydney seat of Lindsay hasd defended the trip

Her spokesman did not respond when the paper asked if the two work meetings had been organised before or after Ms Husar decided to go to the concert.

In a statement NSW Police said that Chief Inspector Stone had known Ms Husar because they had gone to the same school together and confirmed that they had travelled to Queensland together.

‘There have been no allegations of misconduct in relation to Chief Inspector Stone concerning her policing responsibilities and her friendship with Ms Husar.’

Ms Husar announced last week she will take personal leave effective immediately amidst allegations that she had bullied former staff members.

Claims were made against her, saying she mistreated staff, including asking them to clean-up after her dog (pictured)

Claims were made against her, saying she mistreated staff, including asking them to clean-up after her dog (pictured)

She is facing an internal investigation into allegations of workplace bullying and harassment of staff with claims she asked staff members to clean up her dog’s faeces and babysit her children.

In a statement she said the last few days had been very difficult for her and her family.

‘I have written to the chief opposition whip to advise him that I will be taking personal leave, effective immediately,’ her statement said.

She says she attended work meetings the day after and did not buy the ticket

She says she attended work meetings the day after and did not buy the ticket

‘I’m a single mum and my first priority is the safety and well being of my children.

‘The best thing for me and my family right now is for us to be out of the spotlight so I can access support.’

The trip to Brisbane came just several months after Penrith Police investigated a domestic dispute involving Ms Husar and her teenage daughter.

Officers attended the incident but no further action was taken. Ms Husar’s daughter now lives with her father Peter Fenton, the MP’s former husband.


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk