Enraged father strangles his 17-year-old ‘rape-victim’ daughter to death in her sleep

Enraged father strangles his 17-year-old ‘rape-victim’ daughter to death in her sleep in ‘honour killing’ after finding out she was pregnant in India

  • The murder took place in Mantoli village in India’s northeastern Uttarakhand  
  • Father snuck into his parents’ home at 5am and strangled his daughter to death 
  • The next morning he told villagers that the 17-year-old had killed herself 
  • Police took DNA from the foetus and are searching for the suspected rapists 

An enraged father strangled his 17-year-old daughter to death in her sleep in India when he found out she was pregnant after being raped. 

The girl, who was from Mantoli village in India’s northeastern Uttarakhand state, was murdered by her father to preserve the ‘family honour’, according to police, adding they suspect the girl had been raped.  

The girl lived with her grandparents, who informed her father of the news after they discovered the pregnancy last week while escorting her on a hospital visit. 

The father went to the grandparents’ house in a state of rage, but left shortly after. He then returned to the house at five in the morning and strangled the girl as she slept. 

Indians protest against rape and sexual violence in December following the case of a 27-year-old vet who was gang-raped and murdered in Hyderabad

Following the murder, the next morning the father told villagers that the teen had killed herself and that he’d already buried her.  

‘We had been informed by the hospital on Tuesday that a teenage girl was pregnant,’ the circle officer of Kapkot, Suneeta, told the Times of India. 

‘Therefore, it could be a case under the POSCO Act. However, when we enquired the next day, we found out the girl was already dead and buried.’

On Thursday, officers exhumed the body and interviewed the grandparents.  

‘We have taken the DNA sample of the foetus, and are investigating who raped the girl,’ Suneeta said. 

‘The investigation is on and the culprits will be caught soon.’

The brutal murder comes just two weeks after a 14-year-old girl who fought off two rapists was burned to death when her attackers became enrage at her resistance.  

The middle school student was admitted to hospital in Raipur with burns covering 80 per cent of her body. She told police the identities of her attackers on her deathbed.   

Earlier last month, the raped body of a four-year-old girl was dumped in a well after she was raped and murdered in the same city of Chhatarpur.  

There were some 40,000 rapes reported in India in 2016, according to the most recent official figures available.  

In 2018, the Indian government buckled under public pressure and approved capital punishment for repeat offenders and for individuals who rape children under the age of 12.

Activists claim the 40,000 number is just the tip of the iceberg as many victims are afraid to report the crimes due to threats by perpetrators or the social stigma attached to sexual assaults. 

Before the coronavirus outbreak, a string of violent sex attacks prompted outrage and nationwide protests. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk